Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (Full Version)

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Hun Kingq -> Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 8:15:25)

A new multi skill for the Blood Mage

Blood Rain
Uses a percentage of health and Energy to activate
Does physical damage and because it comes from the blood (health) of the Blood Mage Plasma is inside of each drop taking away energy.

Potential damage will be the same as other multis
Steal energy
Improves With: Dexterity (+1 damage per 2 Dexterity)
Overrides the energy regain of reroute and puts static charge in cool down.

So a new multi to set the Blood Mage apart from the tech mage with a multi skill like no other that steals energy and does physical damage.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 8:27:04)

seriously? it sounds OP, improves every 2 dex? disables reroute and static charge? energy steal? bloodmages already gain health from dealing damage so with this it is like getting a free shot to your opponent while stealing their energy. definitely not supported, this will make it the most powerful multi ingame and make dex tank bloodmages dominate 2v2 (are you trying to make bloodmage the most powerful class ingame?). lets be logical and think twice about something even though it is a suggestion, you still need to think twice to see if it is a reasonable one.

Drianx -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 8:29:35)

Sounds too OP.
Thumbs down.

Mother1 -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 8:42:40)

Not supported this attack is way OP. Plus reroute getting a cooldown along with Static because of an attack? No just no.

theholyfighter -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 10:02:07)

Not supported. Oped.

The Astral Fury -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 10:07:30)

Awesome, but first make it improve with every one DEX and it will be able to disable everything, but the attack button, also it's an auto matic crit and stun, it can also give you full HP and MP.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 14:39:26)

It takes both health and energy to use and the blood Mage is the only class that has no energy stealing skills

This is multi shot
Improves With: Dexterity (+1 damage per 4 Dexterity)
and you guys don't think that is Oped which uses just energy

The Blood Mage blood rain would use both health and energy.

don't forget the tact merc has reroute as well.

In Omega it will just be a free for all overpowered fest let Titan and the programmers create this skill and test it I 100% sure it would not be over powered but a new different unique skill that would set the Blood Mage apart from other classes.

I thought everyone was tired of seeing strength Blood Mages but I guess not?

Show me where I wrote it disables reroute for the whole match?
"Overrides the energy regain of reroute and puts static charge in cool down."
The Cyber Hunter will not be able to use static charge his next turn, putting a delay on his max massacre.

We could even have the max amount of energy steal at 15 since it does damage as well that small compared to Atom Smasher and definitely small compared to EMP at max.

All of you either need to improve on the suggestion of Blood Rain keeping it unique that would not make it over powered in you minds or come up with a new and unique multi skill for the Blood Mage class that would set it apart from the other classes without diminishing the power of their multi any further than the multis already are.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 15:17:03)

@hun kingq didnt you read my post? you will understand why if you do. read it

seriously? it sounds OP, improves every 2 dex? disables reroute and static charge? energy steal? bloodmages already gain health from dealing damage so with this it is like getting a free shot to your opponent while stealing their energy. definitely not supported, this will make it the most powerful multi ingame and make dex tank bloodmages dominate 2v2 (are you trying to make bloodmage the most powerful class ingame?). lets be logical and think twice about something even though it is a suggestion, you still need to think twice to see if it is a reasonable one.

and putting static charge or reroute in a 1 turn cooldown is just a no no, sometimes static charge and a energy regain passive can be a life saver.

Mother1 -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 15:27:24)

@ hun

And this would still OP BM even more. Everyone would be jumping to this class like they did when the OP strength build was good for 2 turning people. Plus shutting down reroute and static? Right there you are giving BM the power to completely destroy half of the other classes and what is really funny is that BM even if hit by this attack wouldn't be affected by status attacks. It is OP unbalanced, and selective with classes.

So not supported and Never supported.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 15:38:13)

TRizZzCENTRINO, I read you post did you read my last post, either improve the this new suggested skill or come up with a new multi for the Blood Mage that shows they are evolved from the tech mage that will be new, unique, and sets the blood Mage apart from the other new classes as well as the previous classes.
This is what I wrote
""Overrides the energy regain of reroute and puts static charge in cool down." "
This is what you wrote
"disables reroute and static charge?"

So tell me did I suggest to disable those two skills, when a person throws and EMP does any energy regain happens with reroute?
When the classes with reroute get hit the next turn then they get energy regain so that 15 points they lost they could easily get it back the next turn they get hit.

Static charge they can't use they turn after they get hit with the multi but the next turn
So they get hit with the multi then the Cyber Hunter goes and it is time for massacre but wait they don't have enough energy for massacre so then the next turn they would have to use static charge to regain that energy to use massacre in the next turn.

Did I suggest increasing the potential damage, no, the potential damage would be the same but have better improvement with dex since it would use both health and energy to use and they would not get back energy from it so as Plasma rain is a one time use match skill and uses a large amount of energy Blood Rain would be a one time use match skill because they have no energy regain.

We can also add at max for two targets it uses 30 point of energy and 10 points of health.

Mother1 -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 15:42:16)

@ hun

TRizz and everyone here are still saying that this attack is OP what can't you get? Even if the damage is low the effect is OP. It would be like taking a weakened version of the pyro fly's special everytime a BM used that special for TM TLM and CH. Plus passives never cooldown or warm up they are always working which right there make this OP. Plus the effect is very selective as well. It targets TM TLM and CH while level BM, BH, and Merc alone.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 15:52:10)

@hun kingq

So tell me did I suggest to disable those two skills, when a person throws and EMP does any energy regain happens with reroute?
When the classes with reroute get hit the next turn then they get energy regain so that 15 points they lost they could easily get it back the next turn they get hit.

EMP does not deal damage and you need to sacrifice some of your own energy to use it, and you don't gain health back or disable someone's passive ability with it.


Static charge they can't use they turn after they get hit with the multi but the next turn
So they get hit with the multi then the Cyber Hunter goes and it is time for massacre but wait they don't have enough energy for massacre so then the next turn they would have to use static charge to regain that energy to use massacre in the next turn.

so this skill targets only energy regain classes? sound OP to me, that means a bounty hunter can use massacre when hit and cyber hunters cannot because their static charge is put in a cooldown state next turn? totally unfair to techmage, tactical mercenary and cyber hunters.


Did I suggest increasing the potential damage, no, the potential damage would be the same but have better improvement with dex since it would use both health and energy to use and they would not get back energy from it so as Plasma rain is a one time use match skill and uses a large amount of energy Blood Rain would be a one time use match skill because they have no energy regain.

We can also add at max for two targets it uses 30 point of energy and 10 points of health.

you said on the original that it has a ability to energy steal, also even if it is a one time use it still would be OP, rare amounts of people can use a multi 2 times in a battle so a one time multi is powerful enough. and 10 health sacrifice is nothing to bloodmages they can get it back any time, plus when bloodmages deal damage with the multi they will gain health back so unless you spend 20 points of health it sounds too OP to be true.

King Helios -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 18:44:04)

How about 100% of HP and EP, it being so OP.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 20:28:32)

King Helios, if it is 100% energy and health than it would need to destroy the opposing team in one turn and if that is the case then it would be over powered.

TRizZzCENTRINO, We all know what EMP does and does not do but when a skill could take away about all of the other players energy that is as you and others say over powered.

If the class has energy regain skill than yes it will affect that skill but not make that skill unusable.

That skill uses both health and energy and the Blood Mage that you are forgetting does not have and energy regain skill.

If the Blood mage is lucky to get at least 40 points of damage that is 9.2 health return if Blood Lust stays the same at max.

Since the beginning of Delta if a Blood Mage has max multi in 2vs2 it is hard t use it twice even hard to use it once especially when they are hit with 3 to 4 EMPs in one max or a combo of EMP and Atom Smasher.

You mis-read again reroute would not give back energy at the turn the multi is used but when he gets hit again which is when the Blood mages partner goes then the tech mage gains back energy or tact merc that would make the tech mage rethink just having a Plasma Bolt build. At least you understand that it would put static charge in a cool down state for one turn but you again to fail to understand that the skill would steal energy 15 at max could be more at if Titans wants it to take more and when it steals energy it affects all classes so if a Bounty Hunter uses any energy with enough to do massacre gets hit with the multi than that bounty Hunter can't do massacre and would have to rethink their build.

This is a challenge to all come up with a multi that is new and unique for the Blood Mage that sets them apart from all other classes and if you can't than stop complaining about how that is over powered this is over powered because your complaints are not a viable solution to the abusive builds.

Over Powered means having too much power this skill would not have more power than any other multi or would not give back 100% health as man of you think it would and would not take away basically all energy like Atom smasher or Emp can. There is no increase in Critical chance unless the Blood Mage has high support.

Ranloth -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 20:36:15)

I find BMs balanced with current Multi and don't think they need a buff to it unless other classes get a buff (to make it equal IF there was a need). If buff is needed, it'll be granted but shoving additional effects onto a skill and make it very strong compared to other Multis - even at cost of HP and EP - is not fair and not needed, EVEN with Strength builds around.

Therefore I don't support.

Mother1 -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 20:40:33)


we are talking but you aren't listening. A multi that can not only give steals, but disable an energy passive and energy gaining move is OP!

Even if you are using health and energy Said blood mage wouldn't be giving up the exact amount at all thanks to Bloodlust (which will give the blood mage back some if not all of the health he spent) and the energy steal would give back Some of the energy used so you might as well say that everytime this attack is used the BM is getting X% off what he spends because of these effects.

Not only that but you are having this attack shut down Reroute (which is targeting TM and TLM) the same turn it is used so no energy gain is given to them, As will as CH static which won't be usable next turn while leaving the non energy classes alone along with BM.

Hun I know you have been playing longer then myself, however Every move in the game affects all the classes equally be it passive, skill, or strike. Your has effects that target only energy gaining classes which isn't balanced in the least. It is as I said in a previous post like using a weakened version of the pyro fly on these three classes with the disable effect. The pyro fly was made random because of the devastating it could cause if the opponent could pick and choose which skill they wanted and what you are doing here is just that to energy classes.

I will give you one thing you are think outside the box. However each and every time I have seen you come up with an Idea for BM it is always Vastly OP.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/15/2012 20:42:43)

hun, u used to be good with these balanced issues back in gamma, what happened to u?

Hun Kingq -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/16/2012 0:06:48)

Mother1, I do listen but it is players lack of understanding or fear of change or of something new that immediately players will say it is overpowered do you want the blood Mage give up 95% of health in 2vs2 for battle damage that is less than 45 on each player as well as 100% of energy. instead of just out right shooting down a suggestion especially something new improve on the idea.

for example; I suggested how it would improve with Dex
then someone could have came along and posted how about improving with Dex like this
Improves With: Dexterity (+1 damage per 6 Dexterity)

Trans, the multis suck big time you know and many players know it and that is why the multis not used among all classes. With Dex at 196 with Reflex boost and multi on max the highest damage I got was 43 with the new system. put this multi I suggestion with the new system with the same Dex the damage will be the same but will take energy away from the opposite team to help your side have a winning chance.

goldslayer1, I am still good at the balance issues the difference is we are dealing with 6 classes now instead of 3, we have 5 classes with energy stealing skills 1 without EMP is the most abused then Atom Smasher. Then we got the unblockable massacre that could kill a player even with 70 points of health. Since they messed with the formula for blocking the blockable skills have become unblockable getting hit with Bunker buster then Berzerker the match is over in the 2nd turn. Look at the new and unique multi I suggested:

1. Damage is the same as other multis
2. Improves With: Dexterity (+1 damage per 2 Dexterity) still affected by smoke
3. does not work if you have no energy or enough energy
4. uses health and energy
5. steals energy (a skill Blood mage does not have)
6.Does not give energy back to the Blood Mage just takes away energy from the opposing team
7. Overrides reroute for that turn only so the tech mage if not enough energy uses the Plasma bolt for the 2nd time or the tact merc uses double strike to finish you off but when they get damage from you or your partner then they get energy back
8. If a Cyber Hunter already used Static charge it is in cool down already if the multi is used static charge cool down will be the same but if they did not use static charge then the cool down will be 1 turn
9. Will make all classes rethink their builds especially Blood Mages with just strength builds

Titan if created would make sure that the skill would not as many of you would say over powered.

goldslayer1, even staff realized that skills need to be change so they could deal with each class individual and that as well as getting rid of requirements on weapons I pushed for:

"One way we hope to achieve this is by eliminating or modifying overlapping skills. We hope to make several changes in the Omega update that will make this diversification easier to implement and balance which we will elaborate upon as more details are finalized."

goldslayer1 -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/16/2012 0:14:23)

yeah the staff realised str builds are a problem, AFTER the nerfed or killed every other type of build that wasn't strength.

so now they want to reduce ur HP and energy to fix the problem.
go figure....

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/16/2012 4:10:23)


2. Improves With: Dexterity (+1 damage per 2 Dexterity) still affected by smoke

how does that make it the same damage as other multies? and plus bloodmage has reflex boost, so wat if the opponent doesnt have smoke? this clearly shows that it is OP.


7. Overrides reroute for that turn only so the tech mage if not enough energy uses the Plasma bolt for the 2nd time or the tact merc uses double strike to finish you off but when they get damage from you or your partner then they get energy back about no, passive is there for a reason and even the pyrofly's special cannot touch them, also the bloodlust is more useful than a passive energy regain skill, so for those classes every energy counts and needs them to survive, also whats bad is that you get to disable their energy regain for that 1 round but on top of that you also get to take away some of their energy....seriously think about it, it sounds OP!


9. Will make all classes rethink their builds especially Blood Mages with just strength builds

why should all class rethink their builds? everyone is able and have a right to make a build that they are comfortable with and don't need a fear of the bloodmage multi that will destroy their fun.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/16/2012 5:02:36)

Hmmmm... Lemme have a guess... You're a Blood Mage? (*Checks Character Page, I WAS RIGHT! =D*)

No way to this idea!

1. It is very OP! (Blood Mages are OP as it is already!)

2. This is benefiting you. (Probably the reason why you suggested it)

The current multi is good as it is, no point changing it making BM's EVEN MORE OP...

Remorse -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/16/2012 5:15:01)

Sorry but to have specific exceptions to counter skills (reroute, Static) is just silly.

ninja.fighter -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/16/2012 8:50:29)

as u can see now blood mages are op without this multi and when they get it they will be weapon of mass destruction

ND Mallet -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/16/2012 10:52:44)

The fact that it takes both health and energy to use does allow it some leniency to be more powerful with either a faster increase rate or the energy drain(which would have to be reduced as if it were damage, same way like Multis hit less on both targets). And unless the health you're losing is a huge chunk(around half of your total health) you won't be getting both specials. Also, it's in no way balanced to ever be able to disable a specific skill. Pyro Fly is borderline OPd despite its ability to disable skills being limited to Active skills and randomly.

kittycat -> RE: Blood Rain (Blood Mage multi) (12/16/2012 13:11:27)

To be honest, if BM were to get a new multi-skill, it would be best to have solely a physical counterpart of Plasma Rain. I remember Artillery Strike was very OP when it had the capability to ignore 20% defense back in the day. Additional side effects toward any Multi is like a double dip, and I don't think it would be nice. That also applies to other classes as well. Multis should deal solely damage toward the opponent, No side effects please.

@hun kingq: if you want to have BM multi to have distinction, it would be best to have it deal Physical damage and have some small effect like 5% chance to buff a random stat by 10 points for 4 rounds

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