=OS= Staff Social Networking and Forum Accounts (Full Version)

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ND Mallet -> =OS= Staff Social Networking and Forum Accounts (8/21/2013 18:42:39)

Below is a list of OverSoul's Development and Moderation staff and their forum and social network accounts. These are confirmed staff accounts. Any information posted by these accounts regarding unreleased content is allowed in the forums. If they're not on the list, then check with forum staff before posting the info. And please be aware that there may be imposters posing as members of the staff trying to steal your accounts. AE Staff will never ask for your passwords, nor offer personal in-game rewards, free in-game currencies or moderator positions.

OverSoul Game
Facebook Page
YouTube Channel

Game Lead/Animator
Nulgath - @Nulgath

Rolith - @Rolith_AE
Warlic - @WarlicAE

Dilligaf - @Lord_Dilligaf
Klunk - @KingKlunk

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