Moglord Crown (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Moglord Crown (1/12/2013 17:15:52)

Moglord Crown

Note: See Appendix for information in the brackets.

Also see: Moglord Crown Z

Level: [Level]
Power Level: [PLvl], Mastercraft
Price: [Buy]
Sellback: [Sell]
Location: Gift Box [Version] 2012 (Giftbox version that matches level)
Element: Neutral

Activation: 0 turns
  • +[CHA] CHA
  • Every turn with the Crown equipped, there is a [Cel%]% chance of invoking Moglord's Privilege* (re-named Celerity) for yourself and your pet, guest and item. The monster can resist** this with a save, for which it takes a +0 penalty:
      Level: [PLvl] vs. MonsterLevel
      Major: [VStat] vs. MonsterCHA
      Minor: PlayerLUK vs. MonsterLUK
    *You invoke the Moglord's Privilege!
    **The foe resists your invocation of the Moglord's Privilege!

    Cost: [Cost] SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

    This crown is made of the finest gold, truly reserved for the finest Moglin warlords. It will give you a bonus to your Charisma, and will also occasionally allow you to take an extra turn for everything on your side of the field, as suits a king.


    Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Correction thanks to aNyThInG.

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Moglord Crown (1/12/2013 17:16:14)

    Version	I	II	III	IV	V	VI	VII	VIII	
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150	
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	
    PLvl	19	36	54	73	93	113	133	153	
    CHA	15	25	30	30	35	35	40	40	
    Cel%	8.5	11.9	13.6	15.3	15.3	17	18.7	22.1	
    Vstat	30	75	120	160	200	200	200	200	
    Cost	16	24	28	29	31	33	36	37	
    Buy	9	27	168	1309	10504	84639	682338	5501175	
    Sell	9	27	168	1309	10504	84639	682338	5501175	

    Dragoon23 -> RE: Moglord Crown (1/12/2013 17:18:12)


  • Starting Celerity numbers are given below.

  • Since Celerity doesn't require a hit to trigger, the Celerity chance takes a *0.85 penalty.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the Appendix

    Version	I	II	III	IV	V	VI	VII	VIII	
    Cel%	10	14	16	18	18	20	22	26	

  • Page: [1]

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