RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (Full Version)

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dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/15/2012 23:52:06)

Round end!

Alright, so lets try not to fail this time....

Dynami attacked A6 and B6.... So I guess they mean A6 and B7? B6 and C6 are too far away so.... Dynami gained 1000+ points and took both spaces.

To quote Aerodu: 1.NOW WE WILL BOTH BE EATEN BY PIE! 2. The clan of wind shall attack C5 and C6. Unfortunately for Nautica, Aerodu easilly gained 300+ points taking both Nautican spaces.

Geoto attacked A14 and A7, both Dynami spaces, but could not get past Dynami's 1000+ points.

If you doubt these results or I got someone's plan wrong, just say so and I'll see you next round!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/16/2012 12:53:54)

Not a good week for Geoto, might need to reconsider my strategy.

EDIT: sending this weeks orders.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/21/2012 0:06:20)

Ehh, 3-4 minutes late but whatever. I finally think I found the obvious way to make the image larger, but until I can remember to use it....

May all your strikes be something in your favor, let's kick some faces!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/21/2012 4:22:37)

Ok we need to recover after last week's losses, lets show the strength of Geotians.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/21/2012 8:00:00)

You mean the Geotites? Geotians.... Geo-villians, I guess? Wait, I already typed Geotians.... Ehh, this is why I don't think well in the morning....

Nauticans! Go and.... Do something, I guess... if you feel like it.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/22/2012 11:11:05)

Has Nautica lost its fighting spirit already?

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/23/2012 0:06:14)

Naw, Nautica's probly still kind-of active, but just glancing at this round's ending screenshot I think we're done....

I fought hard, but eventually got distracted and the score updated. I think I let you down, Nautica.

Aerodu gained 198 points, beating Nautica's 72 and Igneus's 10. Wiping Igneus and Nautica off the map.

Dynami gained 154 points, taking Aerodu's C5 and Geoto's B6 (16 points).

Geoto, and thier 16 points, managed to take two Lucian spaces and thier 5 points! (A10 and A12)

Overall, a great week. Nautica and Igneus are gone, leaving 3 active clans... 5 total clans... to fight to the death!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/23/2012 15:15:09)

Not a bad week for Geoto, shame about Nautica and Igneus' defeat though.

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/24/2012 2:52:22)

It`s no shame it`s VICTORY! Hope there`s no hard feelings though Deth.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/28/2012 0:04:36)

You see that opening to the Olympics? That's some crazy stuff, man! Oh yeah, that conquest thing I almost forgot about....

Well, round # 8 is ready! May the Octoroc be in your favor.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/28/2012 5:13:15)

I am a grade 1 idiot, I completely forgot to send in the instructions for this week. Trying to fight in the ED war and trying to get the IRC to work had me rather distracted but still an absolute idiot's error on my part; looks like Geoto is on the defence this week.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/28/2012 18:48:31)

Don't worry too much about it, happens to the best of us. There's always next week.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (7/29/2012 23:24:11)

After weighing the data, I have decided that I am tired and there is undoubtably only 30 minutes left in the round. ENDING SCREENSHOT!!!

Now down to buisiness.... Also, please note that the starting screenshots will have my character in a tophat and the ending screenshot he will have a sombrerro so you can be absolutely sure quickly which comes first....

Anyways, without further dely, Aerodu chose to attack C5 and B7 (Dynami) Aerodu gained 120 points, but Dynami gained 2,400 points, thwarting the attack!

Since Geoto lost 20 points, Dynami took A2 and A8....

Geoto forgot to send thier plans (for real this time)

Well, that should do it for this week. I'll see you in round 9!

Well, since I don't exactly want to re-post on this thread.... Round # nine, everybody! And yes, I almost forgot.... Team deathmatch?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/4/2012 4:54:50)

Lets go Geotians we need to fight hard to keep our land.

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/4/2012 17:40:16)

*comes back from New York* NOW LETS DOMINATE PAXIA! FOR THE WIND!

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/5/2012 23:54:53)

And Round nine comes to a close! .... Link....

Dynami gained 175 points, taking Geoto's A1 and B5 since Geoto lost 3 points.

Aerodu gained 106 points, but it wasn't enough to take either Dynami areas....

Geoto attacked Lucian and Glacius, A11 and A3. Since Lucian lost 9 points and Glacius lost 10 points, Geoto took both spaces... for now. (Looks at Dynami)

That's all for this week, and as always, never trust a beever!

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/9/2012 19:48:10)

Since there`s no more white spots I`m guessing that this war has no effect on the conquest!

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/9/2012 20:06:59)

Well, I was going to randomly select an area for attack, and number whitchever clan would have to reach to keep the Truphma from interfering with the game buuttt........ Since this is the one war where the invaders are on the defensive it wouldn't make sense for them to take root in Paxia.... Especially since they're on the other side of the world and Lore is possibly flat.

kind-of a funny thing, since with the Paxian clan discusion up on the "main" fourms and the clan fourm revamp, this would've been the perfect time to implement the whole invasion thing! Maybe the Truphma will go on the offensive?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/10/2012 15:12:47)

This should be an interesting weekend, I wonder if the truphma will have an effect on the map or not.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/11/2012 0:03:38)

Unless the Truphma go on the offensive (which I'd bet they probly will) the round will continue as normal.... HOWEVER I'll probly post the starting and ending screenshots around 10:00 server time instead of my normal 11:50-12:00 due to the fact that I doubt a huge load of people will farm spacificly from 10:01 to 12:00 and that I have to get up earlier on Mondays now.


Let the Team Deathmatch resume!

Man, I really wish we could get some more activity around here.... Oh, yeah, that ending screenshot-thing.... *Insert random link joke* Link!

I'll try and edit this post tonight while my brain still works.

Dynami gained 2,626 points, yes, that's the legitamite number, while Geoto got 40 so Dynami gained A3 and B6.

Aerodu gained a little under 100 points, so they couldn't take Dynami.

Geoto decided to deviate from thier strategy, and attacked A1 and A8, both Dynami. Annddd it did not end well....

Well, that wraps up round 10! I'll be here next week to take screenshots and type words. And as always, stay rocky Geoto.... Keep-on soaring, Aerodu.... Dynami... uhh... Louie would be proud? Go with the flow?

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/13/2012 23:59:17)


Aerodu gained a little under 100 points,


DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/14/2012 1:01:54)


Dynami gained 2,626 points, yes, that's the legitamite number


dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/14/2012 8:50:27)


That literally just made me cringe a little for some reason. Ahh, Dynamins- Dynamians? DynamI I guess? IDK....

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/14/2012 13:41:12)


I find Dynami's constant fighting... electrifying.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest (8/14/2012 22:03:44)

Especially when you add the fact that we are in the middle of a war right now. My guess is that they took advantage of the distraction to reek some havoc one our dear little island. Won't happen again.


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