Buying on credit (Full Version)

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ND Mallet -> Buying on credit (10/10/2012 0:21:40)

No not getting loans to buy weapons but being able to buy the weapon and go into the negatives for your credit amounts.
1. You HAVE to pay off your negative credit amount before being able to buy anything else
2. You can only buy ONE item at a time like this(because you can't buy anything at all with negative credits)
3. It WILL be removed from your inventory after so long if you still owe credits(exceptions might be giving you an extra week when you get down to 1k credits so it doesn't disappear on you when you worked so hard to get it)
4. You CANNOT buy the same item twice with this method. This is to prevent players from abusing it and getting a free weapon/armor.
5. You CANNOT use this for varium purchases. If you don't have the varium for it then you don't have the varium for it. Period.
6. This will be limited to only weapons/armors/bots. It's pointless to buy a bike or house with it.
7. It WILL affect LQS stock so not everyone will have it long after the stocks should've been gone. Limited rare items will have a much shorter period of expiration though and will go back to the stock count when removed).
8. Any credits you had while buying the item will be deducted from how much you have to pay(item costs 10k and you have 1k then it will be 9k to pay off).
9. When the weapon is removed you will gain the weapons price in credits back(you buy something worth 28k and you only have 1k left to pay then you'll end up with 27k).

This idea is mainly to help out those who really need a weapon or armor but are forced to lose enough times in battle to get it I.E lvl 25 with no armor.

drekon -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 0:37:33)

Sounds good to me, except for #3.

ND Mallet -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 0:38:42)

That was a typo. You don't still have to pay off the item if you no longer have it in your inventory.

DanniiBoiixD -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 7:14:15)

Supported, though wouldn't number three be pointless? cause of number one? :)[/color]

gangster a -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 7:20:25)

not supported i dont earn much creds as it is

Ranloth -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 7:24:28)

Funny when issue is not being able to afford items not earning enough or farming slow. Since you'd have to pay it off, you could own the item, have an advantage and farm it off. Or would you rather miss the item and have useless Credits? Think how it can affect players not yourself.

gangster a -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 7:31:14)

^ what? then whats the point of me being able to play and afford anything i dont buy much but when i do i dont expect to buy it on credit ill do it there and then sorry if you think im just talking about me but actually a lot of people are low on credit why should they have to suffer for others?

Scyze -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 7:39:24)

Won't this help people going for the Daily championships?+

@gangster a and @Trans don't start it.

ND Mallet -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 8:14:00)

@neos Only the lower levels unless you're severely underequipped at high levels.

@dannii Number 3 is to prevent people from keeping the item forever by just going inactive with it and because it wouldn't be fair if people bought LQS like this and never fully paid it off.

Trans has it right though. Buying the item on credit would give you the advantage of owning that item and making things much easier to actually earn it compared to how you would have to NPC or lose a lot if you are that lvl 25 with no armor.

gangster a -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 8:16:59)

^ but after you hit 30 there would be no need for credit thats why it should either not be introduced or it only applies to people below level 30

ND Mallet -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 8:38:06)

@gangster And what happens if you get scammed at a high level or some rare bug comes along to wipe out your gear? Or if you really need to upgrade your current weapons? This will have less use at higher levels but it will still be helpful to many players.

Ranloth -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 8:50:05)

And there are players who enhance with Credits and Varium. While it's quite costly, it can be drained quickly so you may lack Credits but that depends on how active player is. Not everyone plays 24/7 so let's look at perspective of casual player who plays up to an hour a day at most.

It'd be good, and only 1 item at a time (loan) so it won't be abused like ND said. Even my alts would get use out of it since I had to grab rare Zooka from Easter Event leaving me with no way to upgrade Primary to top Level one so I had to go with one at my Level to compete more. Scamming is also another issue which can help using "loans". It may be useful for below Lvl 30s but that's where majority of players are anyway. Top players are minority in ED.

gangster a -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 8:53:01)

^ if this doesnt affect my current items and if this isnt applied like for at least a year and a half then im ok with it. otherwise i dont support

Unknown Menace -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 15:16:11)

I like this idea. Just one question on #3, exactly how long does one have the time to pay off a item?


This will be limited to only weapons/armors/bots. It's pointless to buy a bike or house with it.

What. Not even mortgage worthy for the Infernal Apartment? ;p


ND Mallet -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 20:30:42)

@gangster Why does it matter if it's released now or later? And it's not going to affect your items unless you actually buy weapons without the credits first.

@unknown I'd say maybe 3 weeks for non LQS and maybe 1 for LQS items.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 20:50:07)

I like it. After I sold all of my Infernal Gear I still could not afford the Harbinger armor so this would have been great for me because I was like 1.5K credits short and it sold out before I could farm that

deltaknight7 -> RE: Buying on credit (10/10/2012 21:25:00)

might make juggin a bit harder. other then that i support

gangster a -> RE: Buying on credit (10/11/2012 3:23:46)

the credit to var ratio is big enough already why do you want that to be increased even more?

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Buying on credit (10/11/2012 4:06:02)



This will be limited to only weapons/armors/bots. It's pointless to buy a bike or house with it.

Really?? What if you are like 5k away from a LQS bike?

Other than that


veneeria -> RE: Buying on credit (10/11/2012 9:49:33)

I like the intentions, but i don't fully agree with everything. So i am half/half with it.

Stabilis -> RE: Buying on credit (10/11/2012 11:37:36)


1. You HAVE to pay off your negative credit amount before being able to buy anything else 2. You can only buy ONE item at a time like this(because you can't buy anything at all with negative credits) 3. It WILL be removed from your inventory after so long if you still owe credits(exceptions might be giving you an extra week when you get down to 1k credits so it doesn't disappear on you when you worked so hard to get it) 4. You CANNOT buy the same item twice with this method. This is to prevent players from abusing it and getting a free weapon/armor. 5. You CANNOT use this for varium purchases. If you don't have the varium for it then you don't have the varium for it. Period. 6. This will be limited to only weapons/armors/bots. It's pointless to buy a bike or house with it. 7. It WILL affect LQS stock so not everyone will have it long after the stocks should've been gone. Limited rare items will have a much shorter period of expiration though and will go back to the stock count when removed). 8. Any credits you had while buying the item will be deducted from how much you have to pay(item costs 10k and you have 1k then it will be 9k to pay off).

This is loaning. As it is a different structure from store structure the inventories should be independently managed. Negative credits is not a principle of managing currency, it should only drop as low as zero and append debt amounts to that zero. Loaning should not affect store-player inventory, you should still be able to shop with a loan in place. My suggestion is that a loan places a time limit and a cost on a loaned item separately from the player. For example, 2 months to pay back the loan in 1 full payment with a taxation of 10%. You covered some useful points such as not being able to commit to different loaning functions while you are already loaning 1 item. But why stop bike and house loans? They may be worthless but viewed by another player priceless. Loans should not be canceled. If the loan goes unpaid after the given time then the item is revoked and the player given a penalty to loaning- for example a prohibition to loan for 1 month or etc. My 2¢ + 3¢ which is 1 nickel.

ND Mallet -> RE: Buying on credit (10/11/2012 13:09:28)

@void It's not a loan in the fact that you're not borrowing money from anyone at all and there is no interest rate on it. It's simply you telling the shopkeeper "Here's what I have, I can pay the rest off later if you let me borrow this for a little bit. If I don't pay it all back in so long a time then you can take the weapon back." I did not want interest on this because it's plenty hard for non variums to get credits for their gear already, let alone adding interest on top of that. Nor do I want it to be 2 months long because of the LQS situation where people WILL buy it even if they know they won't be able to pay it off in time and having people wait for 2 months for some guy to lose it. 2 months is also a ridiculous amount of time of farming for one item. You only need that much time if you're trying to get enhancements or completely re-outfit your character. The negative credit amount is simply a counter for you to use to see how much you have left and I believe the system won't allow any purchases with negative amounts to prevent people from buying a whole bunch of stuff they don't need, once again going back to LQS stuff because there are several things released each time they're made or restocked. The penalty of losing a valuable piece of equipment is already great enough. It wouldn't be fair to slap a credit fine or shop prohibition because the whole reason why they took this method is because they didn't have the credits to buy the gear they need. The key word here is NEED. You need gear to duel, you need gear to win. Chances are that going out and buying Dage's bike and a Mine house aren't going to make you win a battle(This is EpicDUEL, the focus should be on battling, not bikes or houses).

Ranloth -> RE: Buying on credit (10/11/2012 13:20:07)

Since RL example is used. You can also give the money back within given time period, usually with a reason, and you pay no tax or interest or anything. You pay off the full amount that you borrowed, simple as. Also why would you punish people who can't afford items and wanna compete, even further? It's like "I'll take a loan for this weapon and farm it back soon! But since I'm better, I gotta pay more and be even weaker since I cannot upgrade my equipment later! Hooray!"

It's EpicDUEL like ND said, not a big Bank where they'll monitor our money.

Stabilis -> RE: Buying on credit (10/11/2012 15:25:12)

And so, "EpicDuel". This could be named "Titan's Glorious Burger Adventures" the name does not change the facts.

Fact is you are proposing a freebie to level up with no costs or consequences when other players not using leased items pay full price and have already spent their time. You could level up 4 times with a leased (note I am not calling it loaned) item, not be able to pay off the loan, have the weapon stripped from them but it does not matter because they no longer need it. So what could you propose now without consequences for freebies? Note I used examples in the last post (2 months)... those are not absolute givens, they can easily change.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Buying on credit (10/11/2012 15:32:21)

@Depressed if that is the case they would still be out of luck because you would have 0 credits after they take the weapon back.

But maybe we should set a standard on here because if you try to get a loan from a bank they check to see if you are able to pay it off before you get it so maybe we need an amount to be paid up front to use this say 25%-35% of the item cost. On low level items it isn't much but as weapon prices increase the amount you have to give increases and if you could not pay off your last weapon you can't get another one on loan because you have 0 credits

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