Volcanic Rock (Full Version)

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ZanpakuTô -> Volcanic Rock (7/28/2012 3:42:32)

Volcanic Rock

Location: Soluna City Museum -> More Missions! -> Dan -> Cave Door -> Search for Rocks
Objective: Congratulations! You didn't overheat while you were out gathering rocks!
Requirements: Completion of Reclaim the City
Release Date: July 27, 2012

  • Corrupted Magmar
  • Enraged Mini-Magmar
  • Monster Worm
  • Mutant Black Ant
  • Mutant Spider
  • Shadow Techdorah
  • Shadowrock
  • Spooked Black Ant

  • Dan

    Dan: This area is showing evidence of volcanic activity. You can see the smoke.
    Dan: There are reports of strange creatures that have the – no offense, <Character Name> … but the otherness that you usually have.
    Dan: They aren’t like you at all so I don’t mean it like that. Scouts reported presences that are totally alien. They described them as inhuman and evil-
    Dan: They said some of them were different like living rocks but not evil but that most of them had something twisted and just plain wrong…
    Dan: Even those monsters you fought before were not like the same kind of thing. I guess you’ll see when you get out there.
    Dan: Traverse the area and search for volcanic rocks to bring back. It’s really hot so don’t stay too long though

    (When you land)
    Dan: Okay just walk towards the mountain range looking for rocks. Be careful and don’t get too hot

    (If the roll is successful, one of the following rocks)
    Dan: You found a piece of <Gabbro/Basalt/Granite/Obsidian/Gneiss/Andesite>!
    Dan: Wow! That is a really cool-looking rock! Come back to the airship and let's take it back to the door.

    (If you die or fail the stat roll, one of the following)
    Dan: <Character Name>! It looks like the heat is affecting you. Hang tight and I’ll get you back up here
    Dan: That rock was one we already tried on the door. I guess you had better come up and take a break from the heat now though.

    Reward Shop:
  • Zeke Mods

    Note: For every failed roll, you will receive a stacking +5 Persistence Bonus for the next one.

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