RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (Full Version)

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Xrenzokr -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (12/23/2015 1:31:58)

Dis : Still at chapter 6 of Frotsvale, I need to quickly catch up.

Darkonus -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (12/23/2015 2:38:53)

ACC: finally defeated Ultra Meltface Merged Akriloth and got the figurine. Now the only goal left is the Defenders Cannon!!

Aridance16 -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (12/25/2015 9:49:23)


ACC: Started playing again. Boy, it's been a long time.
ACC: New personal survival record against Akira, 18 rounds.
ACC: Acquired all the DC-exclusive armors.
ACC: Unlocked all Primal Dragon skills.
ACC: Defeated Flamedus and Teramax on Extreme Hard mode. And many other bosses WHO DID NOT HAVE HEALTH REGEN.
ACC: Reached level 73! Got access to the Chained Blaze sword, something that I've wanted ever since I got that weapon.
ACC: Defeated Merged Akriloth on Normal

GOAL: Reach level 80.
Sub-GOAL: Reach level 75.
Sub-Sub-GOAL: Reach level 73. Reach level 74
GOAL: Catch up with the story.
GOAL: Finish all Mogloween chapters released in the past five years.
GOAL: Get more PvP Trophies.
GOAL: Survive 20 rounds against Akira.
GOAL: Update my gear. Whether or not it's outdated, I wanna get something new to use.
GOAL: Defeat Merged Akriloth on Extreme, Normal Hard and Extreme Hard modes.
GOAL: Acquire the new Deathknight items, and upgrade them.

DIS: Missed out a lot of events during hiatus, again.
DIS: Used most of my DC's.
DIS: Couldn't beat Aquavrin Extreme Battle on Hard mode. Or any boss with health regen. 2overpowered4me.
DIS: Didn't survive 20 rounds against Akira.
DIS: Acquired the ACC armor. It's worse than the ECC armor. The Shao Khan-esque taunt is pretty funny though.

Sneevillord -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (1/1/2016 14:10:46)

Achievements of 2015:

Got Dmk before new armour was released, really pleased with that.
Reached lvl 80
Got a character back I thought long deleted (thanks Geo!)
First counterbreak in dark night war

Goal: Get AoT before its no longer available
Get archivist class
Get secondary character to 80

EDIT:Got archivist and AoT coming!

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (1/4/2016 3:51:23)

???: Realized my secondary might get to level 60 without having done anything plot-wise ._.

No replies edit:
???: I seem to have found a glitch which allows me to train Mana Alchemy up without having to gather reagents. I'm sorry for abusing it, but I don't hurt any game mechanic with it, and Mana is more of a pain than Health anyway ._.

Edit #2:
Acc: My main finally beat random Supervillain Showdown - after 75 consecutive tries including Razen. Grah.

Darkonus -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (1/12/2016 2:37:10)

ACC: Defeated the un-possible crawler and added Void Pony Shank to the shiny pile in my bank.

CodeM -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (1/26/2016 5:51:47)


GOAL: Grand Master Duelist (Rank 20) (Progress: 16/20)
GOAL: Get 300 Dragon PvP medals (Progress: 40/300)
GOAL: Best weapons for level 60 according to wiki (All elements) (Progress: 14/15)
GOAL: Unlock all Random badges (Progress 2/5) [Warmonger badges not released]
GOAL: Get DDN, DDB and DDR up to date [Waiting for next war]
GOAL: Level up Ash to cap (Progress: 12/15)
GOAL: Level up Alexander to cap (Progress: 9/15)
GOAL: Max out baby dragon skills (Progress 430/600)
GOAL: Max out bag space (Progress: 25/55)
GOAL: Max out bank space (Progress: 8/50)
GOAL: Unlock all Armor badges (Progress: 19/25) [Excl. Calendar and Guardian classes]

ACC: Orb of Saving
ACC: Maxed out Mana potion mastery
ACC: Maxed out Health potion mastery
ACC: Completed Neverglades
ACC: Unocked all quest badges
ACC: Unlocked all non-DC armor badges
ACC: Unlocked all skill badges available
ACC: Unlocked all Holiday badges
ACC: Blacksmithing and Pet taming maxed
ACC: Cooking rank 6/6
ACC: Falconreach aquarium 20/20
ACC: Amityvale aquarium 40/40
ACC: Master Of The Deep (Rank 30)
ACC: Upright Blinding Light of Destiny (final upgrade)
ACC: Grisly Shadowreaper of Doom (final upgrade)
ACC: Abyssal Silver Katana III

Noow.. this is one OLD to-do list, that should be done.. Now, i want suggestions, what to put into list since I've been away 3 years.. What new things are there to do?


GOAL: Play 1 hour every day, to catch up with story and changes!
GOAL: Complete all storylines and play through all quests that have released since 2013

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (2/22/2016 2:37:56)

Acc: Finally finished Dragon Training for my main and secondary ^_^

Vonix -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (2/22/2016 18:53:15)

GOAL: Level 40 until the end of this month! (Current: 35)
GOAL: Dragonslayer & Paladin fully trained badge ( Current: 1/2 ) (Dragonslayer is almost done)
GOAL: Maxed out health potion ( Current: 26 )
ACC: Get SoulWeaver & Necromancer full trained badge.

TheFarReach -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (2/24/2016 22:58:16)

ACC: Level 77
ACC: Second Visor
ACC: Lvl 80 Aventail
ACC: If Fleshy's artifact requires Aventail, I have two!
DIS: If it requires Visor, sadness.

poerntoern -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (2/27/2016 0:24:13)

ACC: Got almost every single badge. [Potion training, DC and Calendar armors and PVP left.]
ACC: Finally got Guardian verification.
ACC: Find my new favorite video game race. [Clawkin]
GOAL: Have to finish dragon training. [135/600]
GOAL: Get to level 70 [Level 67 right now.]
Dis: Have yet to beat the Rose storyline.

lightriftwalker122 -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/5/2016 22:07:29)

ACC: got the Second Memory Fragment
ACC: got the Third Memory Fragment
ACC: got the Fourth Memory Fragment
ACC got the Fifth Memory Fragment
ACC: got the Sixth Memory Fragment

Mechajin -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/11/2016 10:22:01)

ACC: Worked out that the monster Bone Fire is a pun on Bonfire
DIS: It only took me 10 years......

ACC: After a long and grueling 20 minute battle in which Magus Hansa died, I beat hard mode extreme Sek Duat in book 3. I used Necromancer and it was a lot of fun! Had to do a *lot* of praying to the RNG that my attacks would hit though, as Sek-Duat kept spamming his barrier/heal. I got some lucky hits in at the end and I think if the battle had gone on longer than it did, I'd have died.

DIS: Lost my Nightfall to a weird item duplication bug. Tried putting the real one in the bank and destroying the duplicate. It just destroyed both of them. RIP Nightfall 2006-2016. You will be missed.

Central -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/26/2016 20:05:06)

ACC: I just now obtained Peculiar Visor! :D

Mechajin -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/27/2016 20:48:09)

ACC: Defeated Extreme Manacrest on Hard Mode, the battle was LONG, over 40 turns. If anybody's curious as to how I did it, I used Master Soulweaver equipped with the Ice Scythe, Book 3 Aegis (He's a godsend for this setup, with another ice resistance lowering skill, a shield, a stun, a multi, AND a mana gift that got me through the last leg of the fight when it was just a mana elemental left.), Artix (Mostly for his heal, but the extra damage was helpful), and Stan the Scan-Orb. RNG was definitely involved, Crest didn't spam her shield that much, and if she did much more than she had I probably would have died, but it was really fun!

LadyYennifer -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/28/2016 18:34:26)

ACC: Level 70!

Elloisoul -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/29/2016 14:24:20)

ACC:Got Guardian For my Accts
Dis:Got 20k Artix points....

Etrigan -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/29/2016 14:57:27)

ACC: Mightiest 100k Scythe
ACC: Sanguine Shadowreaper of Doom
ACC: Upright Blinding Light of Destiny
ACC: Level 80
ACC: Loads of great weapons for my level

DIS: ...where do I go from here?

ernitis -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/31/2016 14:03:59)

ACC: Beat Corrupted Davey on Melt-Face mode.

Axel459 -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (4/4/2016 20:27:02)

ACC: PvP Grandmaster

onegrayjediexile -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (4/16/2016 17:58:54)

Finished Tomix saga. Loved it all the way.

Start the draft and opening words of a Fanfiction for Dragonfable (sadly, due to its nature, it will NOT be posted here)

W.A.R.Z. -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (4/26/2016 2:25:22)

ACC: Have all of the memory fragments for two characters, my main (74) and my dedicated FleshWeaver (13)
DIS: Level 13 doesn't have extra bank space, has to carry around at least 2 fragments at all times
Possible ACC: Lowest level character to beat Vaaloirr saga? (while also being a fully trained SoulWeaver)
DIS: I don't want to level him up until I get FleshWeaver - so I can't do anything with him for months
???: If there isn't a level requirement for FW, I can be one for 67 levels before I reach the current cap

Vonix -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (5/16/2016 23:36:24)

♦Acc: Accomplishing storyline!
♦Acc: Fully-trained deathknight.
♦Acc: 100-waves goal.
♦Acc: Level-uped four levels since last post.
♦Dis: Couldn't do it the "40 level until end of month" thing.
♦Dis: I cry everytime i visit Tomix grave.

Dragonman -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (5/21/2016 2:36:40)

ACC: Did .2% of the war myself. Exactly!

Zork Knight -> RE: =DF= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (5/21/2016 20:29:49)

ACC: Got myself a full set of Unhallowed Death Knight itens
DIS: I thought 60 Umbral Essences were needed, not 24... so I wasted a LOT of time, and a lot of resources.

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