Call Nezujimbo (Full Version)

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Balu -> Call Nezujimbo (12/16/2012 11:07:35)

Call Nezujimbo

Also see Call Nezujimbo Z, Call Nezujimbo G

Level: 6
Power Level: 6
MP Level: 6
Price: 25 Gold
Sellback: 12 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats!

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (6) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma. Name and element thanks to *FAINTS*....

Balu -> RE: Call Nezujimbo (12/16/2012 11:07:59)

Call Nezujimbo

Also see Call Nezujimbo Z, Call Nezujimbo G

Level: 24
Power Level: 24
MP Level: 24
Price: 52 Gold
Sellback: 26 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats!

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (24) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma. Name and element thanks to *FAINTS*....

Balu -> RE: Call Nezujimbo (12/16/2012 11:08:39)

Call Nezujimbo

Also see Call Nezujimbo Z, Call Nezujimbo G

Level: 60
Power Level: 60
MP Level: 60
Price: 1,396 Gold
Sellback: 698 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats!

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (60) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma. Name and element thanks to *FAINTS*....

Balu -> RE: Call Nezujimbo (12/16/2012 11:10:39)

Call Nezujimbo

Also see Call Nezujimbo Z, Call Nezujimbo G

Level: 78
Power Level: 78
MP Level: 78
Price: 9,022 Gold
Sellback: 4,511 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats!

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (78) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma. Name and element thanks to *FAINTS*....

Balu -> RE: Call Nezujimbo (12/16/2012 11:11:22)

Call Nezujimbo

Also see Call Nezujimbo Z, Call Nezujimbo G

Level: 114
Power Level: 114
MP Level: 114
Price: 385,453 Gold
Sellback: 192,726 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats!

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (114) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma. Name and element thanks to *FAINTS*....

Balu -> RE: Call Nezujimbo (12/16/2012 11:11:33)

Call Nezujimbo

Also see Call Nezujimbo Z, Call Nezujimbo G

Level: 132
Power Level: 132
MP Level: 132
Price: 2,522,121 Gold
Sellback: 1,261,060 Gold
Location: Rise of the Samurats!

Element: Ice
Cost: 0 MP
Effect: Summons Nezujimbo (132) as a guest. Cast again to dismiss, or choose "You are dismissed." speech option.

Call forth Nezujimbo to strike your foes down with a chilling blade! Just be sure you have the cash to pay him for his services.

Stats thanks to In Media Res, Description thanks to Dragoon23, Write-up & Image thanks to Paradoxical Enigma. Name and element thanks to *FAINTS*....

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