Bad Luck! (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Bad Luck! (7/15/2012 10:12:06)


Bad Luck!

Location: Friday the 13th 3011 -> Chief Duncan -> Feeling Lucky?!
Objective: Whew! You surely had a run of bad luck there. You were lucky to survive! (Congratulations!!)
Requirements: None
Release Date: July 13th, 2012

  • Mummy
  • Toxic Sludge
  • The Screamer
  • Monkey

  • Maegwyn
  • Jack
  • Dooder
  • Judy
  • River
  • Master Myrzor

    Maegwyn: Hi, <You>! It's good to see you out!
    Maegwyn: I guess most people are too nervous about Friday the Thirteenth to venture out onto the streets...
    Maegwyn: Are you here for the I Survived Camp Murky Lake dinner?
    Maegwyn: I've been hearing noises in the back room, and also there's a rumor going around about a shattered mirror...
    Maegwyn: I'm a little short-handed today or I'd check this out myself.
    Maegwyn: If you'd take the shortcut through the back room & check up on Master Myrzor, I'd be grateful!
    Maegwyn: Are you feeling lucky?
  • (I'm feeling lucky!!)
  • (Maybe Later...)

    Jack: Did you hear about the broken mirror in - oh hi, <You>!
    Dooder: Could you please pass the sal-
    Dooder: Hey! You bumped the table! Watch it! Don't let that salt spill!
  • (I'm feeling lucky!)

    Dooder: Uh oh...
  • (No time to chat!) (Skips the following Dialogue)
    Jack: Better luck next time, <You>!
    <You>: Ack! What a way to start off...sorry!
    Judy: Dooder! Jack! Don't listen to them, <You>! They're just superstitious... Have a seat!
    <You>: No worries - I'm feeling pretty lucky today, actually! I'm just going to run this quick errand for Maegwyn & then I'll be back!
    River: Oh boy... I have a feeling we're all going to need all the luck we can get today...

    Master Myrzor: Why do you seek Master Myrzor, head advisor to Mysterious Johnson!
  • (Ask)
  • (Talk)

    (If you choose to Talk:)
    Master Myrzor: Did you think I was cracked??
      If (Yes!)
      Master Myrzor: Sorry to hear that. I'm shattered by that news, if you must know...
    • (No!)
      <You>: That's not what I meant! That would be extremely bad luck...
      Master Myrzor: Especially for me...
      Master Myrzor: I do appreciate your coming to check up on me. Perhaps today is your luck day after all...

      If (No!):
      Master Myrzor: Good to know, because if you thought that, I'd be shattered!
      Master Myrzor: I do appreciate your coming to check up on me. Perhaps today is your luck day after all...
    • (Yes!)

    (If you choose to Ask:)
    Master Myrzor: What do you want to know?
    <You>: Why do you train that monkey to be a real bodyguard? You might want to rethink your security system...
    Master Myrzor: That is not a yes or no question.
  • (Ask)
    <You>: Please all over town are talking about broken mirrors, and Maegwyn was worried about you...
    Master Myrzor: That is not a yes or no question.
    <You>: Well I'm glad you're ok, but WHY did I just go through all that?
    Master Myrzor: That is not a yes or no question.
  • (Ask)
    <You>: Don't you know it's Friday the Thirteenth?? And that it's dangerous out there?
    Master Myrzor: Mysterious Johnson predicted that you would ask that. Perhaps it's your lucky day...

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