RE: EbilCorp (Full Version)

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frogger3456 -> RE: EbilCorp (11/12/2013 21:18:33)

Message to ALL guildies

We will be holding a mini event that shouldn't take too long on BOTH Friday and Saturday (that's the 15th & 16th) at 7pm server time on safiria server. (actual room will be discussed at the time or slightly beforehand via guild chat)

This event is a MUST and you should aim to attend at least ONE if not BOTH of them.

Reason for said event is to get an up to date screenie of as many guild members are possible.

Hope to see you all there.

Regards, Ice slayer

HolyThief -> RE: EbilCorp (11/12/2013 21:47:09)

We now officially have a guild twitter account

If you are a member please follow.

If you wish to join you can also follow and use it to keep tabs on guild slots and ask questions

dragon wrath -> RE: EbilCorp (11/13/2013 8:46:33)

what no facebook page ?

HolyThief -> RE: EbilCorp (11/13/2013 9:00:25)

Personally im not a fan of using facebook, though if we get enough requests to i do not mind having one made

dragon wrath -> RE: EbilCorp (11/13/2013 10:36:59)

Have to wake up at 8am for the meeting O_O

HolyThief -> RE: EbilCorp (11/13/2013 22:44:02)

I know for aussie guys this will be a pain, so if you cant then dont, id rather you dont wake up so early just for a screenie.

But if you feel you want to be in the screenie, then come along

Also vyo has completed his test guild site.

Waiting on The butler (yes i think you should just be referred to as the butler from now on. You can have that title if you want) for his site.

After i get a preview of both sites we will cast a guild vote. Whoevers site gets the most votes will become the main site, and Both vyo and the butler will work on it together

Abaraa -> RE: EbilCorp (11/14/2013 6:37:39)

Hey Holy, just telling you that there is an approximately 29% chance of me coming as its 6 AM in the morning for me over here. BUT, I may still turn up.

Shadowhunt -> RE: EbilCorp (11/14/2013 12:59:02)

I should be able to make the Friday meeting as long as I get back from the gym in time, I may be able to make the Saturday one as well depending on which house I am at. Are we supposed to have any specific equipment on or just our favorite set or what?

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: EbilCorp (11/14/2013 13:08:11)

Well I think it'd be cool if we all wore Black and Red items, things that looked 'Ebilcorpian', like we did with the Screenshot we took in September, it just looks nice.

BoomerSooner1 -> RE: EbilCorp (11/14/2013 23:33:40)

Most of you probably remember Ze, before he left for the Ambassadors. He wants to rejoin now, and I think it's probably unanimous that we should allow him. I think that if there are any spots and an officer seems/talks to him, he/she should re-add him, but you might want to clear it up with Holy.

HolyThief -> RE: EbilCorp (11/15/2013 14:37:05)

We have had 2 test sites created for the guild. The reason for two being made was because we had 2 different individuals who wanted to make their own versions of what they felt the site should be

So this is like a mini competition between them

Site 1

This was created by the guildie Grimlon the werewolf aka Chaosweaver amon on this forum

Site 2

This was created by the guildie Vyo 97 aka Omilliyo on this forum

Both these sites are in TEST phase

I do not want you guys to join up to the sites, just take a look a round and see which site you prefer from your first impressions

Once you have an idea of which site you prefer please either pm me in game OR pm me via this forum and tell me.

We will continue with which ever site gets the most votes

Voting will last until 3Pm server time tomorrow (just a little over 24 hours)

It is of the UTMOST importance that you vote

Also apart from the vote there is an event that ebilcorp members SHOULD attend.

This even should last 10-15 mins.

It will take place on safiria server. (Actual room details will be issued in the guild chat prior to the event)

It will be on BOTH today and tomorrow at 7PM server time. (at least attempt to attend one of the two days)

If you cant attend due to timezones or other issues then thats fine but please do your best to attend

Bunker -> RE: EbilCorp (11/15/2013 15:05:07)

Both sux

I like all the buttons for Vyo's but I like how Grim's is more solid looking. Grim's is also much more clean, IMO that's what EC should be like. If you guys could combine the two together then that would be great.

dragon wrath -> RE: EbilCorp (11/15/2013 15:54:56)

I like grims Better. Less crowded.
Though love the server time clock from vyos [:D]

Crisis Hoarder -> RE: EbilCorp (11/15/2013 16:38:47)

I like all the features of Vyo's better but i prefer the simple cleanness of Grim's better. Maybe we can combine the two? Also, for Grims, the pictures with white around it makes it look awkward and the title of the tab you are in ie: Home, News, etc is hard to read, Maybe make it read? Not the actual tab itself, just the part under the tabs.

Cotton Swab -> RE: EbilCorp (11/15/2013 17:25:21)

Whoever made the enjiin site thing gets my vote. Looks systematic and clean, though it can also be worked upon to look better. From what I remember webs has a lot of limitations as a lot of its features actually require payment or donations or something.



Vertigo Beast -> RE: EbilCorp (11/15/2013 18:47:38)

Site 1 is a bit better atm, more spaced, the second one seems like a bit too much all at once.

Vyo if you organize/simplify yours a bit I think it would be better.

Hardcastle McCormick -> RE: EbilCorp (11/15/2013 18:52:22)

I vote for the one with all the fish. (and if I'm not allowed to vote for that, I'll go with Vyo's)

OmilliYo -> RE: EbilCorp (11/15/2013 23:45:07)

If anyone finds any "Big" Ebilcorp backgrounds or a good Ebilcorp themed background, could ya pm it to me so i can possible consider/use it for the site?

Abaraa -> RE: EbilCorp (11/16/2013 6:09:31)

I vote for Grim's as I like it better and its simpler than Vyo, though both were pretty good.

BoomerSooner1 -> RE: EbilCorp (11/16/2013 9:05:14)

They both look pretty good, but Grim's is a little cleaner so my vote goes to him. It's easier to read. Both need a little work though.

rif90 -> RE: EbilCorp (11/16/2013 13:04:43)

I have to say, I like Vyo's better. It looks really professional.

HolyThief -> RE: EbilCorp (11/16/2013 15:49:30)

Okay, Well it seems after a 24 hour vote time, vyos site is the winner (he only marginally won) but a win is a win.

Our new site is now

To any members of the guild who read this, please sign up if you havent already.

Orian -> RE: EbilCorp (11/21/2013 22:05:39)

I'm alive, and back now :D

dragon wrath -> RE: EbilCorp (11/22/2013 5:15:25)

YAY [:D][:D]

HolyThief -> RE: EbilCorp (11/22/2013 6:36:19)

Well, we have to wait for more guild slots/people to become inactive (and anotehr sweep to take place) before we can add you back arc D:

but at least ye have signed up to the guild site

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