RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (Full Version)

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Jolan3000 -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/7/2015 21:39:59)

But I still think that the coins are in a house and that's why in the wiki say nothing about that. The other explication is that the coins doesn't exist.

Plank -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/8/2015 21:30:18)

It's been over four years, ladies and gentlemen.

I doubt there's anything left to find.

There is a high possibility and probability that these coins do not even exist.

Alchemist Gira -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/11/2015 13:30:06)

its been years. we've got everything possible so far but friday that could all change

Daltu Raisu @Alchemist_Gira
@Alina_AE finally Zazul is relevant again. Does this mean Purgatory coins and stuff? :D

@Alchemist_Gira Ahahaha

12:04pm · 11 Mar 2015
we may be back in business guys :D

shanks the redhair -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/11/2015 13:46:50)

Can someone confirm that the bone like vampire set that dage made will be for legion tokens.

Jolan3000 -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/11/2015 22:24:43)

GOOD NEWS TO ALL!! We finally found the Purgatorio coins! It will be introduced in the game this Friday the 13th and Lucky Day crossover! look at the dessign notes and read this.

ShadowMoon -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/11/2015 23:10:14)

finally, we might be able to let this thread die rather then being kicked back up every couple of months by an arch knight.

i just hope that Shave Point (Zazul) and Zazul’s Face are left in his house, rather then being placed elsewhere.

Red Blue -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/12/2015 1:33:40)

I really hope the Coins is hard to find, because you know.. after four years of discussion, the coins is worth the wait..[8D]

Grandpa Oz -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/12/2015 5:47:55)

Well, that is nice news ^^

I hope there's new food for mindless speculation though [:-]

Alchemist Gira -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/13/2015 1:29:03)


Daltu Raisu @Alchemist_Gira
@Alina_AE more excited for purgatorio coins to be honest xP its been about 6 years in the making

@Alchemist_Gira It IS Friday the 13th. Before you get excited, remember that this is the unluckiest day of the year. (Well, one of them.)
either A this is just a mean tease B another red herring
or C its not happening
either way if they do come im hoping they are hard and need more clues to get

megakyle777 -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/13/2015 2:21:58)

You know, that got me thinking... do we REALLY want to go into the land inside Zazul's House? His carnivals and house are creepy enough. We might be opening the kind of box that makes Pandora's and jump scares look fun. 0-0

Grandpa Oz -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/13/2015 6:14:34)

^ Of course we do [:D]

thulsa doom -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/13/2015 10:21:10)

It should be mentioned in this thread that Zazul has left AE: Source. Maybe that's why they are finally releasing Purgatorio Coins.
But Alina has Also mentioned (can't remember where) that the coin might not be what we think it is. Something to do with Unlucky Day......

Sanani -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/13/2015 12:17:49)

Maybe she means 0.01% drop thats been so unlucky. [:)]

Darkling -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/13/2015 12:24:10)

^ i too am feeling that pain.

Vongola the Wise -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/13/2015 20:23:36)

man. i was hoping finding the coins would be bigger, mysterious, and slightly hard to get.

Zheegir -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/14/2015 1:18:41)

The new March Friday the 13th event was released today, and they added in a few Purgatorio coin weapons, hopefully they will add in the Purgatorio coin stackable misc items in the near furture. [sm=cow03.gif]

Armaros IV -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/14/2015 15:26:38)

The Platinum Purgatorio is another troll, Alina confirmed at her Twitter..

Zorok999 -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/14/2015 16:24:34)

This is going to be an exciting thread!

1) Where is the Dark Carnival Merge shop, has it been hidden and no one has found it yet, or will it release later. (i wonder how much twisted monkey paws well need)
2) where is the Wheel of BOOM house item? it clearly states that in the design notes, did AE forget to release it or is it hidden?
3) Whats with the Platinum purgatorio (purgatory) coin, will there be a way to get it (the lead and wooden coins tell that "these aren't the coins you're looking for)

Plank -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/14/2015 17:06:52)

I'm glad there wasn't an official "release" of the Purgatorio coins... it would take all of the fun out, wouldn't it?

Whether or not Purgatory Coins actually exist, the only person who knows who is still actively on the AQW Staff is probably Alina (she definitely knows but not sure if anyone else in the staff knows) and what does she do? Tease us with "These aren't the coins you are looking for"

That could PROBABLY be a teaser and a hint that the coins are real, because the description shows that those coins from the quest were the WRONG coins that you were supposed to get.

OR, Alina knows the coins are completely fake yet continues to taunt us with the theory of the coins.

It all depends on how you want to translate the meaning of the description of the Bronze and Lead Purgatorio coins.

Though, all in all..

*Shakes fist angrily* BARROWMAN!!! ALINA!!!

thulsa doom -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/14/2015 17:24:53)


"These aren't the coins you are looking for"
Or she's just playing the old Jedi mind trick on us.

darkrai 2 -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/14/2015 18:06:33)


2) where is the Wheel of BOOM house item? it clearly states that in the design notes, did AE forget to release it or is it hidden?

Im gonna go with "AE forgot to release it" cause its in the rares shop now

Zorok999 -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/14/2015 18:32:55)

Ok good to know, now we are left with the Dark Carnival merge shop. The Wheel of BOOM doesn't have any quests attached to it btw for those that are wondering.

Yuki Shina -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/15/2015 7:18:31)

One thing for sure is; did the coin exist on his own house? I mean, the house replica description is; "Get your own 66% genuine, Zazul-approved, Replica tent o' Terrawrz? The the pizzaz and none of the purgatorio! (House has 4 rooms, and no death traps.)". And yet, the letter Z is something there. And it was 4. Another fc 4! *headbang on the desk*

Grandpa Oz -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/15/2015 8:51:19)

^ Maybe the Z's hint to a second code of the chest? We know the first one, maybe there's a second that opens a different interface?

Zorok999 -> RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X (3/15/2015 15:12:06)

Well for sure we know that /join purgatorio does not exist, however maybe we have to type it backwards or something..?

Also after entering zzzz, 1113, 1zz1 into the chest, after those 3 any other random code works.

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