=HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (Full Version)

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Mecha Mario -> =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 11:23:28)


Randor the Red

April 01, 2012
Happy Fool's Day

Happy (unless you already a victim of a prank) Fool's Day! Head over to Fairgrounds to find the new seasonal shop. Some armors already in but other items will be added during the day!


Special THX to Plasma Charge and Mecha for help with game testing :)

UPDATE: More items are in shop and new BAN HAMMER! which will be PERM Rare!

Tags: Randor

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 11:28:33)

It's kinda sad my prank in the Character Creation thread is better then this.

GriffinFire -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 12:01:31)

Seems there are a lot of things lately that require Good or Evil rank 5, and all my characters fall short. Are there any non-daily rep quests?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 12:18:21)

@Griffinfire: There actually are, but getting rep via PvPing is actually easier, even if you may lose some times. Try to get as many medals as possible, like Medic and Charge. They give you more tokens, and three of those can be turned in for either 500 or 750 rep, depending on if you are member or non-mem.

And we ALL take that seriously, Kyle. ;)

I am somewhat disappointed in the new armors. I expected more in the new shop... :/

GriffinFire -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 12:37:44)

Thanks, Drakk!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 12:54:57)

Any time.

Now, that being said... Why the Japanese-style masks? I don't understand what's so April Fools-ic about them...

...unless they are part of a merge shop, later... *shifty eyesy*

Edit: WE LOVE YOU, UNICYCLE!!! :D (lol)

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 14:13:23)


Thats the prank on you! lol we knew you were expecting normal clowns so we did asian style :P

From Randor's twitter. I had asked him the same question...

I don't really like the armors/swords/helms...

~Lady Zafara

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 14:45:41)

Neither do I. :/

Could've been done much better... The red sword is interesting, but the blue one just sortof sucks, honestly. (no offence to the people who bought it)

Luckily, though, they are adding more stuff. :)

Randor the Red -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 16:27:03)

Ok HS DN is updated and Fool shop is done!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 16:44:21)

Hehe... Nice. I'd've liked its handle to be a bit longer, though. :/

star screamer -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 20:07:52)

/e is sad
Off by three SC and I want the BANG gun.
I need it because I have it irl.

Plasma Charge -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 20:33:43)

What no ponies! =O
I suppose I'll have to settle for a unicycle instead!

Xiphroid -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/1/2012 22:35:32)

Unicycles FTW!

Devastate -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/4/2012 5:50:56)

Give me that bear. :l

vulkan -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/4/2012 12:08:55)

yes yes yes, very nice.

now can we have some story?

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= April 1st Design Notes - Happy Fool's Day (4/4/2012 12:34:12)

Vulkan: It's rumored that every time somebody asks about the story, they delay it.

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