RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (Full Version)

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afterlifex -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/13/2013 9:47:44)

All that would do is lead to farming of a players own house guards.

AQSkullFacePaladin -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/13/2013 9:54:46)

Not really since different kind of house guards give different xp and gold xD It is better than fighting random battles or fighting Essence Dragons all the time xD

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/13/2013 9:59:05)

Your assuming someone will not just buy a single nerfkitten and farm the stuffing out of it. There would be no need to have more then one guard, I am also not speaking of a single lvl range. They would need to be treated like dream monsters and have their rewards reduced.

AQSkullFacePaladin -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/13/2013 10:01:01)

Yeah right that is what I want also =P

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/13/2013 10:23:42)

Well then too bad, because the KoO are not about to allow a huge farming spot like that come up, espeically if it means new coding to actually fight the monsters. Let us return to the overall topic and keep this line of though on hold for now.

Frost Moglin -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/13/2013 13:05:14)

One useful function would be some sort of "Countdown to Release(if nothing goes wrong)"-clock.

Harold Saxon -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/13/2013 14:41:53)

@Frost Moglin That would be wrong much too often to be useful.

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/13/2013 14:46:48)

That countdown is not really needed because we get the newsletter each week.
It is also impossible.....
The staff do not always know in which order they can release Events. Due to last minute coding problems, playtesting and bug finding etc.

We just have to wait for every Event and hope that it is working when it does get released. [:D]

Most of the time, everything turns out great.....

Tha Killa -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/13/2013 15:24:49)

I can't wait to see what kind of housing update this'll be, this wait is killing me![8D]

AQSkullFacePaladin -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/13/2013 23:53:47)

@Tha Killa yes me too as if I waited over a decade xD Anyway I won't be surprise if this house update is after Xov War and Knight Class(takes times) well I hope when it comes out,it is the day my patience of waiting is paid off =)

jonaldson -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/14/2013 8:30:55)

I finally sold my original priced Darkovia mansion estate for a whopping 93,800 tokens. I was trying to let it hit 100k, but I was just really getting bored with it and wanted my Deren estate. Anyone else more recently pawned off a house they have had for years?

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/14/2013 17:25:32)

Got my eatery to 20, bring on the wars. [:D]

AQSkullFacePaladin -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/15/2013 10:42:55)

@Dreiko haha same bro,I also got my eatery to 20 too,BRING on Xov and her entire army!!!

Rai Spellfang -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/15/2013 11:57:09)

Rai's eatery is still in the process of upgrading to 20. 100+ hours left.

Been very lazy with proper home maintenance lately >.>

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/15/2013 14:45:46)

5 estates, 32 hours at Level 20 and no invasions ...... yet. This is looking good.
Bring on the War. [:D]

EST OverLord -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/15/2013 18:06:23)

the eatery is it like the storage the effects still apply even if its under attack?

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/15/2013 18:07:29)

We don't know, it would make little sense if it did thou.

EST OverLord -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/15/2013 18:15:53)

yea guess so but will it bleed resources if its under attack?

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/15/2013 18:20:04)

No, only 3 food per hour which only amounts to 72 per day.

Which isn't much when it doubles your resource production.

EST OverLord -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/15/2013 18:23:52)

so even if i would be say away for a month it would be totally bad well thats good to hear
cant wait to max it out i dont even remember what was my last estate item i maxed out

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/15/2013 18:26:23)

As long as your other buildings aren't invaded and you don't have an other items with heavy upkeep(museum) it would be fine. Even then it would make it all back fairly quickly.

AQSkullFacePaladin -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/16/2013 8:45:29)

Ok but is there any idea that we can know who(players) invade our estate,if I know I will be sure to drop by his/her house for a little visit >:D

Smackie El Frog -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/16/2013 10:25:25)

Max Level estate, level 20 eatery without Guard Tower with massive token guards - Eatery has not been attacked since reaching level 20 on 7/2
Character Link:

Max level estate, level 20 eatery without Guard Tower with aforementioned token guards - Eatery has not been attacked since reaching level 20 on 7/2
Character Link:

Max level estate, level 20 eatery with level 15 guard tower with some token guards - Eatery has not been attacked since reaching level 20 on 7/4
Character Link:

Looking like I still have 100% immunity from attacks with my amount of guards on the top two characters[:)]

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/16/2013 10:57:36)

AQSkullFacePaladin A player visiting your house is different then it being invaded my monsters & no we don't know who visits.
Invasion is an automatic function that may stop your buildings from working while a visitor is just that they visit and take a few potions and are on their way.

AQSkullFacePaladin -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (7/16/2013 11:15:33)

It is just that I wish I know which visitor come and take my potions :/

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