RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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The Jop -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/17/2014 16:24:38)

Seems pretty bad at low levels since you have no regular attacks to kill the enemy with. If you only used sacrifices you could easily kill yourself.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/17/2014 16:27:01)

True, suicide danger. . . . . but then again barely anyone suicide. . . .. >.> This could be it! Lol xD.

''If you're not cheating, then you're not trying.''

Sounds like a good quote for a character. . .now I just have to build on that. :P

-Was thinking, kind of like an 8-bit look . .. Mine-craft thing. . . . .-
-I'll call it, THE BUG. . . . You know. . like a glitch . . or something. xD-

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Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/18/2014 16:21:58)

A dread fiend black dragon rider character.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/18/2014 18:47:01)

To carry a Dread Fiend. .. . must be one big/strong dragon. . .

Maybe not Dragon. How about Dread Fiend riding on a big armored Behemoth or Rhino. . .. and the creature it is riding on is plated in the same armor as Dread Fiend. .

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/18/2014 18:48:05)

Better yet, have the Dread Fiend carrying a Dragon. Fiend Rider ftw!

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/18/2014 19:16:17)

dread fiend rider should be the new promo character from buying sgs Nulgath please make it so.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 8:45:46)

So I made a new char for the OS contest. Tell me what you think: partly inspired by Dark Souls 2 and it's Mirror Knight, though I think I've came up with my own twist.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 10:05:06)

Working on my water character for the contest could I get some feedback on him?

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 10:06:59)

First time at a suggestion so I welcome any constructive criticism! Chose a snake since we have no snake characters...I think.

Boagi the Serpent

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 10:30:03)

MDK: The apprence looks good and so do the animations. The story needs some improvement on stuff like sentence construction but the tale itself is a good one. I'd say make the quote make more sense, Change the lake name to something snappier like Dragon Lake, work on making the structure of the story a bit better, and it will be solid.[:)]

Gorrlio Titan: A cool idea for a char. The animations and looks looks awesome, but the strcuture of the story needs some work with grammar, spellings and whatnot. Shine some polish on that and you have a awesome entry.[;)]

Troolok: Excelent work man! The animations of the char is awesome (the defeat one made me laugh) and the story is a very good one. There's not much more I can say on this. Good job.

Now, if you could all comment on mine please.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 10:42:27)

Story improvement, noted that, quote, noted that, lake name, noted that but "Hydra Dragon's dark lake" is awesome for me but I will think of another name. Will definitely work on those areas. Thx! :D

Your story is really amazing. It has dark story which is the main element of OS. Contain tons of dark and interesting stories. The only flaw your character suggestion have IMO is your deck, it will help Nulgath better to comprehend the default cards you want. To save time and energy for Nulgath, Warlic and Rolith, do make a deck which will make their work slightly more easier. ;)

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 10:52:03)

Hrrrm... I've never been much good with deck making to tell the truth, which is why I put the idea behind the deck. I either make it too weak or too strong.[>:] If you guys can help me come up with a good master water deck that is a decent combo of offense and defense it would be appreciated.[:)]

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 10:54:32)

I'd suggest giving it the CC version of powerflow as a must but you could make your own cards if you wanted.

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 11:16:37)

@megakyle: Glad you liked my character :). I'm in agreement with MDK on your suggestion. The story is short and concise but has all the necessary elements; good job! Concision was never one of my strong suits XD. And I agree with the deck part. I'd say maybe give him more shields than a typical character to fit how he's a character made of mist since it sounds defensive. None of us are the best deck-makers alone so post the suggestion and everyone can help :).

Speaking of which, how is my character's deck? Might need work :P

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 11:34:08)

Here is the deck I constructed:
-200 attack card X2
-500 attack card X2
-Shield X4
-Healing Spring X3
-Water Crash X1
-Power Flow X1
-Fresh Start X1

I edited almost my whole story on Hydra Dragon. I hope this will suit everyone's especially Nulgath liking.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 11:37:00)

My suggestion

There is a link for my suggestion if you guys would like to discuss it. In the meantime, I'll read up on some of your guy's suggestion and will make sure to give feedback :)

edit: would like to thank Gorillo Titan for prompting me to suggest this one.

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 11:49:30)

^Heh you already know I like that picture and thus, the suggestion is a good one :). Intriguing deck as well! I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking of mixing Neutral and Water :D

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 11:52:38)

@Jmagician I like it and the deck isn't bad for a veteran character. :D

Could I get feedback on my master form deck?

Trollok!!! -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 11:58:30)

I think the deck is interesting. The 5 Sacrifices are a nice touch especially since they can be offset by Healing Springs. Maybe remove the Fresh Start since the character doesn't seem like it'd be pressing for energy; this will also lower the deck-size by one card, making it better to cycle through.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 12:27:08)

I removed the Fresh start. Still need to work on the legendary form though.

I have an idea for a new card I will add to the legendary form but want to make sure its not to OP or weak can inbox someone to see what they think?

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 12:32:41)

Okay, so I read some entries starting up from my entry.

Trollok: Man, honestly, I hope your entry gets in. At first I thought it was going to be one of those simple generic tales about something that starts off normal and becomes crazy uber down the path by some twisted force. Then I read on and it has a real story! I felt so sorry for Baogi :'(

Deck wise, I like the idea of a powerful offense and defense and Baogi seems to have that hands down. It even has room for one extra card to support versatility. However, with only one Iron Hide and given the fact that each non-neutral characters starts off with 4, I don't think 2 Neutralizes are necessary. Maybe 2 Iron Hides?

Concept: 10/10 (A sea serpent born from magic, I like it!)
Story: 10/10 (very interesting!)
Deck: 8.5/10 (Matches the concept of the character, but could be tweaked)
Quotes: 8/10 (I like that player quote, but the enemy quote seems a bit generic)

Overall Character Suggestion: 9.1/10

Gorillo Titan: Cool concept! I like how you incorporate another OS character in your suggestion as it gives me the feel that this is actually happening in the OS realm. It also opens up other OS suggestions like the Dos Piece, I believe the treasure was. Could be a cool artifact.

As for the deck, I feel Trollok has the right idea. The Fresh Start isn't all that necessary. Water types are efficient enough as it is, and with 5 Sacrifices, I feel you won't be needing much charges anyway. Seems like a hard hitter with good defensive support!

Concept: 8.5/10 (Very good concept, but I'm confused, is it a Master or Legendary?)
Story: 9/10 (Good story! I like how it takes place in OS)
Deck: 7/10 (Good deck for the character's purpose. Although, with a 17 card deck, doesn't leave much room for CC)

Overall Character Suggestion: 8.2/10

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 12:37:44)

Thanks I will take that into consideration when I change it up a little I removed the fresh start and the deck I listed was for the master form of it. the legendary deck will be more of a water deck since he would of gotten his full water body in that form.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 12:59:29)

Jmagician: What did you think of mine?

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 13:14:18)

So far I have two cards for my legendary form one of which is something I just came up with can I get some feedback on it so it isn't to OP?

Apple Core -> RE: =OS= Character Suggestion Discussion Thread (2/20/2014 13:19:44)


Here's what I think it could be changed to.

Around 6-8 cost, block 1000 DoT/unblockable damage for 2 turns,
and at the end of the effect, heals you for half of the dmg blocked.

Like that it would still provide the protection you want, but less healing
so it's not too OP. Costs more than iron hide because while not blocking
all types of damage, it does block damage types that are used in all elements
while still providing a decent heal.

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