1.4.5b Patch Notes - May 25, 2012 (Full Version)

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RabbleFroth -> 1.4.5b Patch Notes - May 25, 2012 (5/25/2012 17:22:03)

Patch notes! Not nearly as nice or pretty as our design notes, but these will provide a full list of features, changes, and bugfixes that made it into the release.

  • New NPC: Silas
  • New map area underneath the Mines
  • New weapon: Level 35 Sword - Infernal Slayer. Limited quantity available.
  • New achievement: Infernal Slayer - Given along with the Sword as commemoration of the first Level 35 weapon.
  • Heroic Memorial achievement (1500 Battle Tokens) available for Memorial Day in the United States
  • New Faction-specific mission chains: Exile chain starts with Galatea, Legion chain starts with Nightwraith.
  • You can now view completed mission text after the mission is turned in.
  • Increased max inventory slots from 120 to 150.

  • First Strike: Support now has a -much- higher impact than before on who goes first in battle. Your chance will be lowered for each level you are above your opponent. Full explanation at the bottom.
  • Juggernaut: First Strike calculations will determine which side will go first. Either the Juggernaut or the top left player will start the battle, preventing the Juggernaut from ever going third.
  • Mercenaries: Field Commander replaced with Blood Commander. Blood Commander grants extra Strength, as well as some Lifesteal based on skill level for 4 turns. Tactical Mercenaries will keep the original Field Commander skill.

  • Fixed battle kicks related to clicking on an action at the very last moment of your turn
  • Fixed Buff/Debuffs durations being shorter than intended
  • Fixed a login problem involving very long usernames
  • Several errors in Portuguese translations
  • Bot thumbnail display difference in Merchant/Player Inventory

Warning: Technical math mumbo jumbo ahead!

Old Method:
     Chance to go first = (yourSupport / totalSupport)
     Players 3 or more levels under the average level in the battle are guaranteed to go first.
New Method:
     First Strike Points = (yourSupport - (6 * (yourLevel - minimumLevelInBattle)) ^ 2
     Chance to go first = firstStrikePoints / totalFirstStrikePoints
     Level alone does not guarantee anyone will go first.

Basically you are penalized by 6 Support for each level over the minimum you are. Then your support is squared to find out your "First Strike Points." All of the points are added together, and your points divided by the total is your chance to go first. This means lower level players will be given an advantage, but if you have built a lot into Support and they have not, you can overcome this advantage. This applies especially to Juggernauts as they are always the highest level in the fight.

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