Passives - Energy Reservation (Full Version)

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Xendran -> Passives - Energy Reservation (12/29/2012 12:08:08)

Passives should reserve a certain amount of energy based on the level. This means that taking passives is no longer a no-brainer, but an actual choice that you have to think about when making a build.

Remorse -> RE: Passives - Energy Reservation (12/29/2012 13:02:50)

Not really understanding what your trying to say here xen.

Stabilis -> RE: Passives - Energy Reservation (12/29/2012 13:12:37)

Do you mean that if I have Shadow Arts 5 for example, 7 of my 51 energy is unusable?

Xendran -> RE: Passives - Energy Reservation (12/29/2012 14:12:33)

Yes, that is a good example of how it would work.
This would encourage more thought when making builds, and making energy more diverse of a stat.

Ranloth -> RE: Passives - Energy Reservation (12/29/2012 14:42:38)

Ah, a drawback in other words for having that passive! This could definitely be more interesting, especially when x passive can be more useful than y passive and this could balance the power out as well.

I wouldn't completely say yes but neither I'd say no. Would this be only be applied to Energy or could there be any other costs/drawbacks for a given passive? Some builds can dump EP in their builds completely and not rely on it whilst some depend on it. See the point here? Some people would be at bigger disadvantage than others if it'd be one type of cost.

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: Passives - Energy Reservation (12/29/2012 17:49:58)

Seems rather limiting and in favor of abilities such as reroute that can pay for themselves ten times in a single game.

Mother1 -> RE: Passives - Energy Reservation (12/29/2012 18:16:09)

Not supported

It would make certain passives even weaker then others and instead of helping balance it could as well make it worse. Plus this would hurt the lower levels who have less stats to work with then higher levels. There are some lower levels who max out passives such as bloodlust some a quick as level 11, and this idea would hurt those kinds of players.

Ranloth -> RE: Passives - Energy Reservation (12/29/2012 18:27:44)

At the same time, Mother1, Ashari said in the past that passives should not be a must in player's build and that they will be changed accordingly. Just like how DA isn't necessary in every BM/TM build but is useful. Reroute and Blood Lust are ones players depend on a lot, same with passive Armors. So in the end, passives shouldn't be a must and having some sort of cost would be interesting. Doesn't have to be a massive one, you can use formula to balance it out at all levels.

Mother1 -> RE: Passives - Energy Reservation (12/29/2012 18:35:17)

@ trans

If Omega brings what the developers promised and they find ways to make all passives a not must have then I could support this idea if they did add balanced formula so that it is fair at all levels. However as it stands now blacklash for passives especially at the lower levels would hurt balance which we both know right now is going through the meat grinder.

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