Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (Full Version)

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drekon -> Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/13/2012 19:12:44)

I'd like to EVOLVE this idea, because I support the basic concept. Here's what I think.

As in the actual military, members are paid different salaries based on their ranks. I think that Epic Duel players should be able to earn a daily salary based on their rank IF they log in. It would work something like this...

*CPD = Credits Per Day (must log in to claim it)
EDIT: *Blue text represents reduced cost alternatives as suggested by various feedbacks. Thanks guys! 9/16/2012

Civilian = 50 CPD *Omitted! Civilian rank is not needed as it changes upon player's first win. 9/14/2012
Rookie = 75 CPD 10
Fighter = 100 CPD 25
Soldier = 150 CPD 50
Veteran = 200 CPD 75
Warrior = 250 CPD 100
Champion = 300 CPD 200
Hero = 400 CPD 300
Warlord = 500 CPD 450
Commander = 750 CPD 600
Emperor = 1000 CPD 750
Grand Emperor = 1500 CPD 900
Legend = 2000 CPD 1100
Epic Legend = 3000 CPD 1400
Eternal Legend = 4000 CPD 1850
Demigod = 5000 CPD 2500

Players with high ranks (Emperor +) have spend many months/years out of their lives to reach said ranks. They deserve the opportunity to earn credits for continued support of the game. This will also act as a magnet to keep long time members coming back on a daily basis.

What do you think?

EDIT: The following is a potential alternative to the suggestion stated above. 9/14/2012

*RM = Rank Multiplier (Civilian = 1, Rookie = 2...Emperor = 11, etc.)
*CDLM = Consecutive Daily Log-in Multiplier (Day 1 = x1, Day 2 = x2...Day 5 = x5)

CPD = (20 * RM) * CDLM

For example, an Emperor would earn 220 CPD ((20 * 11) * 1) on Day 1, 440 CPD ((20 * 11) * 2) on Day 2, and 1,100 CPD ((20 * 11) * 5) on Day 5.

The CDLM would be capped at 5 for the fifth consecutive daily log-in. If a player does not claim their rewards for a day, their CDLM is reset to 1.

EDIT: The following is a requirement (ONLY applies to initial idea, NOT the alternative) suggestion based on feedback. 9/16/2012


A task that gives back to the in-game community each day prior to claiming the Credit reward sounds great. It could be in the form of a daily mission requiring 5 wins from any battle mode, excluding NPCs.

VIX -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/13/2012 19:19:58)

Impressive idea. Liked it so much! Supported!

Waxor9001 -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/13/2012 19:24:21)

I agree , this would be awesome.


oathdragon9 -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/13/2012 20:02:43)

very much liked the idea of this would help me out a lot but im afraid people will take advantage of this idea but other then that impressive idea drekon [:D]

Vypie -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/13/2012 20:17:18)

I support the idea, but the amount seems too high.. maybe 40-50% of that.
And we should have to talk to a certain NPC to claim it, and not an automatic instant thing. To feel you are actually doing something and not just a two seconds *login+logout*

drekon -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/13/2012 20:46:41)

Thanks for your feedback guys. Keep them coming.

@Vypie, yes I thought about that while writing it, but I realized something. If a player used this feature alone to earn credits, at the suggested rates, it would still take a long time for them to get enough to do anything useful. Emperors would need 50 days to earn enough to change classes, and 170 days to earn enough to fully enhance a +10 slot item. Since most players are at a lower rank, it would take even longer for them to accumulate enough. For that reason, I'm not sure if 40-50% of the suggested rates would do much justice for the players.

It would be nice if it could be claimed at the Titan NPC, but he's too far from the general population. The Maintenance Bot or Work Bot could be put to good use for this.

Ranloth -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/13/2012 21:00:34)

Ranks shouldn't affect a game on a major scale. 50 days with Emperor to get 50K.. Right. You know that isn't a lot either? If you also play casually even, it'll be just a month even. As I said, they shouldn't affect game on a major scale and neither should we get awarded for amount of fights we had. They should give rating points at most, not give you daily Credits since Ballyhoo may be created at some point for that.

Did you even think about how it may affect the Exp curve? I mean you will be getting too little or too much Credits due to amount of your wins (remember losing also gives Exp) and you'll fall behind. Also game is PvP, we aren't on a war nor aren't any soldiers. Idea requires little effort and you get rewarded greatly. Many top players are Emperors or Grand Emperors so 1K/1.5K Credits which for 365 days (whole year) is 365K Gold for Emperors or 547.5K for Grand Emperors for doing completely.. nothing. This also favours grinding towards more wins whilst they'd still be meaningless and would even promote OP builds/classes due to faster wins (or more reliable) just to get your wins even higher and get your free Gold at cost of doing completely nothing.*

* That is Ballyhoo's job eventually which also supports AE in terms of getting them profit for watching ads so you get awarder for your actions not for just logging in.

Overall, I don't support it at all. Even if you cut numbers in half or even 90%. It's not needed nor is good in relation to many factors.

drekon -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/13/2012 22:46:04)


50 days with Emperor to get 50K.. Right. You know that isn't a lot either?

Yes, I know that isn't a lot. It's not supposed to be a lot, but it shouldn't be miniscule either.


Did you even think about how it may affect the Exp curve? I mean you will be getting too little or too much Credits due to amount of your wins (remember losing also gives Exp) and you'll fall behind.

Maybe you can explain this further because I don't understand what you're trying to say.


Many top players are Emperors or Grand Emperors

Yes, many top players are obviously Emperors and Grand Emperors. These top players don't make up the majority of the player base. The fact is that most players are in ranks lower than Emperor.

To prevent any further misunderstandings, please think about the following things.

- Increased credit reward potential per each increased rank encourages players to improve their ranking. This means more battles will be fought.
- Many players have a limited time each day to play the game because of school activities/homework. Think about how this feature would help them.
- Long time players who have grown tired of the game's tedious repetitive aspects will have incentive to come back on a daily basis.
- Earning credits faster will not lead to OP builds/classes. If anything, it would give Credit players a chance to improve their characters faster than usual.
- Players who ruin their builds, due to inexperience, and cannot retrain due to lack credits will be able to accumulate enough credits to retrain their characters.

You may not be able to comprehend the positive impact this would have on the game, but I've seen similar features at work in other online PvP games. There is a reason why those other games have tens of millions of players and thousands of credit based items. I'm confident that if Epic Duel rewarded it's hard working players to a similar degree, the game will be more enjoyable. Don't forget how much hard work we put into becoming Emperors and Grand Emperors. Take a moment to think about all this and share any additional feedback you may have.

Ranloth -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/14/2012 6:27:32)

Exp curve is recent change that made levelling slightly longer at lower Levels and quicker in first ~8 levels. Basically it allowed us to gain more Credits so we can afford items rather than barely afford Armor at around Lvl 28 with pure luck even. Still, I don't see reason for rank that is changed by amount of your battles to award you in such a way for no effort. Sorry, if I may add, if this was added then so should Credit inflation since Credits WILL lose their value (more available) and so the items should be more expensive.
Don't think it works only in one way, you are getting Credits for doing nothing and Ballyhoo should do that.

Yes I thought about it thoroughly and it's bad idea as it is. I don't see a reason for players to be awarded for no-lifing pretty much (very high ranks), doing completely nothing to get the reward, and then say that amount isn't even big. Also, did you think how it'll affect enhancements? Their price will go down (Credit) once Rabble gets to it so that'd make them even more available for everyone alike but actually would need rise in price for top items (ones with most amount of slots so around Lvl 30+) so there goes your inflation. Also you said OP things don't matter, they do since you gain wins quicker than others to get rewarded better.
To add, long-time players will not come back to the game by logging in daily. They will abuse the feature to get Credits and log out. What benefit does ED have from it? Additional login that gives them nothing but player earns on it? And as I said, high ranks may mean respect for some but also lack of social life (no offence here) which leads to spending a lot of time on games which is unhealthy. What about casual players? Why do they have to have about as much fun as hardcore players yet get awarded less? Am I supposed to no-life to get awarded and possibly lose the fun in the game or play casually and enjoy pretty much most of it?

Yix P -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/14/2012 7:06:57)


*CPD = Credits Per Day (must log in to claim it)

Civilian = 50 CPD
Rookie = 75 CPD
Fighter = 100 CPD
Soldier = 150 CPD
Veteran = 200 CPD
Warrior = 250 CPD
Champion = 300 CPD
Hero = 400 CPD
Warlord = 500 CPD
Commander = 750 CPD
Emperor = 1000 CPD
Grand Emperor = 1500 CPD
Legend = 2000 CPD
Epic Legend = 3000 CPD
Eternal Legend = 4000 CPD
Demigod = 5000 CPD

I really liked the idea, But the CPD you have suggested are a WAY too high. You Need to make it maximum a 100 per day because If someone will be a civillian for a year or more he will have great weapons for his level or even enhanced so new players wont have any chance to win.
By the way, Most ED players are Champions -Commander, So I think these ranks should get more per day like 60 per day if the max per day is 100. Hope Ive helped :)

Smackie El Frog -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/14/2012 8:19:13)

Interesting idea! But yeh numbers are wayyyy to high! Keep it up with the ideas though

drekon -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/14/2012 13:52:28)


I don't see a reason for players to be awarded for no-lifing pretty much (very high ranks), doing completely nothing to get the reward, and then say that amount isn't even big.

What benefit does ED have from it? Additional login that gives them nothing but player earns on it?

First off, players are not being awarded for doing completely nothing. To claim a significant amount of daily credits, players would have to EARN higher ranks. This is an effective incentive for players to continue battling. For players of lower ranks, their daily credits will be too low to be of any significance other than providing them with a safety net should they ruin their builds by accident and cannot retrain. What they (lower ranked players) could do is allow their daily credits to accumulate over time as they improve in level and rank. Then they would not only be able to afford armors at level 28, but possibly afford those expensive credit enhancements. This feature would give players the opportunity to improve their characters fast enough so that they could actually have a chance of doing well in battles at higher levels. Think about the positive impact this will have on players who cannot afford varium. Think about the players who can only play for an hour or two everyday, at the most, because they have school, a job, or other important real world obligations.

With the current credit rewards for wins and losses, most players would be lucky to earn more than 1,000 Credits in a day (playing 2 hours/day). For the sake of argument, let's assume that they earn 1,000 credits daily from battles. If they're at the Emperor rank, they would earn an additional 1,000 Credits for logging in and claiming it daily. So, even with 2,000 credits per day, it would still take 25 days (roughly a month) to earn enough credits just to change classes. Keep in mind that this will take much longer for players of lower ranks who make up the majority of the player base.

I'm a web developer so I know a thing or two about the website traffic. It's up to AE/ED to figure out how this would benefit them in the long run, but I can guarantee you that giving players incentive to visit the site daily and spend time on the site is a wise thing to do. One thing I can say is that to win back long time players who left, for reasons I previously stated, this feature alone will not be enough. It will be the staff's job to create exciting and useful content to recapture a player's interest in the game when they decide to log in to claim their Credits. From a business perspective, I can understand why the focus is on varium based content (upgrade boosters, powerful items, etc.). However, too much focus on varium based content with very little useful credit based content only serves as a repellant for many players. That's a whole other topic so let's refocus on this one.


Also you said OP things don't matter, they do since you gain wins quicker than others to get rewarded better.

Players won't magically gain faster wins just because of this feature. They would have to earn their wins the same way they do now. Also, having more credits than other players don't make you more OP. If that was the case, then players like Comicalbiker and Faybeee, who probably have more than a million Credits, would be OP. Do you understand now?

I don't see why you choose to use the term no-life to describe players who would simply log in, collect their credits, and log out. The term seems more appropriate for players who spend most of their day playing the game, leaving little time for real life activities.

If you have any constructive feedback to add, please share. I will not say that my suggestion is perfect as it is, but it is a desperately needed feature for many players.

@Yix P...

If someone will be a civillian for a year or more he will have great weapons for his level or even enhanced so new players wont have any chance to win.

That's a good point. I did the calculations and Civilians would earn 18,250 in a year if they did nothing but rely on this feature. With that much credits after a year, they could probably fully enhance their weapons, or even buy the Infernal Android robot. Even so, I'm not convinced that this would be a practical strategy to gain a slight advantage at that rank. If a player bought the 10k varium package as a Civilian, they would have the same slight advantage without having to wait a whole year.

I'm all for refining the numbers to make the suggestion more realistic, if it isn't already. However, I don't think an extra 100 credits per day would be enough of an incentive for players to attempt to reach Demigod rank. Maybe if we used multipliers for ranks and consecutive daily log-ins (with a max of 5), it would be more fair.

*RM = Rank Multiplier (Civilian = 1, Rookie = 2...Emperor = 11, etc.)
*CDLM = Consecutive Daily Log-in Multiplier (Day 1 = x1, Day 2 = x2...Day 5 = x5)

CPD = (20 * RM) * CDLM

For example, an Emperor would earn 220 CPD ((20 * 11) * 1) on Day 1, 440 CPD ((20 * 11) * 2) on Day 2, and 1,100 CPD ((20 * 11) * 5) on Day 5.

With this, lower ranked players would earn more than the originally suggested rates and higher ranked players would earn slightly less. As mentioned previously, the multiplier would be capped at 5 for the fifth consecutive daily log-in. If a player does not claim their rewards for a day, their CDLM is reset to 1.

Feel free to do the calculations for other ranks and let me know what you think about it.

@Trans below...
Ok, it's obvious you have nothing constructive to add to this so thank you for your participation up to now.

Ranloth -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/14/2012 13:58:32)

You picked some of my words and changed the meaning of them.. By no-lifing I meant gaining higher ranks NOT logging in to claim reward and leave. >_>

Besides once Ballyhoo is released, this would be useless since Ballyhoo would do the same thing, have level-scaled rewards so it's fair at all Levels, perhaps give small amount of Varium (every AE game has 2nd currency drops from Ballyhoo), and advertisements we would watch do benefit ED/AE as well. That's my main reason for not supporting, as well as benefiting hardcore players for doing nothing; gaining a lot of wins is really nothing. It means you have spare time and nothing to do, that's all.

Bunshichi -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/14/2012 14:06:53)


It means you have spare time and nothing to do, that's all.


Just saying spare time would have suffice. You won't get 50k wins if you are not dedicated or have a liking for this game.

Unknown Menace -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/14/2012 14:28:08)


By no-lifing I meant gaining higher ranks

Yeah no doubt whatever your daily routine looks like, eather school or work. It is that what you decide to do with your spare time that makes you a no-life.
And in that way the higher ranks are definitely the least living of all.

If the credits costs reduction is going to take place and next to that ballyhoo is being added than i would say this suggestion isn't necessary.
If this would be otherwise i would support this, but than again there is this level scale suggestion to. So if all of the other credit increase earnings/decrease costs related topics were out of the picture i would totally support this.

ND Mallet -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/14/2012 14:29:32)

1. There is no benefit to ED from this at all since it just causes people to log in for a minute and then log out until the next day.
2. Credit inflation. Things will start costing more in credits because everyone is now getting them for free every day they log in.
3. High ranks already have a large amounts of credits assuming they don't spend more than necessary. 100k wins guarantees over 3 million in credits already and that's before you even consider item drops or losses.
4. There are no ads on ED's game screen. Many games offer awards for logging in often but that's because they have ads that generate revenue for them when viewed or clicked on(which I admit is all too often for me since I have clumsy fingers).
5. Lack of effort. It's not hard getting a win like Trans has stated. All it takes is time and some determination. Ranks are major beauty features of the game. Having a large amount of wins simply means you have experience from fighting a lot(which doesn't mean you're the best because I have faced Champions smarter than any Emperor or higher ranked player).
6. In a way it is unfair to non variums or just lower ranks in general because getting the wins takes much longer and would be harder because higher ranks would be getting way more credits than they need allowing an ability to switch classes and enhance way easier, thus allowing a quicker ability to switch from one OPd build to another when a balance release rolls along.

drekon -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/14/2012 16:05:36)

@The ND Mallet Guy

1. There is no benefit to ED from this at all since it just causes people to log in for a minute and then log out until the next day.

There is the added benefit of more daily website traffic. Once users have the incentive to keep coming back on a daily basis, it's up to AE/ED staff to make the most of it. Whether it's keeping players more engaged longer with more exciting and useful content/events or using Ballyhoo Ads to increase profits. There are numerous ways this could ultimately work in Epic Duel's favor. Ways that neither you nor I have conceived of yet.


2. Credit inflation. Things will start costing more in credits because everyone is now getting them for free every day they log in.

Not necessarily. If the alternative method I suggested were implemented, the credit gain would not be significant enough to warrant inflation. Unless the intention of the game is to keep players broke or struggling to gain credits, credit prices shouldn't be affected. As mentioned before, class changes and credit enhancements are expensive as it is, and will take a great deal of time for most players to get. I imagine that with everyone getting more credits, players may come to favor credit enhancements. Instead of inflation, we may see reduced costs of varium enhancements. Players will have more varium to spend on other items such as houses and other accessories.


3. High ranks already have a large amounts of credits assuming they don't spend more than necessary. 100k wins guarantees over 3 million in credits already and that's before you even consider item drops or losses.

How many players do you know have 100k+ wins? How many players of the entire player base has more than 25,000 wins? Please think of the majority of the player base instead of focusing on a select few who may or may not need this feature.


4. There are no ads on ED's game screen. Many games offer awards for logging in often but that's because they have ads that generate revenue for them when viewed or clicked on(which I admit is all too often for me since I have clumsy fingers).

I agree. As mentioned before, this is one of ED's options to make the most of the increased daily activity on the website.


5. Lack of effort. It's not hard getting a win like Trans has stated. All it takes is time and some determination. Ranks are major beauty features of the game. Having a large amount of wins simply means you have experience from fighting a lot(which doesn't mean you're the best because I have faced Champions smarter than any Emperor or higher ranked player).

It's easy for players like us to say that, but having used several non-varium characters over the years, I'm almost certain that most non-varium players would disagree with you. Even if you're able to get wins by farming NPCs as a credit only player, it will still take a very long time to get enough credits to improve your character substantially.

If a player only earns 1,000 credits daily battling for 2 hours per day, it takes 50 days (nearly 2 months) to accumulate enough credits just to change classes. It'd take a little over a month to buy the new Infernal Apartment, and roughly half a year to fully enhance a +10 slot item with credits. How long do you think this player would stay engaged if it takes months to get anything worth his hard earned credits?


6. In a way it is unfair to non variums or just lower ranks in general because getting the wins takes much longer and would be harder because higher ranks would be getting way more credits than they need allowing an ability to switch classes and enhance way easier, thus allowing a quicker ability to switch from one OPd build to another when a balance release rolls along.

That's an interesting point that has some merit to it, but I don't think it's unfair because both non-varium and lower ranked players will be able to gain credits faster than usual, so they won't be left behind.

Hope you don't mind the extended response and thank you for your feedback.

Ranloth -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/14/2012 17:02:35)


Not necessarily. If the alternative method I suggested were implemented, the credit gain would not be significant enough to warrant inflation. Unless the intention of the game is to keep players broke or struggling to gain credits, credit prices shouldn't be affected. As mentioned before, class changes and credit enhancements are expensive as it is, and will take a great deal of time for most players to get. I imagine that with everyone getting more credits, players may come to favor credit enhancements. Instead of inflation, we may see reduced costs of varium enhancements. Players will have more varium to spend on other items such as houses and other accessories.

I could say AQ disagrees with this.. Let it be Tokens as an example (equivallent to Varium), since they are available in game as a drop but also at Ballyhoo and house interest, the prices are quite high, especially at higher Levels. How it applies in ED? Look at Credit drops; static at all Levels hence why prices aren't that bad. And ratio was recently adjusted to keep it balanced and if you give the free bonus for logging in then it'd cause inflation. It does NOT matter what rank you may be, everyone would be affected to keep it balanced since you could get Credits for about 1 minute of effort (logging in). So pretty much, you'd harm newer players and barely affect hardcore players. Seems fair, right?

How many players do you know have 100k+ wins? How many players of the entire player base has more than 25,000 wins? Please think of the majority of the player base instead of focusing on a select few who may or may not need this feature.

I'll use your quote to prove my above point in terms of inflation.

There is the added benefit of more daily website traffic. Once users have the incentive to keep coming back on a daily basis, it's up to AE/ED staff to make the most of it. Whether it's keeping players more engaged longer with more exciting and useful content/events or using Ballyhoo Ads to increase profits. There are numerous ways this could ultimately work in Epic Duel's favor. Ways that neither you nor I have conceived of yet.

Benefit would only be if we had to watch ads or actually spend RL money. Ballyhoo is already in the FSI (Frequently Suggested Ideas) and it'd benefit ED as well as AE as a whole. In fact, it could be as rewarding as your suggestion but fair for all players and Varium drop (very low but adds up over time). I don't see grinding to be rewarded since game is to be played and enjoyed not to grind for the rank that may gain you respect in-game but nothing else. Having ranks effect ED on major scale puts many players at a disadvantage since they won't get as high rewards. While difference between one and another is 200 or 300, give it a year and you're looking into at least 70K Gap. That's where inflation comes in due to such rewards that don't really benefit ED in any way but give you free Credits. Logging in doesn't give anything to AE unless you spend money or watch ads at Ballyhoo (other AE games).

Also remember, we're allowed to have our own view on it so let's keep it civil as well since discussion is interesting as it is now. ^^

drekon -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/14/2012 17:45:34)

@Trans, if you insist on continuing your involvement in this discussion, I highly recommend you reread what I've said because it doesn't appear that you fully grasp everything; and I don't see the need in reiterating something I already explained.


While difference between one and another is 200 or 300, give it a year and you're looking into at least 70K Gap. That's where inflation comes in due to such rewards that don't really benefit ED in any way...

What about the vast credit gap between players now? As we should be able to deduce, many players struggle to accumulate the 50,000 credits needed to change classes, while others have hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions sitting in their inventory. If a 70k gap is where inflation comes in then why is there no such inflation right now? I'm guessing because there doesn't have to be. Even if there is the threat of inflation, an easy fix is simply to provide many more useful credit items that players would want to buy. Players would be happy because there would be greater diversity, and you would be happy because there would be no inflation.

Don't let your fears keep you from exploring new ideas.

RageSoul -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/15/2012 3:44:11)

100% Supported! The reason is that players who had bought new gear and doesn't play to the max 9 depends if the days i'm playing are also my days of schooling ) forced to sell our gear just to get something stronger . And did you know that i just sold my Mecha Staff & Mecha Laser ( but i spared my Light Mechachillid Armor for extra Rarity ) just to buy Harbringer Husk (was actually worth it BTW , but made my farming progression back to zero... again)?

drekon -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/15/2012 14:16:20)

I agree with your reasoning Aegis. For one of my characters, I had to sell almost all of my Delta weapons just to get enough Credits to afford the Infernal weapons during the war. A daily credit bonus would've helped out greatly.

ninja.fighter -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/16/2012 3:27:27)

nice idea but there could be some changes in my opinion it would be good just to increase lvl 35 players crredits gain to 300-400 its would be nice

Woody994 -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/16/2012 19:35:41)

Well 3k for epic legend is way too high cause comicalbiker would get 1mil+ a year!
Kinda Supported

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/16/2012 20:15:37)

I support the alternate method. I think it will be beneficial to the game, while not being overkill (5000 2500 credits for Demigod O.O), because like you said drekon, it will be a "magnet" to keep people playing on a daily scale and in the long term.
~ However, I think that you should have to win at least one battle before receiving the credit bonus for the day.

shadesofblue -> RE: Players Earn Daily Credits Based On Rank (9/16/2012 20:31:12)

I like the normal rates; how about you only get maybe 1/2 or 1/3 of the normal rate on the days you don't log on?

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