RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (Full Version)

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Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/4/2013 22:00:35)

Defend. Meant Defend.

But then I just remember you can't do that without switching clans so it'd be a bother...

I mean if you WERE going to do it, then it would be a new objective: "See how many bits of data the devs assigned to the event by attacking until the negative turns into a positive number"

THEN I would approve of it. Totally. I wouldn't care that it's my clan. But you'd have to be committed :P

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/4/2013 22:51:16)


"See how many bits of data the devs assigned to the event by attacking until the negative turns into a positive number"

I dig that idea.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/5/2013 3:12:09)

Strange I thought I sent in the pm last week let me go check my sent box.

EDIT: seems dethhollow was right, looks like I better get back into the habit of sending it off soon, and I thought habits were supposed to be hard to break.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/5/2013 13:35:50)

Depends on the habit. They usually take about 21 days to make and about 3 days to break.

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/5/2013 16:21:31)

What about an ultimatum, where if they don't defend a curtain amount everyday 1 person from all the active
Clans attacks them for double. So if they defend they will gradually get back into positive in a couple of months.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/5/2013 17:27:01)

@neo: That would only go so far. There are still some non forumites that use the Defense Forces as farming land. Also when you are in as deep of a hole as we (Aerodu) are (no thanks to Dynami *glares at Digdog*) it can only go so far to bring us back. It would almost be easier to see if the number tops out at -100K and see if it turns us over.

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/5/2013 18:27:45)

Then why don't we approach the staff to make the clans immune to attacks if they hit the requirement
Everyday except the weekend' So we can only see growth eventually in every clan

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/5/2013 19:13:09)

Well Dig and I were just talking about the coding and he mentioned something about -4Million as a maximum on some codes like this and then either it stops counting or completely crashes the server or something. Would be fun to try but that sounds like an awful lot of work and in Dynami, we frown on work.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/5/2013 19:30:26)

It's probably more like 2 billion though. And even if it was only 4 million it would take ages to get there.


Also when you are in as deep of a hole as we (Aerodu) are (no thanks to Dynami *glares at Digdog*) it can only go so far to bring us back. It would almost be easier to see if the number tops out at -100K and see if it turns us over.

Well who's fault was that, huh? :P

Also clans were far below -100k at some point, so hitting that number would do nothing at all.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/6/2013 11:55:37)

I doubt most of the staff even give 2 craps about the PUC, let alone care enough to put the time and effort into this instead of a regular release. And how would you know that they're defending and not just being attacked? It seems pretty complecated. And if something like that happens where attacks do double damage if you defended, then how would you determine who defended and who attacked?

Besides, I don't want to give Dynami more of an edge than they already have.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/6/2013 12:02:24)

I'm just trying to suggest something different, if y'all want more of the same that's fine too, but I figured that the more we mix things up the more fun it is.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/6/2013 19:18:21)

Yeah, but I have next to no idea how to implament something like that without getting lost. There's a few issues over some minor details, but I'd like the idea for a special round or so.... Something that would be like a special event, but not a weekly thing. I dunno, maybe for the weekend of Friday the 13th or something?

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/7/2013 5:53:26)

its only numbers, all it takes is people to be active to get out of negative. all people want right now is an incentive. like that update which will be game mechanics altering, which will make classes look like a regular release compared to paxia getting an update of that scale. its just like how I am a big guy who could get diabetes if I continue on the path of just doing what I am doing but if I "make an effort" to loose that weight and not be in fear of diseases taking over my body. I could loose weight and eventually take a path in life where I am not in fault of the way I move into the next life (I am not saying that with ease I hope god willing I live a full life but it will eventually come regardless if I speed it up or not).

P.S. I slept the whole afternoon when I could and woke up mid morning I think I should goto sleep now I start work at 1 pm, l8rs.
P.S.S. Sorry I mumble sometimes... when I am sleepy but awake.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/8/2013 22:10:31)

It's ok, Neo. I do the same thing.... Usually not here, but you'd be supprised how often I do it.

Anyways, next round! (insert blue text)

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/9/2013 2:49:03)

next round?? I thought this round is over at monday midnight?

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/9/2013 3:35:54)

Quoted from the rules in the first post:

-Monday to Friday, you get to decide where to attack. Battles for taking control of an occupied area are done during the weekend. The clan who has gained the most points wins. If the two or more clans manage to beat the defender's score raise, the defending clan lose, and the area is given to the clan who had a higher increase in points.
-Battles begin at Friday 10:00 PM to Sunday 10:00PM AQ Server Time (GMT-5 Eastern Timezone).
-You have until Friday at 10:00 to PM your clan's battle plan to the GM (me). If it's not received by the GM until then, the clan is considered skipping it's turn.

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/9/2013 8:54:40)

oohhhh so yesterday night is the beginning of this round, so that is why he took a screen shot of where we started this weekend.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/9/2013 12:40:35)

To be a tad more precise, rounds indeed start on Monday. Those are week-long rounds. However, the time period between Monday and Friday are what I call the "planification" phase. During that time, you plan with your clan your next move, which territories you'd like to get.

Starting on Friday nights and ending on Sunday nights, the "battle phase" begins. During that time, you either attack the enemy to lower their score or defend to raise your own score. At the end of the battle phase, we take into consideration the raise of points made during that time (look at my previous post when I declared how much points has been gain/lost for each participating clan) by comparing the starting and the ending screenshots.

Long story made short: Attack/Defend only on weekends, and plan your move on week days.

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/9/2013 13:50:00)

I see cause people are usually free on the weekend to play but on week days its talking time only, mostly.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/10/2013 15:45:13)

I was gone Friday and Saturday so I haven't had time to do much fighting.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/10/2013 23:42:58)

And now the ending screenshot! Sorry this is so late, I seriously forgot about the round, went to AQ, and forgot to switch out hats so you could easilly tell the screenshots apart. Remember, sombrerro means end, Gekko-head means begaining! And there's probably nowhere else you will ever hear that.

Aerodu, to quote them, said:

B5 and B6

Yeah, I run out of things to say as well sometimes.... Aerodu gained 20 points! Alright, but could be better. Dynami gained 2,514 points. I would say it's a supprise, but...........

Geoto chose B2 and B4, gaining 400 points! I believe that's a personal best for Geoto, but still not enough.

And Dynami forgot to send in thier plans.... I don't know if that's what happened or if they just chose not to send them, but that's what I'm calling it.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/11/2013 0:02:38)

As previously stated I was not able to get on for two days and today was no better.

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/11/2013 1:27:25)

yea I had to work today I wanted to get at least 500 wins, plus I wasn't feeling well either*. how much did we need to take B2 and B4??

* not feeling any better now either.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/11/2013 1:41:34)

2515 points. You need to out score the current land owner so it will always change from week to week.

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #3 (3/12/2013 10:57:31)

I am just glad that come of the dynami clan members are not forum members.

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