HP Bar (Full Version)

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SouL Prisoner -> HP Bar (1/14/2013 5:54:18)

Currently the HP bar is green at any amount of health u got.

My suggestion, once the HP is 50% or below, it turns yellow, and when its 20% or below 20% it turns red :)

No great suggestion i know, but would be great and would make things more sense full ...

G4m3r -> RE: HP Bar (1/14/2013 14:22:20)

Maybe green, yellow, orange and red colours.

veneeria -> RE: HP Bar (1/14/2013 23:44:21)

Well, it certainly is a user friendly update.

Not sure if i am against or not, it only seams unnecessary. If there is not problem in adding it to the game, i am ok with it.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 2:18:25)


Maybe green, yellow, orange and red colours.

i don't think orange is needed ...

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 4:45:25)

It does make it more realistic. But also its kinda useless
So im in if it does not take alot of work.

Xendran -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 5:41:18)

This would be good as one of the things you could buy for a small amount of varium that doesn't give a battle advantage.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 7:13:42)

^What??? buy!??

what do u mean buy??

how can you buy a "feature" ??

Stabilis -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 7:42:05)

What if the person is colour blind and is unable to see the difference between orange and red or yellow and orange or even green and yellow?

SouL Prisoner -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 7:45:22)

^r u kidding me?? -.-

it doesn't matter if you can see or not, coz it does not affect the game play, so if 1 person cannot see, it doesn't really matters.

Stabilis -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 7:49:05)

So HP bars do not matter then? OK, right on.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 8:36:19)

^ I was very much aware ur gonna turn the point this way, but u just red what i posted, not understood what i said.

Let me ask u a question, idk even if you know or noticed that, anyways..

Do you know y they remade the central station???

it was to impost good impression to the new players ... and the same case applies to my suggestion too ...

HP bar matters to all, but if 1 color blind person cannot make a diff in color, it does not change anything ...

But if Dev's want orange color, i don't mind. They can add all 12 colors if they want, but this is my suggestion, green, yellow and red :)

Stabilis -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 8:57:25)

I was just playing with "ya'". They should use darkened or brightened shades/tints of the green, or polar opposite colours.

EDIT: Oh, and for the record, 1, 2, and CoD now uses color-,blind display because the numbers were so high.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 9:02:36)

most games have something similar to this. it would be interesting to see it implemented if
it doesnt take much time away from the omega release. maybe they could work on it after
omega is released. either way, it would be a neat little feature. they are updating graphics
anyways. i think it is about time the bars changed too. support.

CN2025 -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 9:11:00)

yup maybe frosty colour when im at full hp cuz im frosty :D

Xendran -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 9:40:26)


^What??? buy!??

what do u mean buy??

how can you buy a "feature" ??

It's a cosmetic feature. If you want it, you pay for it.

@Depressed Void: What in the heck are you even talking about? Colorblind people aren't stupid enough to pay for something they KNOW they won't be able to see.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 10:30:25)

^ LOL, can't agree anything less {_}

P.S : i don't think this feature needs to be bought, coz i doubt any body would bother buying it. And plus, buying and stuff would make it more complicated and lots of work for dev's ...

Xendran -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 10:35:27)


P.S : i don't think this feature needs to be bought,

Varium advantage removed. Monetization of other things is required.


coz i doubt any body would bother buying it.

Thats not what the OP indicates. I also would buy it. And sales figures of other games show that cosmetic items sell like crazy


.And plus, buying and stuff would make it more complicated and lots of work for dev's ...

This is a blatant lie.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 10:39:31)

IDK, i said what i felt was right, even though i agree with your point... hmmm .... i guess we should leave it to Dev's :)

Stabilis -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 15:38:31)

I would support this given the following conditions to actually make this partially useful... full control:

•be able to choose which colours and the number of colours

•be able to set the threshold of each colour (when it changes)

Because we kneel when we reach critical health, we do not need to work around that event.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 16:29:57)


Soul is right there, nobody would buy it.
Maybe if its 10 varium...

You want to buy it, sure.
Waste your varium on a little color change, we wont mind.
But the fact that you want to buy it, does not say alot of people wamt to buy it.

And other games arent EpicDuel, i dont think anybody would buy var to get this feature.
Only people who would buy it, is because they only have a small amount left which where they cant buy anything else for.

King Helios -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 16:31:54)

Like Pokemon? Haha Support!

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 17:16:43)

Let the record show I am color deficient in the red-green wave length. I am not full blown colorblind so I can't way in all the way but for me the colorblindness only gets me for those colors(pumpkin orange I called cherry red).
And for those who are fully colorblind this update won't change much for them as it will look the same as it does now.

Other than that tanget Green means you are in the good, yellow is be careful, and red means warning. So I support this

Lycan. -> RE: HP Bar (1/15/2013 17:48:54)

I support.
I think this is the kind of stuff Varium should offer.

Xendran -> RE: HP Bar (1/16/2013 0:12:47)



Soul is right there, nobody would buy it.
Maybe if its 10 varium...

You want to buy it, sure.
Waste your varium on a little color change, we wont mind.
But the fact that you want to buy it, does not say alot of people wamt to buy it.

And other games arent EpicDuel, i dont think anybody would buy var to get this feature.
Only people who would buy it, is because they only have a small amount left which where they cant buy anything else for.

I'm sure you've done studies in classes that give you valid information about sales data and what people will or will not buy in a game.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: HP Bar (1/16/2013 0:36:40)

@ Xendran

Actually i did. I have studied Retail.
You do have a good point, but the thing is, this is a game with the target-group= Children.
Most games where there was a studie about the sales, are big games. Those games more have older people.

A child wont buy varium for a cosmetical item, they will buy it with its leftovers.
Why would someone buy that feature instead of a weapon?

And also, because there was one studie in some games that says it sells crazy, does not mean it is in all games over the whole world.
Every game is different and the target-group of all games are also different.
One studie on a few games proves nothing for a game thats not related to the games where the studie was in.
I think youre smart enough to know that.

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