(DF) The EnTropical Tale (Full Version)

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deatharrows -> (DF) The EnTropical Tale (11/5/2012 16:27:19)

The EnTropical Tale
Discussion Thread


One day in the one of Lore's many forests a child was born. He was born in a small village whose name has been erased from all recorded history. The child's origins are rather peculiar. Now our hero's story begins when Death meets a woman who he falls in love with.
This woman is a paladin named Scarlet. Scarlet was the head protecter of this small village in the forest. One evening after her shift ended she thought aloud how wonderful her village was. There was scarcely any crime and even the few crimes that did occur were easily stoppable. She thought death himself must be with her. At this Death sighed knowing that despite the fact he loved and protected this woman he could never let her see him.
Night fell and Death took a break from protecting scarlet. He was relaxing in the darkness of the nighttime forest when he sensed someone died. When he went to claim the soul he sensed it was in the village but he assured himself it wasn't her. Scarlet could hold her own in a fight. However when he got there he saw none other then scarlet.
She was dead as a door knob and here blood stained the dirt roads. Death saw the killer was a giant thug. He must have snuck up on her so she didn't stand a chance. Infuriated by the death of the woman he loved Death took his scythe and killed the thug.
Then something amazing happened. From all the rage and sadness that Death put into that strike something was created. Death didn't notice this and left but this thing was created by Death's raw emotion. So when the sun dawned and the villagers found their chief guard dead they were in awe. However what they were in awe at was the child siting there. They had no idea who's child it was. Then Scarlet's best friend Raven took in the child as her own.
Raven had super human powers having had bumped into Death by accident and could sensed he had been there. This was do to the fact that since Death's touch kills he had to revive her because she wasn't on the his list. However when she was revived Raven gained a unique ability. Death gave her the ability to sense him so that this never happened again. That was how she sensed Death was the child's father.
Then she decided to name the child Drake. D for Death, Ra for Raven, k for kill, and e for eternal. That's how Drake came into being but that's far from all his origin. After Raven took in the child she went back to her mansion. It was massive and was made out of dark colored wood. Raven taught the child how to speak and she also educated him so that he would be smart even though he didn't go to school.
Eventually when Drake was about 8 Raven decided to teach him how to use the art of stealth. So Drake trained with Raven and lived his life learning until he was 21. At that age Drake decided to go out and explore the world. After saying goodbye Drake left.
After he left Raven immediately sensed something. She knew she was lucky Drake left because she sensed a great threat coming towards her and town. Then the town was erased. How it happened no one knows but some theorize that Death knew of the fact that he had a son and decided that he needed to be ridded of his grief. Then they say he erased the town from the world and his memory. Where the wooden cabins were there was a variety of trees. The town was gone and there was no trace of it's existence exempt for Drake.
Now the events that follow should be obvious to you who know of the tale of the dragon box. Drake began his adventure, met the priestess, and eventually quested to protect the orbs from a great evil known as Sepulchure. That tale isn't Drake's tale. Drake's tale begins years later. By then Drake had mastered the art of stealth and battled foes good and evil, big and small, threatening and lame. At this point Drake bought his own home and was rather bored. He desired a new way to fight. A way to not only increase his abilities in combat but to just make things less dull. He left his house and went to a place of peace.
So he went to the peak where his adventure went. It was still very narrow but he found it peaceful. So there he sat, surrounded by trees while gazing at the world bellow him. He tried and tried to think of what could help him but it was to no avail. Suddenly a armored man appeared out of the shadows and offered Drake a magical suit of armor. He warned Drake that this armor was cursed and if he was weak the armor would take over and corrupt him. However Drake said he had confidence in his mental strength and his destiny weapon would help fend off the evil desires of the armor. The armored man said if you say so and with that he dropped the armor and disappeared. Drake sensed the evil in the armor but he knew it wouldn't overcome him. With that he put on the magical armor and that is how the stage was set for Drake's greatest adventure.

deatharrows -> RE: (DF) The EnTropical Tale (11/5/2012 16:47:02)

Chapter 1
The Curse of EnTropy

Upon putting on the bewitched suit Drake realized he recognized the suit. It was worn by En who he fought while defending the earth orb. This made him slightly nervous. However he thought he should try the armor out before getting worried. So Drake went to find some where to test out the EnTropy armor. He decided that DR. Voltabolt could help him.
So Drake walked through the lush green Surewood forest until he found the mad doctor. Upon asking Voltabolt if he knew where Drake could test out the EnTropy suit Voltabolt recommended he try using it to defeat one of his failed creations. So Drake went to the Doctor's lab and was attacked by what appeared to be a big metal elemental.
Drake dodged the monsters' massive drill fists until he was backed into the corner. Drake tried to escape but he couldn't. Just as the massive beast prepared to kill Drake he was stopped abruptly.
The beast noticed where Drake was there was now acid. Thinking it had won the monster rolled away which was a fatal mistake. Out of the acid an unbelievably terrifying being that looked like a green skeletal spider emerged and blasted the behemoth with acid. The metallic monster was petrified by the acid and couldn't move. Drake returned to his human form amazed that he did such thing. Then he realized just how powerful the EnTropy suit truly was.
As soon as he stopped resisting it he was flooded with power. Then he knew how to use it. The monstrous being had nearly broken free so he decided he had to finish the job fast. He walked up to it and emitted a beam of such raw energy that it sent the monster's parts flying through the metal lab in which they fought. After his victory Drake returned home amazed by his power. However he knew to control it he must be the master so he trained his mind so that he wouldn't be possessed like he was when he transformed.
Drake became a powerful EnTropy and surprisingly still used the powers of good to aid him in combat. Drake's armor was pure evil yet his soul was pure good. However even he had to rest after using such power while still having to resist the dark intentions of his armor. To do so Drake always took off the armor before going to sleep. So Drake did this over and over until one day. He awoke in his house to find the armor stuck to his skin. After failing to dislodge it Drake realized that he had become the armor. Thus 2nd factor that would lead Drake to his ultimate task was introduced. However with the help of Artix and his we'll trained mind Drake survived. He knew if he despaired instead of staying optimistic the EnTropy armor would take control of him. So Drake continued adventuring using the armor until the night his greatest quest began. The night he found that Entropies were still alive.

deatharrows -> RE: (DF) The EnTropical Tale (11/5/2012 17:02:02)

Chapter 2
The EnTropical Island

Drake had become unified with the EnTropy suit. Despite the fact that the armor was now his skin he mastered it. The armor accepted Drake as its master and as such Drake was put under much less physical and mental strain while using the armor. This also let Drake use the armor's abilities to their full extent without being overpowered like during his fight with Voltabolt's monster. So Drake went on with his life and continued to balance the powers of evil and good so that he didn't become too good or too evil.
That's it for that though. Drake walked through the lush forests of Lore, explored the dark ruins , and survived the burning sand sea. However not much else unfolded as he could easily tackle any challenge he faced and complete it with minimal effort. However eventually this pattern of his was disrupted. One night while Drake was walking home he was ambushed by an army of spiders. He fought them off but they just kept coming until eventually he was defeated. Then Drake passed out.
The next thing he knew Drake was in a large castle. It was filled with the spiders he fought earlier and was rather well lit. Eventually Drake was led into a large room where a man in armor similar to his sat on a golden throne with a disgusted look.
The man said you are the one that mastered the EnTropy armor? Yes replied Drake. Well I expected you to be stronger than that. I didn't even send in the EnTropic earth. Sepulchure! Drake yelled in shock. Sepulchure? I think not. I'm the mighty Vaal said Vaal.
Vaal? I think I remember you. You were the guy who killed Greed. Yes I killed that pitiful spirit said Vaal. Now I shall do the same of you. I can't let people think that there's someone as good as me now can I? As Vaal prepared to blast Drake into the after life someone intervened.
Vaal was knocked over by a blast of fire coming from the great undead dragon. Drake used the Dragon Amulet to translate what it said. Hurry that won't keep Vaal down for long said the dragon. Deciding to be confused later Drake ran through the hole in the wall and climbed onto the dragon's head. When Drake got on the dragon flew away as Vaal screamed with rage.
After he made his way to the dragon's back he noticed this dragon has a fortress on its back. Drake realized this was the ancient undead dragon that Sepulchure used as his base back when he was gathering the orbs. Drake had no clew how it survived or why it was helping him.
So Drake asked the giant dragon why it helped him and how it was alive for that matter. The dragon explained that when it crashed the surviving Entropies knew that the only way they could prevent themselves from drowning to death was reviving the dragon so it could escape. When it was revived it was no longer under Sepulchure's control so it helped its saviors find a new home. Then the crew of the Entropies and the dragon discovered a forest supposedly protected by Death himself. They tested it out and nothing happened. So the Dragon rested and returned to the after life while the Entropies worked to make a home in the dark forest of Death.
However after a few years a man named Vaal came and enslaved the Entropies. However a small group of Entropies revived the dragon one last time and they were flying ever since. The Dragon explained that Vaal was to powerful for even the dragon to beat so they just fled until they heard of a hero in EnTropy armor who got kidnapped by Vaal. The Entropies knew that the hero might be there only hope so they told the dragon to fly to the castle and save him. After learning this story Drake asked where the Entropies were. As if in response the captain exited the front door of the fortress he introduced himself. His name was Gore. After that Drake met the Entropies who saved his life and learned that there is more to the Entropies than pure darkness.

deatharrows -> RE: (DF) The EnTropical Tale (11/10/2012 13:29:18)

Chapter 3
Captain Gore's Crew

Gore's crew also exited the fortress. Drake saw some of them were young, old, small, tall, and strong. He felt a bit intimidated by how strong they looked. Then Gore invited Drake to come into the base for some dinner. So they ate some game the crew had hunted earlier and Drake was introduced to Gore's crew.
Gore introduced an En child named Chad, an adult En named Ragnar, an old Tropy named Carmel, and a Tropy named Sophia who Gore said was his wife. When they started eating in the colossal stone fortress Drake could tell from the look in their eyes that they didn't trust him. Breaking the silence Gore explained their plan to defeat Vaal. In order to get to him they would need to have an edge.
That edge was Drake but he continued saying that dispute being very impressive Drake wasn't powerful enough to take Vaal on 1 on 1 let alone with all the spiders at Vaal's disposal. No they needed even more. Gore explained that Drake needed to become even better. Something beyond just an EnTropy. Gore planned on causing Drake to evolve into a being far beyond Vaal's power. To do so Drake had to remove his curse by finding the original En and Tropy's ghosts and eliminating their presence once and for all. By doing this not only would Drake cure the others of their disease but if he was wiling to he could absorb En and Tropy's power and become a being with powers never before seen.
Gore had learned of this from a wise monk which they had encountered while flying. The crew was baffled by this plan but even though Gore sounded crazy they trusted their captain. Then Drake asked where he could find En and Tropy's lingering spirits and why were they still in the earthly plane anyway. Gore told Drake that he must be patient. First off Drake barely held them off when he fought them last time and Gore admitted he didn't know.
He then explained that they would have to fly to the place they met the monk originally and ask him. Then he asked Drake if he was up to the task of defeating En and Tropy again and then risking his sanity to defeat Vaal. Drake thought for a moment. It seemed as if this was like when he first got the EnTropy armor. He though he was up to the task but it turned out to be a far more difficult thing to control then Drake anticipated besides the EnTropy armor was only cursed so Drake knew as long as he could fight off the evil but not extinguish it he could still control the suit to its full capabilities while remaining in control. However if Drake helped Gore defeat En and Tropy and then absorbed their power he would become a completely new race. How could he know wether or not even his skills could keep his mind from being corrupted by a thing that was mysterious to him? He told Gore he'd think about it on the way to the monk.
Understanding that this was a tuff decision for Drake Gore simply ordered Ragnar to tell the dragon to fly to a mountain surrounded by fog. Ragnar did this and then the crew went to their cabins. While Drake was lying in his cabin in restless sleep Ragnar came into his room.
He said he was sorry about being hostile but Vaal had tried to send seeing innocent spies to attack them before. He continued to explain that if this was to much for him the captain and everyone else would understand. Drake said it was ok. He said it was reasonable for Ragnar and everyone else to be hostile when one stranger comes on their ship while their still fighting an enemy who is constantly trying to enslave him. However Drake said he wasn't sure if when the time came he could do what Gore said but he would see when it happened wether he was ready or not. Besides a decision of such magnitude needs to be thought over before saying yes or no.
After chatting for a bit Ragnar said good night and went back to his cabin. The following morning after getting off his bed and leaving his small stone cabin Drake talked with Gore asking if they were nearly there yet. Gore said they would have a few hours to relax because the mountain was still rather far away. With that Drake went into the fort and talked with his crew mates. He got to know them and learned their stories.
He learned that Ragnar was protective of the crew but especially Chad who was his son. His wife died in the fire made by the EnTropy dragon and went to heaven instead of becoming a Tropy. Chad was Ragnar's son and was interested in being an engineer before he became an En. He actually made a few weapons for the ship so they could shoot down Vaal's arial forces. Carmel was an elderly lady who lived alone and meditated most of the time before she became a Tropy because of the EnTropy dragon. Sophia was skilled fighter and was a great leader along with Gore until their airship was destroyed by the EnTropy dragon. And Gore was a kind man and a great leader until Sophia and his ship was destroyed by the EnTropy dragon. Drake enjoyed talking with his new friends until they heard a crash. The went to the deck to find Gore fighting a giant spider. So they rushed into battle to save their leader before it was to late.

deatharrows -> RE: (DF) The EnTropical Tale (11/12/2012 14:18:22)

Chapter 4
Mecha Chaos Weaver Invasion

Upon reaching Gore the crew saw he was exhausted so they jumped into battle with the titanic spider. The spider shoot webs and hit Chad. Then Ragnar tried to over power him by becoming an EnTropical being but the spider resisted the poison and over powered Ragnar knocking him out. Meanwhile Drake was looking for the beast's weak point and asked Carmel and Sophia to hold it off. So they distracted it by using weak poison attacks to get its attention. Then the ran around it avoiding the spider's webs and feet. Finally Drake figured out if he got on the spider's back he could break its back and push it over board. So Drake jumped up on the spider's back while it still focused on crushing Carmel and Sophia and emitted an energy beam of such magnitude that the beast's body was disintegrated.
Then after they recovered Drake, Gore, Carmel, and Sophia helped Ragnar and Chad out. So the crew recovered. After they finished recovering the crew relaxed and ate a bit before Gore bursted through the door with a frantic look on his face. He said more of the spiders were coming. So every got ready and Chad went to the catapults to shoot the spiders down. So the spiders shoot webs and climbed onto the ship while Drake disintegrated them.
Ragnar having learned from his first encounter with the spiders stayed in his normal En from and tripped the spiders up before throwing them off the ship. Sophia cut them a bit and while they licked their wounds she delivered her finishing blow. Gore fought valiantly and with help from his crew defeated the spiders in a match of wit and strength. Carmel used her wisdom to out smart the spiders and lead them to their graves. The young crew member Chad shot the spiders off the ship with his catapult. So the crew fought the spiders like this until a big spider came.
He was nearly as large as the ship itself and the dragon started to flutter do to its immense weight. So they tried their earlier tactics but it did them no good. Drake could barely harm it. The others didn't do any better. So they divided a plan. Gore and the others would attack the legs while Drake tried to penetrate its thick skull. So Gore and the others attacked the legs while attempting not to be killed while Drake fought mini head spiders. The little things couldn't eat through Drake's armor but they were starting to cover him. Not to mention they were draining his life even though they were doing so slowly. Drake summoned his might and sent out an energy wave so mighty that not only did the mini spiders get killed but the big guy sensed it.
He raised his body heat while Drake desperately tried to penetrate it's skull. Eventually Drake broke through. So he entered the gap and he couldn't believe what he saw. Before his eyes were many mini spiders working and pulling gears. This behemoth they were fighting was a robot.

deatharrows -> RE: (DF) The EnTropical Tale (11/15/2012 18:27:13)

Chapter 5
Inside the Mecha Chaos Weaver

Drake decided if he intended to deactivate the mecha monster he should use stealth. After all his friends couldn't last forever against this thing and taking on all of the spiders and mini spiders would be difficult and time consuming. Drake wondered how Vaal managed to make a mecha spider or as it would be technically defined mecha chaos weaver. He decided he could investigate that later but first Drake had to save his friends and deactivate the mecha chaos weaver.
So Drake melted into acid and melted through the ground. He melted until he saw a small hole leading to the next floor of the mecha chaos weaver. Knowing that if he fell through he would be noticed Drake moved around and melted through small tad bits in the ground to see if he would fall if he melted at that spot. Eventually he melted a bit and saw nothing. Using logic Drake deduced that this must be a wall and he melted downward a bit and then checked to see if he could melt through the wall and not be noticed.
No one was there so Drake went through the wall. He was confused what the purpose of this empty room was. Then he saw a small cube that was radiating with light. Using logic once more Drake deduced that the cube was the power source. He walked to it and then the mecha chaos weaver rumbled. Drake so he waited a bit so that the chaos weavers wouldn't get curious about what happened and then waled towards the cube again. Then the mecha chaos weave rumbled once more. Then Drake realized that he had melted through the walls and ground of the mecha behemoth. It must have grown unstable Drake thought.
Then an alarm went off and Drake heard a loud rumble. Then the door to the room burst opened and chaos weaver surrounded Drake. Drake knew he had to think quickly or else he'd be mince meat. He didn't want the floor to collapse during the battle because he wouldn't be focused on it having to fight the chaos weavers and would be either fatally injured or killed by the fall onto the ship. Then Drake got an idea. If he could get to the cube and beat the chaos weavers at the same time he could survive. Then Drake jumped over to the cube and admitted a wave of raw energy like he had when defeating the other mecha chaos weavers.
Even though the giant mecha chaos weaver could have normally stood up to such an attack it didn't due to two factors. For one the monstrous mecha had been weakened by Drake melting through it's walls and the attack destroyed the core. Then there was a small explosion disintegrating all the chaos weavers and causing the mecha monster to collapse. Then from the rubble of the beast rose a figure in a energy bubble. After the figure surfaced the bubble faded. The crew saw it was Drake and immediately got him out of the rubble and placed him on the floor of the deck so he could rest.
Well that about proves that I was right about him said Gore. Well I have to admit the act he destroyed that thing and survived was pretty impressive said Ragnar. Yes yes he was impressive but we should probably get this rubble off the ship said Gore. We should also put Drake in a proper resting place so he can recover from this battle said Sophia. So the crew took Drake to the room for injured crew members and then proceeded to get rid of the remnants of the mecha chaos weaver. Drake was in an unfamiliar place that was completely dark. Then a figure appeared in front of him. It looked like En. Then yet another figure appeared out of thin air. This figure resembled Tropy. The two figures spoke in unison saying if you continue this quest to slay use for good we can promise your early demise.
Then Drake woke up in fear and confusion. Then he realized it was a dream. However it felt so real. Before he had time to think about it further Gore came into the room. Hey Drake I have great news said Gore. We reached the mountain of mist where that sage I told you about lives. Great said Drake but he really thought was he prepared for this quest, to defeat En and Tropy, and ultimately have to gamble his insanity in hopes that he could defeat Vaal? Drake thought about it as he got out of his bed and exited the fort. Awaiting him was his first true challenge on his test to defeat Vaal. Awaiting him was the mist mountain.

deatharrows -> RE: (DF) The EnTropical Tale (11/23/2012 13:57:15)

Chapter 6
The Mystery of Mist Mountain

As Drake fell from the mountain, he reflected upon his life, then realized how little sense it made. Even if everything was predetermined, so that what he had to do was right, Drake refused to live a predetermined life.This destiny of made so that He couldn't find his home, he barely remembered what he looked like, and now he was about to die. His life flashed before his eyes. He saw his adoptive mother Raven, him leaving home, his great adventures, and then he saw death. Then he passed out plummeting towards the bottom of the mountain.
Drake awoke sweating. He was slightly scared but he realized it was a dream. Then he realized it was day dream. Normally he didn't day dream so he was confused. He decided not to think much of it and walked onto the draw bridge that had landed on the mountain. Gore said the wise sage on top could direct the to En and Tropy's lingering spirits. As the scaled the mountain the got more and more exhausted. Then the mist came. No one could see. Then there was a loud swoosh. When Drake got out of the mist Gore and the others were gone. He yelled for them but it was to no avail. He heard no one yell back.
Drake considered walking back. He wondered why bother if his allies were all gone. However something kept him from it. Something just kept telling him to climb. So Drake climbed. He stepped on rocks, avoided dangerous creatures, and dodged falling rocks.
Eventually after about an hour Drake got to the top of the mountain. There he saw an old man. He approached him. The old man said that he knew Drake would be here. This was fated to happen. Despite begin so confident Drake was weak. He wondered what this man meant. He knew his limitations and never rushed into battle without a plan. However the old a man continued rambling on saying that Drake wasn't strong enough or wise enough. He had potentially but right now he was nothing.
Drake said why are you insulting me? I'm decently strong and definitely not under educated. I've always used strategy. Well if your so confident then think your way out of this said the old man. Then he breathed and a gust of wind pushed Drake off the mountain. That leaded Drake to where he was in his image. Falling off a mountain confused on why things had to be so confusing. He wanted adventure but honestly his life was so chaotic that whenever he thought he knew something it changed. No matter how much he tried to make sense of it he couldn't. Drake thought of this and that leaded him to the thoughts he thought of earlier in the future. Then Drake remembered that he did this already. None of this made sense. Things changed and the mountain transformed into a dragon. He saw the future in the past and changed fate.
He had no idea what had happened but he thought more into it. The dragon changed into a pit and it seemed endless. Drake desired time to think. He bended reality with his thoughts. His will altered creation and changed the fate he saw earlier. Yet he felt he was in the present when he dreamed. He knew what he did made no sense yet in some obscure way it did. Then he woke up. He was just getting onto the mountain. He had no idea what was going on but he saw a pattern.
Drake knew this was some sort of test. The sage would know what would happen because chances are it had already happened many times. He somehow disrupted the flow of time putting Drake into this bizarre chain where he was in no danger but was forced to repeat until he did it right. So Drake climbed the mountain once more until he reached the old man. Before he was lectured Drake told the man something. He said he had caught on to this chain of repeating he was in and he wanted answers.
The man smiled and said well done. I'm impressed you succeeded still mainly sane. Then he explained. The mist mountains were connected to the realm of dreams. The mist was in a way pure dreams. Using it the man could put Drake and the others into an infinite dream until he was satisfied. He told Drake he was in reality still asleep. However Drake had done well so the man would bring him to the top. However Gore and the others would have to stay on the ship. Drake agreed but asked two last question.
Drake asked what was going on. Why could he alter the dream and how did the man control such a thing. The man admitted he didn't know for sure. However he had theorized that the mountain has a special power. When it is used as the old man had been using it the mountain brings out the destiny of those subjected to sleep as well as their thoughts. How it worked the old man didn't know. It was beyond logically reasoning so he decided that thinking about it was useless.
Knowing the answers he needed were still in the distance Drake decided to ask the relevant question. Where were the ghosts of En, and Tropy? The man said he would tell Drake but first they had to train. In his current state Drake would surely die if he confronted them.
With that Drake began his training with his future still shrouded with mystery and a hole lot of questions still remaining. What the future had in store would inevitably challenge him further. However knowing he could only do so much Drake trained. Looming in the distance were to ghosts both of which we eagerly awaiting their final confrontation with Drake.

deatharrows -> RE: (DF) The EnTropical Tale (1/10/2013 18:42:00)

Chapter 7
Rewriting the Threads of Fate

As Drake trained he was being watched. The spy was spying for his own reasons. Knowing that if Drake fought En and Tropy he would win the spy formed a plan. He plotted and plotted until he came up with an extremely clever and sinister plan. In the meanwhile Drake was being trained by the Sage on Mist Mountain.

"First you must learn to implement the power you have in different forms." said the Sage. "Try throwing this rock." "Well ok then" said Drake. He threw the rock and the Sage split it in half. "Now focus on the rock said the Sage." "Transfer your power into it and make it more than a rock. EnTropify it." And so Drake focused on the rock and it began to rumble. Then it crackled. Eventually there was a burst of light and the rock was filled with EnTropical energy.

"Very good." said the Sage. "Now throw it at me." "Ok then." said Drake. Drake through the rock and the energy within the rock was so powerful that the Sage was pushed back back a bit. "Good job!" said the Sage. "You've done well. You see that rock isn't at all special. As you saw when you threw the other rock at me I cut it in half. However by enhancing it using you power you can create a sort of guard used for offense and defense. Once you learn more you can cause any object you use EnTropic energy on to become pure EnTropic energy. This does take quite a toll on your energy though unless you train. Hence forth we will continue learning! Also there are a few more advanced techniques. These include EnTropy beam which takes the whole pure energy thing a step further and shoots a beam of pure energy. You've learned a technique called EnTropic touch where a beam of energy shoots up but this is far more effective and difficult to master and use. The other two advanced techniques are the Decaying Blade and what I like to call Total Corruption. The Decaying Blade takes a small objet and turns it into a blade made of the same material as the first object only when it strikes it decays what ever it touches. It's an amazing technique but it requires a great amount of energy, focus, and skill. As for Total Corruption I have one thing to tell you. Never use it unless necessary! It corrupts everything in it's path into EnTropical beings of all elements! However the toll is greater then the reward. It uses far more energy then you will likely ever have and if you're to weak it will kill you and then the beings will stay in said form and cause havoc!"

"Wow!" said Drake. "I have a long way to go before I can do any of that stuff!". "Indeed." said the Sage. "We will continue what you were doing with the rock until I see you fit enough to train with other techniques and do more rigorous exercises to increase you energy and focus.". And with that Drake's rigorous training began. Drake trained and exercised under the Sage's watchful eye. Drake amplified stones with his energy, sparred with the Sage, lifted boulders, and trained his mind. However after training for awhile, while Drake and the Sage rested, the spy was still watching. It was time to set his plan into action. He took out his looms and began to do what appeared to be sewing with air. Suddenly mist mountain shook extremely violently . Drake was sent flying of the mountain. Unlike before he wasn't in a dream. He was falling to his death. Suddenly there was a boom and Drake was unconscious in a crater in the ground. As he lay unconscious the mountain collapsed and sent any living thing or bolder tumbling off of it.

In the distance the spy laughed at his own genius. He had literally rewritten fate and made way for the chance to become an unstoppable force. Despite his success in altering the course of history, allowing him to move forward in his plot for world domination , he had to be carful so as not to alert anyone of his being in this time or else until he had finished his plan. Now that fate was rewritten many unpredictable things would happen, and even he couldn't for see the future do to it still being formed because of his tinkering with fate. However he knew he was in no danger as long as he didn't do anything rash. He had no doubt he would succeed in becoming the most powerful being in all of Lore.

Time passed. Drake was running through a dark ally. Many people he didn't know were chasing him. Suddenly a humungous figure emerged. It walked towards him but Drake was corned. It drew closer and closer until it swung it's club at him and... Drake woke up gasping for breath. His armor was slightly rusted and mossy. He noticed he was in a crater.

Drake climbed out of the crater gasping at what had become of the island he was on. There were many monsters of types he had never seen, some carrying others, others kiling others, and some keeping others hostage. As he watched he saw Gore and the crew in chains being forced forward by monsters in oddly designed armor.

Despite his confusion Drake knew he owed Gore his life and helped him escape. Drake picked up a rock, threw it, and as it flew it changed into an orb of EnTropic energy. The rock hit a soldier and with a bang he was unconscious. After being spotted all of the bigger monsters ran at Drake. He was about to be in for one heck of a fight.

deatharrows -> RE: (DF) The EnTropical Tale (2/5/2013 18:35:02)

Chapter 8
The New Evil

The soldier attacked Drake with a volley of punches but Drake blocked and dodged all of them. He knew he would have to be smart if he intended to win, for if he attacked now while being volleyed with attacks, his chance of winning were nigh impossible. Knowing he needed to buy time Drake attempted to gain some distance from the soldier while looking for anything to gain the advantage. Then he remembered Gore.

If he had help Drake could stand a chance. He created a smoke screen by blasting the ground, causing dust to block the soldiers' view, and then ran over to Gore and the others. Drake broke the chains and helped them up. "Drake!" said Gore. "Why did you just attack them up front fool!?!? You should have thought this through!". "Look we can talk about me being stupid later but now you need to back me up!" Drake retorted. With the soldiers rapidly approaching Gore decided to ask questions later and told the others to attack. Then the battle changed drastically. Ragnar pulverized some soldiers, knocking them out in seconds, while Gore and Sophia managed to block the soldiers' attacks and then easily grab them and disable them through pressure points. Meanwhile Chad and Carmel watched from a distance.

When the fighting subsided Gore began questioning Drake. "Why the heck didn't you wake us up when we arrived? I was taking a nap then next thing I know I wake up in chains surrounded by odd monsters. I want answers!". "Look I'll explain but first we should hide from these monsters. They aren't much of a challenge but look how many of them there are!". "Gore, he's right. We should find a safe place to set up camp then talk." said Sophia. "Well I guess you make a fair point. Well let's go ahead and find some place to set up camp" Gore replied.

So the crew went ahead and traveled, avoiding contact with anyone, until they found a small cave with no one nearby. "I checked and the cave is empty of monsters" Ragnar reported. "Well let's make haste and set up a camp." said Gore. "Ragnar and I will go hunting around here for some food while Sophia and Carmel set up a tent. Drake I want you to go ahead and search for a forest. All thought it seemed to be a barren waste land out there I saw some forests nearby. As for Chad I want you to stay in the cave.

After the order was heard everyone went a head and did as told until sun set when everyone had returned to the cave. "Ok now that we're safe and ready I'll answer your questions." said Drake. "Now I understand your confusion. Let me start off by explaining what happened on mist mountain. You see mist mountain is some kind of connection between a realm of spirits and dreams and our realm. It put me into sort of cycle that only ended when I made it to the top and avoided falling off. Their I met the sage who told me about Mist Mountain. He told me I was to weak to defeat the ghosts of En and Tropy and trained me to use my power more effectively. However before even a week passed something went wrong and I fell off Mist Mountain. I then passed out for a while. I'm not sure how long but I woke up with my armor looking like a left out sandwich and saw those weird monsters. I don't know what happened. Maybe the world evolved or maybe monsters swam to the island but I suspect a far more sinister plot. I suspect that we need not worry about Vaal for a far more sinister evil has likely taken rain".

The others listened and all was silent for a while. Finally Gore spoke up. "Vaal isn't a threat any more? I'm starting to doubt you Drake. Since we let you join us you've lead us into an ill fated journey and now you say our goal is futile?" Gore said with a hint of anger. "Sir I think Drake seems to have helped us a bit. I mean without him we would have crashed do to the Mecha Chaos Weavers." Ragnar said in Drake's defense. "No. He's the one Vaal wants. Now that Vaal is gone a greater threat has risen. "I think Drake has to do this alone. I won't put my crew in danger due to Drake's fate. I'm sorry but you have to leave" Gore said grimly. "But Drake only just joined! I think we should consider this a bit more!" said Sophia. "No. Gore's right" said Drake. " I hate to say it but I'm some how intertwined with these odd events. You guys need to stay safe while I walk my own road. One day I'll find you guys and help you return to human form.". Before the others could argue Drake left. He refused to put his new friends in danger of death after only just getting to know them. Drake had taken the first step down his new path. It was finally up to him to do something and he would find his own path and accomplish his goals. He walked away having a destiny that was now up to him to create and he planned to make sure he finally got some answers.

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