Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (Full Version)

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sacchi -> Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/5/2012 21:44:21)

Igneus Clan Council


"Join Igneus if you have a blazing heart, with a flaming spirit, ready to fight and have fun - Sacchi"

"I pledge allegiance, to Sacchi, of the flaming states of Paxia. And to the Dictatorshipfor which it stands, on flame, under Igneus, with Insanity and Cookies for Igneus. - The oath everyone in the clan has taken (courtesy of the random warrior)"

Important Threads and Rules

Rules Related (It Is Suggested That You Read Before Posting)

Rules and Information
General Clan rules for both Igneus sub boards and Paxian Boards.

Clan Related

Forums - Igneus Private Forum - More dead than ever ;)
Paxia Forums - Paxia Private Forums.
Website - Igneus Website. - Very outdated, it was a good try though!

Mod Approved Threads (I suggest that you don't start other threads related to these as they will be locked)

=Igneus= General War Discussion - Use this thread to discuss the progress of the war and urge your clan to victory! Statistical updates, cheers, and well-articulated "vents" belong here.

=Igneus= Strategy/Alliances V - Discuss the activities of the two opposing clans as well as suggest strategies of your own to use in battle. (No additional strategy threads until the clan agrees on a cohesive battle strategy) (None in use at the moment)

=Igneus= Cross-Clan Communications - If you are from an opposing clan and you'd like to speak with diplomats from the home clan, please use this thread. WARNING: Be nice and respectful. Do not curse, flame, or antagonize one another.

Igneus Artwork Thread - Please post all clan art related here. Be free to post as much as you want ^_^

=Igneus Artwork Comments Thread= - This thread will be used for comments on the artwork in the Paxia Gallery thread for Igneus.

ICC Approved Threads (In order for a thread to become official you need a 2/3's majority from the ICC, or 3/4 majority if the Ambassador is consulted)

Igneus Q&A/FAQ - This thread is for the purpose of educating people who are new to the clan or less active. Your also welcome to ask questions and find out answers on things related to the clan.

Eddie and Family thread (pet thread)

Igneus Level Tracker!

The Igneus Pet Thread!

Igneus Clan Council

Clan Head

Clan Head: Sacchi - Has to be elected by 2/3 of the clan members and needs to be a member who is not occupying any position within the Head Councils. Gives advice to Head Councils if needed, and often acts alongside the Clan Ambassador as the representative of the clan. Is also able to veto the decision made by of 2/3 of the Head Councils of allying with another clan. In times of severe inactiveness, in which 2 or more Clan Heads are inactive and there is no replacement, takes all decisions of the ICC, which becomes a dictatorship under the control of the Clan Head. This is only as a last resort; it is hereby stated that revolution against the Clan Head is legal if the Clan Head is corrupt and its intentions aren't the well-being of the clan. If this was the case, elections would be set up immediately. Serves as a liaison between clan members and moderators of the board. It is by no means the leader of the Igneus clan as all head council positions are of equal statue.

Igneus Head Council

There are 3 Head Councils, with sub-positions in each one. Each Head Council is in charge of an aspect of the ICC. Alliances or declarations of war are to be voted and accepted by 2/3 of the Clan Heads. In addition to this, these decisions must have the approval of the Clan Head, given that there is one.

AI - To be elected - Heads the art and information councils, also decides if a sub council for that council is needed as well as the amount of members. Chooses all sub-positions, from those in the sub-council to the Clan Organizer.

Clan Organizer: To be elected - Is chosen by the AI Head Council and is in charge of organizing and coordinating meetings, events, or anything that is needed. First in line to back up the AI Head Council in times of absence. Works closely with the Clan Manager.

Strategy - To be elected - Heads the strategy council also decides if a sub council for that council is needed as well as the amount of members. Chooses all sub-positions, from those in the sub-council to the Clan Manager.

Clan Manager: To be elected - Is chosen by the Strategy Head and is in charge of making sure everything goes according to the plan. This includes but is not limited to: being in charge of the elections, putting into practice decisions made by the ICC, etc . First in line to back up the Strategy Head Council in times of absence. Works closely with the Clan Organizer.

Peacekeeper - To be elected - Heads the peacekeeping council also decides if a sub council for that council is needed as well as the amount of members. Chooses all sub-positions, from those in the sub-council to the Clan Ambassador.

Clan Ambassador: To be elected - Is chosen by the Peacekeeper Head, and is in charge of being the official diplomat of the clan. Is the one in charge of informing other clans of decisions taken by the ICC when it applies (such as accepting or denying an alliance), and keeps good relationships with friendly clans. First in line to back up the Peacekeeper Head Council in times of absence.

Igneus Sub Councils (Not in use right now)*

*Designed as an emergency plan, if the Igneus Board becomes too crowded and they are needed. A vote will be held to decide if to use them or not.

Art Council - Has one head of council and can have anywhere from 2-4 artists. Any other art work provided is considered freelance and greatly appreciated by the clan. The art council is responsible for anything art related (ex. signatures, clan awards, customized signs, banners and a so on)


Information Council - Has one head of council and can have anywhere from 2-4 reporters. Any other information provided by people is considered freelance and greatly appreciated. The information side is responsible for keeping Igneus up to date on the lastest with AQ, Paxia, other clans, Igneus and it's members. Content provided may be either serious or funny depending on the mood of the writer and the events surrounding the clan that are occuring however it must always be truthful (Anything fictional needs to be posted in L&L otherwise Reens has instructed for it to be locked).


Strategy Council - Has one head of council and anywhere from 2-4 strategists. They are responsible for anything related to war plans (Aside from representing the Igneus Clan), clan strategies, and also backs up the peacekeeping council in working on spam reduction (ex. spam, flaming and unapproved threads).


Peacekeeper Council - Has one head of council and anywhere from 2-4 peacekeepers. Responsible for keeping the clan active, happy, and a fun place to be not to mention also responsible for working on spam reduction (ex. spam, flaming and unapproved threads) and backing up the strategy council on diplomacy.


Igneus Council Amendments (Act as requirements for all council members)

1. Will decide along with the other ICC Head Councils which threads are approved and which not.
2. Active participation in all things related to Igneus (things ex. wars, forum(s), events and so on) (activity ex. Post weekly, daily preferred. To be active if you have the chance to be active.)
3. Meet if not exceed the council position job description.
4. Every 3 months head council positions will be put up for election. Applications will occur around the 3rd Sunday of the month. The election will occur around the 4th Sunday of the month with the results being announced at the end of the 4th week around Saturday. The new council will take over the 1st day of the next month. You will need to be reelected in order to stay in the position. If it is deemed necessary to have additional sub council members each head council member will hold elections for those positions. Those elections should be similar to the head council member one except the process can be done in 1 week with a min of 3 nomination days and 4 election days.
5. Elections are held around the 4th Sunday of the month as mentioned. A new thread for voting will be made, for public voting. The members will vote for those who want to be in the HC positon. Those who are running in the elections can vote too, but they cannot vote for anybody in the position they applied for. Example, if you applied for Strategy, you cannot vote for the strategy HC. Not for you, and not for anybody who applied for it. Votes will only be accepted from members of the Igneus Clan. As mentioned the members will post their votes, however, members may pm the thread author to pm their votes if they do not want to post their votes publicly for any reasons. The thread creator, will as well be a member of the Igneus Clan who has either won by default, or didn't apply. This member must be somebody who can be trusted. If really needed, the thread creator may be somebody from another clan, but this is taken as an emergency plan if there are not enough members from the Igneus Clan or all of them have applied.
6. Vice Head Councils are people who will replace the HC if that HC is not around to make a decision, or if (s)he is inactive. A VHC will be chosen by the HC of that council area and will be approved by the clan. If the HC is inactive for five or more days, the VHC will take temporary control of the position. If the HC has been inactive for two unexcused weeks or if the HC hands over the responsibility to the VHC, the VHC becomes the permanent HC. The new HC will have to chose a new VHC for his/her position.
7. Provide good communication with council members as well as Igneus members. Respect members from other clans.
8. A council member may be removed by Igneus members if a head council members have failed to take action of a removal offense. The catch to that is you need to have a 67% 2/3's majority vote in a one week long voting process. In order to vote you must be a non council member been on the forums for 3 months and have a minimum of 25 Igneus forum posts. Of course, you also have to be in Igneus.
9. The council may change or add any amendments as they see fit, as long as the changes are announced to the clan and there are no more than two people opposing it. If there are three or more, however, a vote will be carried out using the same 2/3 vote as stated above.
10. Artists are the exception to the rule as their main focus is providing content for the clan to use. They must make artwork for the clan, when they have the chance. All art must be published in the Igneus Artwork Thread.
11. The ICC Seal is only to be used if the thread was approved by a 2/3 of the head councils. Putting the seal in your thread and not being approved by the council will be considered as abusing of the seal and the ICC will take action to this, this includes the pming of AK and mods which may result in possible warnings.
12. Notify of inactivity.(ex. if your going on vacation for about week post in the ICC thread your leaving today and will be back in 6-8 days).

Requirements To Run For A Council Position

1. Ability to be active in the clan.
2. Minimum of 100 posts with a minimum of 50 non-spam posts being in the Igneus Forum.
3. Been a forum member for at least 2 months.
4. Nominations will occur around the 3rd Sunday of the 3rd month. No nominations are automatic and the head council determines if a member is eligible to be a nominee through a 2/3's majority decision. The election will occur around the 4th Sunday of the 3nd month with the new council taking over the 1st day of the next month. Sub councils will run through a similar process at the decretion of the head council and will end at the last day of the council who set them up (more info provided in the ICA) HCM election may substitue for the sub council election. If a tie occurs in any election there will be a one day revote process where the slate is wiped clean and votes will need to be recasted. This will continue till a winner is determined. In order to participate in the nomination/voting process you must be a forum member for at least a 3 months and have 25 non spam Igneus posts.
5. Artists are the exception to the rule as their main focus it to provide content for the clan to use. They must submit 3 pieces of work they've accomplished in their application as a supplemental to the above requirements.

Head/Sub Council Application

1. Do you have the ability to be active in the clan?
2. How many posts do you have total as well as how many non-spam posts in the Igneus Forum you think you have?
3. How long have you been a forum member?
4. Why do you want to be a council member?
5. What head council position do you want to be nominated for?
6. What qualifies you for the position?
7. Provide a link to your character(s) if you don't have it linked to your forum id.
8. Submit your pieces of work (artists only).
9. If you CAN be active, WILL you be active?

Igneus Councils of Past

(Those who don't finish their term will be removed and no one is to take their place.)

Head Council I (1/1/07 - 3/31/07) - MrNintendo980 (AI), bmichaeld5379 (Strategy), Dragonkillerajc (Peacekeeper), Hell Blazer (Peace keeper), sacchi (Peace keeper)

Head Council II (4/1/07 - 6/31/07) - MrNintendo980 (AI), bballman23 (Strategy), Thecius Landera (Peacekeeper)

Head Council III (7/1/07 - 9/30/07 - MrNintendo980 (AI) - Nahuel (VHC), Sacchi (Strategy) - Unknown* (VHC), bballman23 (Peacekeeper) - ABSTRT (VHC)

Head Council IV (10/1/07 - 12/31/07) - Arthropod (AI) - Demonstar (VHC), Nahuel (Strategy) - Beowulf Z (VHC), Sacchi (Peace keeper) - Pyrojeff (VHC)

Head Council V (1/1/08 - 3/31/08) - ABSTRT (AI) - Nahuel (VHC), Ryu Viranesh (Strategy) - None (VHC),
Sacchi (Peace keeper) - bballman23 (VHC)

Head Council VI (4/1/08 - 6/31/08) - Sacchi (AI) - DarkEternal (VHC), Master Dragon Rogue(Strategy) - Ryu Viranesh (VHC), Wintes (Peace keeper) - ShadowMaster37 (VHC)

Head Council VII (7/1/08 - 9/31/08) - DarkEternal (AI) - arthropod (VHC), ChaoticFlame (Strategy) - FireKing1 (VHC), Sacchi (Peace keeper) - Robin S. Firedrake (VHC)

Head Council VIII (10/1/08 - 12/31/09) - DarkEternal (AI) - ShadowScypher (VHC), DragonQueen7 (Strategy) - ChaoticFlame (VHC), Sacchi (Peace keeper) - SilverSword8 (VHC)

Head Council IX (1/1/09 - 3/31/09) - DarkEternal (AI) - ABSTRT (VHC), DesertShadow (Strategy) - FireKing1 (VHC), Sacchi (Peace keeper) - ShadowScypher (VHC) ShadowScypher (Clan Ambassador) - No VHC.

Head Council X (4/1/09 - 6/31/09) - DarkEternal (AI) - the random warrior (VHC), Dragon Queen (Strategy) - Pollme (VHC), Sacchi (Peace keeper) - Fireking1 (VHC) - ShadowScypher (Clan Ambassador) - Sarriya

Head Council XI (7/1/09 - 9/31/09) - DarkEternal (AI) - None (VHC), jominomer (Strategy) - Fire King (VHC), Sacchi (Peace keeper) - Sarriya (VHC) - ShadowScypher (Clan Ambassador) - The Random Warrior (VHC)

Head Council XI (10/1/09 - 12/31/09) - The Random Warrior (AI) - Sarriya (VHC), Poetic Melody (Strategy) - Fire King (VHC), The_Other_Guy_27 (Peace keeper) - Latias Moonshine (VHC) - Sacchi (Clan Ambassador) - Dragon Queen (VHC)

Head Council XII (1/1/10 - 3/31/10) - The Random Warrior (AI) - None (VHC), Dragon Queen (Strategy) - None (VHC), Sacchi (Peace keeper) - Sarriya (VHC) - Other_Guy_27 (Clan Ambassador) - None (VHC)

Head Council XII (4/1/10 - 6/31/10) - The Random Warrior (AI) - None (VHC), Poetic Melody (Strategy) - Fire King (VHC), Sacchi (Peace keeper) - ShadowScypher (VHC) - Draconian (Clan Ambassador) - None (VHC)

Head Council XII (7/1/10 - 2/28/11) - The Random Warrior (AI) - None (Clan Organizer), Poetic Melody (Strategy) - None (Clan Manager), Sacchi (Peace keeper) - None (Clan Ambassador)

Head Council XIII (7/1/10 - 8/5/12) - ShadowScypher (AI) - None (Clan Organizer), Poetic Melody (Strategy) - None (Clan Manager), Sarriya (Peace keeper) - None (Clan Ambassador)

Note: Any Editing must be submitted to the creator of this thread. (Fault in the thread, typo, etc)

The thread at this time looks is fairly complete editing to remove bugs and adding things here and there will be an ongoing process.


*: Nobody can remember who that was, if you know, please PM me with who it was.

~Sacchi. Yes, count 4 for me, 2 for DE.
~Sacchi. 5 threads :D. Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...

Sarriya -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/17/2012 17:21:48)

I go on vacation and suddenly everything is NEW.

Silversword8 -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/29/2012 16:10:00)

Oh, how this has died. It was years ago when I played this game. It all seems so strange now.

Golden Emperor -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (8/30/2012 15:42:26)

We need to re-ignite the fiery passion of Igneus members! [:D]

sacchi -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (9/3/2012 18:43:57)

Agreed with SS. And that's what happens when you take vacations, Sar. Don't take any ;)

Oliver Bell -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (9/4/2012 10:17:10)

Greetings from Geoto. Nice to see Igneus is becoming active again.

sacchi -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (9/14/2012 15:54:29)

Active? Riiight. By the way, I love that you put Geoto Clan Head on your title!

Baker -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (9/14/2012 18:29:11)

Well some posts are better than none! Looking at the OP is a blast from the past, good times (check signature for why!). Someday Igneus will rule again, no doubt about it.

sacchi -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (9/18/2012 19:15:08)

Pfff, I check your avvy pic and I already know who you are. You were always too addicted to baseball xD

My dictatorship was better though.

ShadowScypher -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (9/25/2012 0:24:44)

Pretty sure you always made sure it was a dictatorship in all but name.
Just sayin'.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 1:27:04)

Are election to the posts still open?

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 1:32:28)

Yup. I have been talking with Sacchi on taking over Igneus if no one stepped up.

LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 2:02:30)

To all Igneus clan members joining the revival discussions will be held on this thread. As of now Clan Head Sacchi has stepped down, and myself, AK Hollow Knight, CH4OTIC and ss2195 have also stepped up and volunteered to help in any way we can. If you are active and or wish to help in the revitalization effort, please let us know.

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 2:48:21)

Alright so we need to discuss the leadership of Igneus since Sachii stepped down we are currently without a leader. We must also discuss ways to attract old and new members into our clan doesn't make sense that we are the most active clan within the game and the most dead in the forums.

Some clans have started using clan sigs to show their representation of their allegiance


I made one for us, free to use. To show we are still alive and hot.

LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 3:07:00)

Great idea with the sig; it's midnight here so I'll be off for a few hours, but will try to put in my 2 cents in the morning. Best of luck

Oliver Bell -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 3:34:33)

Just so you know each clan has at least one art thread in this section, all the sigs there are free for all the clan members to use; so you may want to add your's to the Igneus thread Hollow Knight. Some older links are broken but most are still good, you can also get a feel for your clan's history by looking at their old signatures.

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 3:56:43)

Thanks Oliver! Sacchi gave me all the old Igneus art so I have it all on my computer. I will be sure to add everything I make there I was gonna add it eventually but I was gonna wait until I had more than one.

LegendaryFighter -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 13:56:21)

On the topic of bolstering our ranks, we can PM players who are still active who have posted on the Igneus forums in the last year or so, like Golden Emperor to name one. On the topic of leadership, right now Clan Head is just a title as we have so few people; as it is we can't even hold elections and the system is a bit archaic in my opinion. I have done what I can to organize those few of us that have stepped up, but there's not much we can do.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 14:15:44)

Well, Do we have to change the whole government, ie the way it functions, the departments etc. Make a completely new system?

Plus, GE is I think either on a hiatus, or banned.

Also, most of the aQ forums have been cold in the past few days, we can start taking in once this season gets over ie exams, results etc.

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 15:08:04)

The type of government depends on the discussions we have when more people join up so we can get a hold of a decent voting population and we can actually fill the ranks.

GE has not logged in in a week but he does log in from what I saw on his profile. Ubear is also active.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 15:12:21)

Can we put in new proposals, just incase?

Hollow Knight -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 15:29:06)

Go for it. All positions are open either way.

sacchi -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/3/2013 18:44:23)

Well, it seems people ARE posting more. This is somewhat exciting, or at least, out of the ordinary.

Draconian -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/4/2013 2:19:11)


ChaoticFlame -> RE: Igneus Clan Council XXIV! - Rising from ashes (7/4/2013 13:03:59)

As one of the older members, I'll add in my two cents for the heck of it. Igneus had been pretty fun, and it was nice coming online every day to just joke around and enjoy the company of others. Since then, a lot of us have kept contact via PSN, Steam, and Skype. I've made a lot of interesting friends here, and I'd like this to come back, but I don't see it as being realistic. I'll give the warning that this is more than likely going to burn out, so don't waste too much time with it.

As for the few new members I see in this thread, it would have been nice for you to have been around in the glory days.

If anyone needs anything, most of you know how to contact me. I'll be lurking, as always.


Edited out unnecessary comment. Bans are not to be discussed in the forums it is between the forum staff and the user alone. ~Hollow Knight

...A ban was mentioned? o.O

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