Lost...? (Full Version)

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Rozamanthus -> Lost...? (11/9/2012 23:44:22)

Chapter One:Descended

Nothing. That was the only thing that she knew. No time, no sound...No family, no emotions, no pain..... No name.
All of that changed when there was a blinding flash of light, so bright it would blind one who would see. And yet... she saw. Then, all of a sudden, her very essence was snatched away, she was being...kidnapped? If she was, would anyone care, or even notice? Was there even anyone else to care? Suddenly, It was dark once again. She felt a pain in her... chest? She felt the urge to breathe? Noises. Voices were around her, snarling, moaning, whining. Then, there were words.
"Well, well. What do we have here?" She opened her...eyes?... and saw a dark, cruel-looking man. Surrounding him were the undead, moaning, waiting for their master's command. "I guess that instead of another minion, I have a pet."To a skeleton to his right,he orders,"Take her to the dungeon."
Dungeon? What's a dungeon? Why am I feeling things? She was lost, confused. Once in her cell, a broken mirror revealed to herself she was no more merely a consciousness, but a being. Her eyes a shade of the most piercing yellow imaginable, which seemed to change hue with her mood. Her hair long and...purple? No, it was like a grackle's head, black and iridescent. She was fair, and clothed in a...gown? Dress? Robe? Well, it was as if she was clothed in the darkness she knew as home. Is that me? I have a body?
Suddenly, a large clamor arose upstairs; one of the clanging of swords, blasts of power, and...battlecries? Before she knew it, she was rescued by a warrior, who was finally on an actually important quest.
"Who are you?" He asked. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? What's your name?"
He's asking me my name? Do I have a name? Am I able to talk? She thought to herself.
"Aiiiiee.... uhhvv....nnnuuuhh....nammmeee?"
"Come again?" Asked the bewildered hero.
"N-n-No... N-n-na-Name?" She tried again.
"No name? Really? Well, uh- ma'am, I guess we should leave now, you know, a-and head back to town."
Not wanting to try again to speak and to embarrass herself some more, she simply nodded.
"Don't worry, I'll take you to some help. Maybe someone who can help you find a name and someone to help you talk."
What a nice boy. She thought as they headed off back to Falconreach.
Chapter 2:Recovered

It has been a while since she had been stolen. A strange man with white hair and a blue dress and a walking stick came by and explained to everyone,including herself, who and what she was and where she came from, and how she got here.
"This young lady is a spiritus or spirit."
"Wait, she's an undead?!" asked a paladin she learned was called an "Artix". He then seemed to prepare to take a swing at her.
"No, that's why I said spiritus." Said the mage.
"Oh. Wait, what?!
"Let me explain. The term spiritus can also mean consciousness. If anything, she was a life who has not lived yet."
The warrior that saved the girl then asked,"But how did the necromancer get her? I mean, he makes undead, not un-not-yet-living,right?"
Yes, how did I get here? She thought.
"I'm not sure, but I believe that he simply just took her spirit instead of one of the deceased."
"O-okay, but d-do I h-have a n-name?" She finally joined into the conversation.
A bit startled because of the sudden break of silence, Warlic looked toward her with his eyes locked on-no, into hers, he simply replied,"Raevenn."

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