Hairstyles (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Xenii -> Hairstyles (9/19/2012 18:24:41)

With the recent release of the new " unlock " feature, what should be done is display every hairstyle for every class whilst customizing. Let's say if your a hunter, display techmage and Merc variants if similar as well, but in red font, notify that those styles belong to their associated classes. That way if you class change, you'll have unlocked those respected hairstyles for that class as well.

Stabilis -> RE: Hairstyles (9/20/2012 11:18:00)

If this means all 3 hairstyles (from all 3 class types) out of the list of the same position in the list then I support indefinitely.

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