Unlimited NPCing good for ED business? (Full Version)

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Midnightsoul -> Unlimited NPCing good for ED business? (1/28/2013 19:58:59)

I kinda don't like this idea as it makes things very easy to get if u can get a lot of creds from unlimited NPCing. It makes varium a little too weak..but I say perhaps 35-45 NPC battles per hour sounds reasonable? That way everyone has to PvP at least a couple of times if they're going to play for a whole hour straight at least.

Mother1 -> RE: Unlimited NPCing good for ED business? (1/28/2013 20:05:41)

The whole point of unlimted NPC is so that you can power up without worry of falling behind. If we had that now do you think enhancements would be out of people's reach? I think not. Besides prices for everything else is going to go up so that varium doesn't lose anymore of it's value as well as NPC getting buffed so it won't be easy.

As for this idea itself not supported.

Hard boy -> RE: Unlimited NPCing good for ED business? (1/29/2013 19:00:30)

i dont understand why some people are against unlimited npc'ing, i mean its not hurting you, and if u dont like it dont npc, me personally might never touch npc unless to make 500 creds to retrain.

hijinks -> RE: Unlimited NPCing good for ED business? (1/29/2013 19:04:09)

All I wish is that they don't make the NPCs too hard to kill, as some of them are tough enough already.

The berserker killer -> RE: Unlimited NPCing good for ED business? (4/21/2014 16:01:07)

I don't understand why we cant have unlimited NPC'ing. I support this, its good for the ED business.

--Ghost God--

Seteriel -> RE: Unlimited NPCing good for ED business? (4/22/2014 2:18:48)

- less players in PvP
-> less "sacrifices" for the highest lvl players in the short run

- lower lvl players get a significant increased chance to catch up to the highest lvl
-> more PvP in the long run
-> more players in the highest lvl
- easier access to credits
-> this is kind of hard for lower lvl as they don't win enough
-> credits are in general much quicker spend than earned

We have quitting players because they cannot keep up to the highest lvl (Juggernaut smashing in the lower lvls, lvl 40 smashing in the highest lvls) - this is one of the reasons for quitting, respectively not-growing player base.
Also consider that the higher lvl you are, the fewer NPC you have in your selection - and those are also harder.
Last but not least: NPC-ing gets boring over time, "kindly inviting" the NPC-hunters to return to PvP, just to get the excitement again.

Idea supported.

The berserker killer -> RE: Unlimited NPCing good for ED business? (4/22/2014 12:39:06)

^ And the Pros are far better than the cons. What will probably help this suggestion out is allowing some high level bosses to be open to fight. From what I have seen there are level 50 bosses that are currently unfightable, even Dage who is level 100. This will be the perfect opportunity to shift the "5 level difference Cap" to "Rank Difference Cap". Meaning that for level 40s who are rank 30 and above, bosses like Caden and Big Tuna no longer give rewards. They have to fight other bosses like Sekk and Navarro (Currently unfightable) who are level 50.

Bottom line is, NPCS help those who are currently underpowered to be able to catch back up to some higher levels and even the playing field. It helped me gain ranks when I was falling behind and losing a lot, now I am winning a lot and I know that others feel the same way.

Mother1 -> RE: Unlimited NPCing good for ED business? (4/22/2014 13:06:06)

@ Seteriel and The Berserker killer

There are two things you are both missing.

If you look at the OP's topic suggestion he was suggesting to REMOVE unlimited NPC fighting because at the time of this topic you could fight NPC unlimited for credits. So if anything by supporting this person you wouldn't be supporting unlimited NPC fighting.

Second topics that are 2 weeks without a post from the last post aren't allowed to be bumped without permission from an AK or forum mod.

The berserker killer -> RE: Unlimited NPCing good for ED business? (4/22/2014 13:12:17)

Oh, well I support 35-40 NPCS an hour. That's still a lot and you will have to be insanely good to run through them in that amount of time.

And I have apologized already to everyone who has inboxed me about posting a reply to topics that were over a couple months old. It was a mistake as I was not aware of the other rules. I only read the suggestion rules and thought that if the suggestions are still open here in forums then they are still open for debate. Once again, I apologize.

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