Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (Full Version)

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T.600 -> Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/17/2012 23:37:28)

With all the latest promotional items, level cap increases, all the staff are doing is release more and more overpowered weapons which overshadow all previous weapons. Looking at the ridiculous price of buying a full set of items and then needing to enhance them in order to remain competitive is just astounding. It already costs about 1.9k varium just to buy the Delta Knight armour and God knows how much it costs to fully enhance it...

To prevent this, they should stop raising the level cap (so that there is no longer a need to make higher leveled weapons to cater each level increase). All of these weapons also lead to stat inflation, resulting in tank builds and eventually reliance on luck. There is no balance in this game whatsoever. The solution is not to add requirements to skills or 'nerf' them. This forces everyone into focus builds, making each battle be determined by luck. The first step to fixing this problem is by balancing out weapon stats. Someone with the latest level 34 weapons should have better stats than someone with rare level 30 weapons, but he/she should not completely destroy them.

I just want to enjoy this game without being forced to pay frequently. This isn't the right marketing tactic, AQW can still generate a lot of revenue just from making new classes and weapons with no stats...

So my solution is:

scale up weapons' damage based on your level. This means that you will still be able to do a reasonable amount of damage on opponents with the latest weapons but they will have that edge with the extra stat modifiers and also possibly the more aesthetically pleasing item. For armours, the amount of res/def given is altered.

What are your thoughts/opinions on this? Discuss.

edwardvulture -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/17/2012 23:53:14)

I don't buy varium but its probably just because of level 35 weapons bein new.

T.600 -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/17/2012 23:54:11)

^You probably couldn't beat a level 34 with all the latest gear though, could you?

sky222 -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/17/2012 23:55:17)


I just want to enjoy this game without being forced to pay frequently. This isn't the right marketing tactic, AQW can still generate a lot of revenue just from making new classes and weapons with no stats...

It works, so why isn't it the right marketing tactic?

T.600 -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/17/2012 23:58:59)


It works, so why isn't it the right marketing tactic?

Because all consumers are not content and pleased with the product. They're not luring in many long-term customers, just take a look at how many founders or beta testers still play.

sky222 -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 0:01:15)

Except...the consumers that are happy (not many but enough) will pay an insane amount
Thats how it works

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 0:06:06)

I totally agree with T ...

They may not force us to buy directly, but they are doing it indirectly... Increasing lvl cap and more,strong new weapons , weaken the previous weapons weapons.... (you can't call bionic weapons old. Can you? ) for me delta weapons r New, but look at them...

DillBagel -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 0:15:20)

Must... throw in.. 2 bits... before it gets locked.

I completely agree. This is of the largest reasons those of us who played through beta are gone. During beta, the level cap raised from 30 to 31 (correct me if I'm wrong). Basically all weapons considered rare were competitive, you were not forced to rebuy items all the time. Now look at those same weapons. Alpha weapons were ripped off from the beginning, but beta weapons are another one. Ultra Rare should be something to be proud of, but all they do for you is rarity score, they aren't even the slightest bit useful anymore. Let us not forget the implementation of enhancements though. The way they were added was, in my view, terrible. Rather than extra stats, the enhancements should have been in set builds, and they should have been available with every few levels, such as the other AE games. This way, we could use whatever rares we wanted. If someone wanted to use their defaults, well they could enhance away, they'd just look goofy. The money required to sincerely compete in this game now is terrible. :P

Kd -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 0:26:22)

yes alpha weapons were ripped off from the beginning. i have them. In alpha the level cap was its 35. they arent good at all anymore. also, they arent class changing. now as a tactical mercenary i cant even show off my alpha daggers....which would be all they would be good for anyway, showing off :P

friend18 -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 0:33:34)

If you guys haven't noticed, the new gear (in terms of promos) still have similar stats. The bionic battle gear is still quite usable, especially for classes that don't have use a lot of dex. It's especially brutal in the hands of a blood mage. The infernal interdictor gear is okay, but it's not THAT amazing. It's only decent and is meant to be used in the war. You really don't have to purchase all of the new gear...

BTW, why make the ultra rare items powerful? That would severely imbalance the game. At least with the current gear, it's still obtainable. The ultra rare status items are just for showing off...

DillBagel -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 1:11:33)

One does not overpower the rares, they make them as usable as any other weapon. If you think rares should only be good for looks you should probably go back to AQW. [:D]

Edit: Scratch that, AQW lets you upgrade your rares.

Drianx -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 1:38:53)

100% agreed. This is an issue I have posted about in the forums long ago as well, but mindless fanboys just silenced me.

Actually the strategy seems to be to milk as much varium as possible from a relatively low population of fanboys, rather than looking to attract more paying players from the f2p pool, but diminishing varium price. That is why 'pay to win' doesn't describe it as well as 'keep paying to keep winning' does. Another reason for this is the Enhancement inflation, and the fact that you need to enhance every new weapion instead of moving enhancements among weapons for free.

I think these are the facts that make most people unhappy, but I don't expect radical improvements. You know what they say - if it ain't broken, don't fix it. And the varium cow is still young and healthy.

T.600 -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 1:44:03)

I am glad that people such as Drianx and Dill have enough common sense to comprehend where I'm coming from. I see no reason for this to be locked, unless it's against the rules to point out faults in this game? That's what it seems like at the moment; and after taking a break from ED for a couple of months, nothing has changed at all. All I see is another money-grabbing war, more promos and a ton of bland missions in addition to some woeful balance changes that we have become so used to seeing.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 1:53:23)

@ Drianx

Well said, "chosen as best answer". :)

Kd -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 1:55:29)

T.600: this is why you should be like me: play in alpha, play at the end of gama to the beginning of delta, and come back now! lol :P

T.600 -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 1:56:26)

^I'm not coming back lol, there is no reason to come back. :P

Nexus... -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 2:01:46)


Totally, 100% agree with you. I think we all know prices are outrageous, and countless solutions have been presented. Most games I play are not pay to win...that is to say, premium content is mostly cosmetic, and has no effect on winning a match (which comes down to a players skill). I think that you have made the point that needs to be made, and the developers need to stop ignoring this issue. I am not flaming, or personally attacking anybody, its just that this has been an ongoing complaint for the last couple years, and one which the staff has yet to publicly face.

-Enhancement and Item stat scaling should be 95% even between paid and free players
-Varium prices as a whole should be slashed or in-game prices should be lowered
-New premium features should be added that have no effect on gameplay --

-You buy armor with Credits, you can buy a new armor skin with Varium (this would apply to primaries, sidearms, and auxiliaries as well)
-Varium can give you the ability to "infuse" your weapons and armor with special effects, such as connect rate, critical strike chance, and frostbite aura
*These are just a couple of suggestions I have seen around the forum that would have very little effect on balance.

The overall point? Varium should have very little effect on gameplay. Yesterday I spent the remainder of my 10k pack from last winter on the new primary and sidearm. It cost me close to 6000 Varium to buy and enhance both weapons. The prices are outrageous, and yet without these new items I found myself lacking competitively. I understand there might be fear about taking our reliance on Varium out of the competitive aspect of the game, but they can make the same amount if not more almost solely on cosmetic items (many game developers have proven this model works (Riot anyone?))

I applaud you for making this thread, and I would urge the staff to rethink their marketing tactics. If we cannot discuss this issue on the forums, then please put us in contact with someone who is willing to talk about it...we should have that right as paying customers.

Once again, I totally agree and hope this shadow over Epicduels name is lifted in the near future.


T.600 -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 2:07:58)



Totally, 100% agree with you. I think we all know prices are outrageous, and countless solutions have been presented. Most games I play are not pay to win...that is to say, premium content is mostly cosmetic, and has no effect on winning a match (which comes down to a players skill). I think that you have made the point that needs to be made, and the developers need to stop ignoring this issue. I am not flaming, or personally attacking anybody, its just that this has been an ongoing complaint for the last couple years, and one which the staff has yet to publicly face.

-Enhancement and Item stat scaling should be 95% even between paid and free players
-Varium prices as a whole should be slashed or in-game prices should be lowered
-New premium features should be added that have no effect on gameplay --
-You buy armor with credits, you can buy a new armor skin with varium (this would applies to primaries, sidearms, and auxiliaries as well)
-Varium can give you the ability to "infuse" your weapons with special effects, such as connect rate, critical strike chance, and frostbite aura
-These are just a couple of suggestions I have seen around the forum that would have very little effect on balance

The overall point? Varium should have very little effect on gameplay. Yesterday I spent the remainder of my 10k pack from last winter on the new primary and sidearm. It cost me close to 7000 Varium to buy, and enhance both weapons. The prices are outrageous, and yet without these new items I found myself lacking competitively. I understand their might be fear about taking our reliance of gameplay out of the competitive aspect of the game, but they can make the same amount if not more almost solely on cosmetic items (many game developers have proven this model works (Riot anyone?))

I applaud you for making this thread, and I would urge the staff to rethink their marketing tactics. If we cannot discuss this issue on the forums, than please put us in contact with someone who is willing to talk about it...we should have that right as paying customers.

Once again, I totally agree and hope this shadow over Epicduels name is lifted in the near future.


Thank you for your lovely reply.

I am surprised why this issue has not been dealt with. The excuses I've heard from Cinderella is that they are a business and they need money. But surely, this is not the best way to make money for the company. This tactic is not attracting long term customers and this is basically becoming a game where the richest can show off. Instead of fixing it, prices continue to increase and increase. I can smell items costing 2000 varium each soon...just ridiculous to be honest.

The reason why I don't play other AE games is because ED has the best potential in terms of gameplay and I've already spent so much varium on buying rares and enhancing them, only to find that the person who bought a varium package this month can easily destroy me. Next month, that player will be defeated by another person who has the latest promo. That is the trap which makes people buy varium.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 2:16:35)

Instead of not raising they level cap they can just not make weapons that's above lv 35 when the cap is raised or stop making weapons that are distinctly better for most builds. You may say they will lose profit by a have ideas where they can still make money and I'm sure other players do as well.
Or they can simply price weapons fairly. Almost $10 for an armor that will eventually be outdated? $5 for a normal weapon that will be outclassed by a rare for no reason at all?
Here are some examples of weapons BEFORE a huge price jump:
2nd Amendment 2.0: Lv 28, 285 Varium
Dracula: Lv 28, 285 Varium
Elite Energy Sabre: Lv 28, 280 varium
Energy Archon: Lv 28, 285 Varium
Plague Staff: Lv 28, 280 Varium
Guns cost around 30 Varium less
Armors are still overpriced though costing 950
Auxes cost around 275 varium with one costing 300 and one costing a ridiculous 600

Now we look at varium items just a measly 1 level over:
Depleted Staff: Lv 29, 900 Varium
Crystal Maul: Lv 29, 925 Varium
Nano Staff: Lv 29, 900 Varium
Sadistic Blades: Lv 29, 950 Varium
Guns cost 900 at this point with 1 slightly cheaper option at 875
Auxes cost either 925 or 800 Varium

So in other words 1 level makes a weapon triple in price? I would love to see a dev attempt to justify this.

DillBagel -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 2:18:17)

Don't forget that they're often 1250 or over now. xD

T.600 -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 2:23:11)

The Delta Knight costs over 1900 varium. They use the special effects and rarity to lure customers to buy it. I bought it because it's the best looking rare armour since founder. I had to sell a lot of items for it though...

My Name is Jake -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 2:29:21)

I agree that the prices are just far too expensive. A $50 10k varium package usually doesn't even get you 1 p armour, 1 e armour, 1 primary, 1 sidearm and 1 aux fully enhanced and this is including the free weapon you get from the package and using the 15k credits for enhacements. At the moment it does though since Delta armour covers both energy and physical but that'll go eventually and if you don't want an armour that covers both then it will cost you more than the 10k package gives you.

T.600 -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 2:31:02)

Please discuss enhancements and how they relate to balance lads, the AKs will use the excuse that financial discussion is not allowed to lock this. And you know how unnecessarily strict they are here!

Nexus... -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 2:33:38)

Eggzookas were 2200 Varium when they were released in game...

Just for one fully enhanced: 2200 + 1200 = 3400 -> 3,400/10,000 = .34 -> .34*49.99 -> 17.00 $ USD for an item that would later be useless.

That is hard to stomach.

EDIT: Not discussing prices I said earlier, the effect of Varium on gameplay/balance should be very-little to none.


SouL Prisoner -> RE: Should we be forced to buy 10k varium every other week? (7/18/2012 2:38:01)

@t and nex . So true :)

@nex, after 7-8mnth, they got new aux, with 39 damage only for 1k varium.. logic? (strike)

I don't now how to strike -.-

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