Character item transfer (Full Version)

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shadow mage1111 -> Character item transfer (6/19/2012 23:56:29)

I got to thinking about this ...and what if we could transfer items from one character to another(excluding credits and varium)....

Sorry if the concept was a lil confusing ... It was around 1 or 2 am when I made this.... But anyway ya there is a restriction on certain promotion items and there is a fee maybe around 200 varium or 5k creds.... Again sorry for any confusion

To clear up any more confusion.... its not no form or way... its a say i have a lvl 30 weapon(obtained as pvp drop) on a level 15 and i wanted it on my level 30 so he could use it... i could then(within the same account other account can be used AT ALL ...only the account with the 2 characters on it.....) put the lvl 30 weapon on the level 30 itself ...and yes the rare items (that are never coming back) are un-transferable

SMGS -> RE: Character item transfer (6/20/2012 0:09:43)

Trade is a nice feature, I will agree with you on that. The main reason it hasn't been implemented is because the problems, mainly scamming, outweigh the benefits of this feature.

Cinderella's words on this:


Things like trade won't be implemented until we have better systems in place to prevent players from getting scammed. Much larger game companies than AE have trouble keeping their trading systems secure. If nobody ever got scammed, then that would be different, but people still give their usernames and passwords out, share accounts, etc. Implementing "gifting" or trade only seems to be rewarding scammers. I'm sorry, I know many of you want trade, but it's not something we can do at this time.

shadow mage1111 -> RE: Character item transfer (6/20/2012 0:13:35)

yeah i saw that but this is kinda different...i think ...not sure ....but it can only be done with one account no other accounts can be used so u cant hack others and you cant scam others out of thier usernames and in a way its kinda different ....

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Character item transfer (6/20/2012 14:44:12)

I like the idea of trading things between characters on the same account, because I have 3 characters on my main account that I don't use anymore, and it would be nice to move all of their stuff to my other chars.

shadow mage1111 -> RE: Character item transfer (6/20/2012 22:22:04)

^ That's what I'm getting at

Lycus -> RE: Character item transfer (6/21/2012 6:11:31)

This is a good idea, but it would cause a large amount of issues in the process. The question is, do the cons outweigh the pros?

If you created a character in Alpha, which had Alpha Weapons, you bought Founder, you had the Beta Gear and Gamma Gear, and you traded that to a new account, without any of the achievements etc. this would create a lot of confusion, since large amounts of players have these weapons without achievements. This may be solved by restricting these items, so that they cannot be transferred over.

Furthermore, if you decided to make a new account and traded over loads of rares to it, then people would be incredibly confused as to why there are level 1's running around with rare weapons. Again, restrictions may help this, by only allowing weapons around your new char's level to be transferred.

You buy Weapons and other items on one single character. If you can freely transfer them from one to another, then you'd only have to buy all the items once. This means that there would be a lot of people on new accounts who have fully enhanced weapons, and have an advantage over others, who are having to earn their items from scratch. This theoretically could be the same idea as a 'universal inventory' where all your characters use a single inventory, and you can use all your weapons on each, since you'd be able to do that anyway while transferring your weapons to whoever needs them, then you log out, transfer it back to your main, and battle there. Feel 'oh, I feel like battling on this account', transfer it to that one. It makes it so you don't have to earn the items more than once, which would be a huge balance issue between those who have played through before, and those who are new and playing from scratch.

As you can see, there are a lot of things that go against the suggestions, it's a great idea, but on a whole, I just feel that there are more cons, than pros. While it could be great, there would be a large amount of restrictions on it, it would take a long time to code, and in the end, have a system which would confuse players and balance.

RageSoul -> RE: Character item transfer (6/21/2012 8:47:09)

I don't mean to be a buzzkill on good ideas , but trading is a bad idea because :
1) Creates another issue similar to Fame begging
2) It's gonna be underused : who's willing to trade full Varium rares to a super weak Non-Var one?
3) The vault idea ( which is mentioned before ) seems to be a better option , due to its account safety .

Item transfer is good , but trading ? No.

ansh0 -> RE: Character item transfer (6/21/2012 10:00:35)

How about currency transfer to one of YOUR characters?

You could help your struggling alt with this and it doesn't have scamming issues.

Stabilis -> RE: Character item transfer (6/21/2012 12:46:52)


That works, but mainly credits, since a capped player may accumulate unused credits and a better use would be to send the credits down to an account that is shortchanged.

Westwycke -> RE: Character item transfer (6/21/2012 16:41:45)

This would be a bad idea overall for game balance.

Right now, there is a lot of discussion going on about balance. Some of it is class vs class balance, but we'll leave that alone for now. What's relevant to this idea is the balance between free-to-play players and pay-to-play players. This balance becomes most relevant for the higher level characters, as that is where the imbalance is the largest. The power of the weapons(var vs non-var), number of enhancement slots, and costs to enhance are all big factors at the top levels.

But this is not so much happening at the low and mid levels. Most players in those ranges either have no varium, or have some but don't want to "waste" it on an item/enhancement that they will eventually abandon. And the varium sellback value of only 15% pretty much means that any varium you spend on equipment below level 29/30 is gone. So most battles between lower levels is on a fairly even basis when considering equipment.

Now imagine that we can move equipment from character to character within our account. Here's an example. You buy 10K varium for your level 34 char, using your 5 keys to get the Veteran and Advanced battle gear packages. You max enhance them. You now have some varium left over for your level 34, and each of your 5 alts will have some primo gear available to them when they start out.

Want to limit it only to credit transfers? That still has the same issues. I have a level 34 with over 250,000 credits. Suppose I transferred 200,000 of them to an alt char I have starting out. What could I do with them? The answer is I could buy level 6 weapon/gun/aux at level 2, and enhance them all with 4 enhancements. Sell them all at level 11, buy level 15 weapon/gun/aux/armor and enhance them each with 4 enhancements. Do it again once more at level 21 purchasing level 25 gear. And I would still have about 20,000 credits left over.

Now, how well do you think the standard first-time player with only access to the credits he earns will do when facing either of the alt-chars I described? Not very well. And if they are constantly getting blitzed by overpowered alt-chars, how likely is it that they will want to stay with EpicDuel?

What trading between characters would do is extend the f2p/p2p discrepencies from mostly at the top levels down throughout all the levels. The last thing we want is to scare away new players immediately before they get a chance to see how fun EpicDuel can be and choose to stay with the game.

ND Mallet -> RE: Character item transfer (6/21/2012 17:00:29)

@Ansh0 That still wouldn't be fair because you could just give all your extra credits from a level capped main to an alt and thus give them an advantage over the newer players.

King Helios -> RE: Character item transfer (6/21/2012 17:22:29)

Make the currency exchange include:

Credits (Up to Level Recieving x400)
Battle Tokens (Unlimited)
Varium (Up to Level Recieving x7)

And there can be a max of a 15 level diff. between giver/reciever.

khalidon5000 -> RE: Character item transfer (6/22/2012 2:37:59)

There could also be a fee of 5% of what you are transferring in credit currency

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Character item transfer (6/22/2012 6:50:01)


The main reason it hasn't been implemented is because the problems, mainly scamming, outweigh the benefits of this feature.


If you created a character in Alpha, which had Alpha Weapons, you bought Founder, you had the Beta Gear and Gamma Gear, and you traded that to a new account, without any of the achievements etc. this would create a lot of confusion, since large amounts of players have these weapons without achievements. This may be solved by restricting these items, so that they cannot be transferred over.

You could always use "Trade Limitation"

Here are the limitation to trade...

-Ultra-rare items cannot be traded (This save the confusion of, a non founder having founders armor)

-Items would only be traded, if the requirements are met. example: If i were to trade a gun to some1, then the gun has some requirements to be sold/traded ... and they are: it has some varium/credit requirement... i.e , to the player your selling/trading the gun, he must have the amount of varium/credits , applied on the gun to be sold/traded... this way you cannot sell/trade any item for free or low price, it would only be traded with it's original value*

Well...90% of the scam prob is solved :)

if you got some ques, doubt... go ahead , and can always add some or other limitations :)

Demon Emperor -> RE: Character item transfer (6/22/2012 20:01:40)

^ I don't think rare items that aren't coming back should be traded either, you know, stuff like the Eggzooka. But stuff like Charfades's Cruiser should be able to be traded, if you have a super rich char with 2 of them you should be able to give one to your other char.

Edit - Hero's Heart Set is another thing that shouldn't be able to be traded, I don't think thats coming back.

VIX -> RE: Character item transfer (6/25/2012 12:03:36)

Trade System explaination

i think it's cool idea..

Inventory Part :

Step1: To be allowed to start Trading your items There is a Code secure for you inventory. it will be like this.

1- You have to put ur username,password,ID Inventory ( In Inventory Access ) to Unlock you inventory then u will be allowed to change ur weapons \ Start checking for what weapon you want to trade.

Trade Board system part :

step2: To be allowed to start Trading your items there is a secure for your Trade System board and for Inventory too will be like this.

2-You have to put ur username,password,ID Trade & ID Inventory to Unlock and start Trading

And of course there is something important Trading from 2 accounts that are connected on same IP won't be allowed to Trade unless they have different IP Adress.

and there is something also important

ID Trade & ID Inventory are 2 Different ID.

What you think o_O?


Ranloth -> RE: Character item transfer (6/25/2012 12:20:16)

^ Not safe, it's not hard to have 2 different IPs at once. Mind you, mobile phones work with ED already so you can log in on your phone with IP given by your mobile provider and PC. Or use phone as a modem which gives it different IP anyway and use other PC/laptop to log in.
Majority if teenagers own decent smartphones that run ED already, not that expensive compared to other phones, and it wouldn't be a problem to log in on 2 accounts of yours and get 2 different IPs. Also there are proxies you can use, even on 2 different PCs to get 2 different IPs and it's really easily done. Nowadays, families own more than one PC and majority of ED players are kids and teenagers so they will have at least 2 PCs/laptops.

Trading is poor idea, defeats the purpose of competition and even levelling up. I mean why bother to do so if you can recycle old items on each character over and over again?

friend18 -> RE: Character item transfer (6/25/2012 19:57:32)

I actually switch between an couple of IPs everyday... Not that hard to use different IPs. I could even use a proxy...

goldslayer1 -> RE: Character item transfer (6/25/2012 23:39:54)


Furthermore, if you decided to make a new account and traded over loads of rares to it, then people would be incredibly confused as to why there are level 1's running around with rare weapons. Again, restrictions may help this, by only allowing weapons around your new char's level to be transferred.

i would suggest allowing weapons to be trade only for ones that date after the char creation.

for example
if i made a char on june 21. and new gear comes out on june 22 that goes rare on june 29, i could trade it to that char.
but if i made a char on june 30th, i cant transfer that item that was released from june 22 to june 29th to my char because my char was created after the item's release.

this should solve many of those issue such as founder and beta weps. (specially since alt chars came after beta)

Ranloth -> RE: Character item transfer (6/26/2012 6:00:23)

The issue isn't mere trading items from certain phase but how to make it hacker-proof since you could still hack and get the items you want. You can always "get" account from certain phase and "find" another one with good items thus getting items from all phases. Making it 2 different IPs to trade won't work since it's do-able easily, even proven friend18.

nico0las -> RE: Character item transfer (6/26/2012 9:31:12)

Trading and moving items is a nice idea. However, as most people have already pointed out, and I'm too lazy to repeat, there are serious issues with this, more notably things such as
scamming. You would also be able to move gear from a bunch of different accounts to one secure/main one. For example, say four of your friends are retiring (let's say they're all full varium beta 34s). You could have them move all their gear to yours, and now be number one on the rarity leaderboard.

It's a stupid example, but it's the only one I can really put into words. I'm trying to say you could have a lot of gear from old friends that you aren't supposed to have. Obviously this presents more frustration to other players than anything else, because they payed money to get their rare gear, and you hit the "move" button. Not to mention the concept of rarity will fly out the window. You could be a gamma tester with founder armor and alpha gear...

shadow mage1111 -> RE: Character item transfer (6/26/2012 12:47:04)

Guys again its not trading please read the original post it has more info

friend18 -> RE: Character item transfer (6/29/2012 20:39:59)

For one thing, pvp drops are scaled to drop near your level...

1nf4m0u5 -> RE: Character item transfer (6/29/2012 23:30:29)

Ok to solve all this trading bussiness just add rarity stars to every weapon

For example Frostbane: 7 star weapon
can only be traded for a weapon of equal value like
Azeral Bane

Weapons like : would be 1 Blue Star
Alpha Weapons
Founder armor

You could not trade a weapon to someone for anything less then equal value
in rarity walla problem solved

Darkoake445 -> RE: Character item transfer (6/29/2012 23:33:55)

There is a game called Spiral Knights that has the trading system down. Both parties can view all the info on the thing they are getting and there is a delay. Then both people have to confirm, after one confirms there is a lock out to make sure the other person is ok with the offer. Then the other person, after about 5 seconds of waiting, clicks confirm if they want to go ahead with the trade. This system ensures that people are not getting "hacked" and that they were in fact being stupid if they complain about being "hacked."

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