►Bot Awareness◄ (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> ►Bot Awareness◄ (2/1/2013 13:53:29)

There could be a slide under "What's New" informing players about bots and how to handle them. This is a large-scale operation powered by the player base instead of hack detection for MAC/IP/Artix Account banning.

I am sure people do not notice the bots around them because they try to appear normal and not out of place. Bots are automated programs that repeat a set of steps in order BUT could possibly add dynamism (dynamic behaviour) to their steps like randomness in a timeframe or even player input like a random mouseclick or a random text.

How to handle bots:

1- How to discover a bot?

To discover a bot in EpicDuel you cannot be impulsive. A bot is not a human, it is essentially a robot. Robots are linear. That is to say, they are not creative or capable of changing their goals. Before you think you have found a bot, you must take careful countermeasures.

2- Is this a human?

Sometimes players choose to grind for minutes or hours and do little else besides playing. They may seem like a bot but are actually not. Look for a pattern first. What do they do, and do they repeat what they do? An example is a player entering a PVP battle or NPC battle each time they return from a battle at about the same time, each time, for many minutes even hours.

3- How do you confirm if the bot is a real bot?

If you think that the player is a real bot, always double check. A real person can react to you, a real bot cannot. What you can do is try interacting with the player, checking for a reaction. For example you can add them as a friend, say their name, say "F4F" (fame for fame), accuse them of botting/cheating, or other methods used to alert them. If they react with an appropriate reaction, like saying "no" to "F4F", then you can be certain they are not botting (but advanced programming/hacking can overcome these squalls but forget about that as we are talking about basic autopilot botters). If they do not react after your many attempts to interact with them, you are allowed to doubt if they could be a real person.

4- What do you do if you think that you discovered a bot?

If you think that you have discovered a bot, report the bot for cheating/hacking under the "report an abuse", player reporting menu. If you are still unsure if they are a bot, but you have still come to the point that they might be a bot, it is still OK to make a report. Our staff who manage and direct our player-base ingame and beyond that, our moderators, will handle any uncertain matters to the best of their ability with the resources that they can use. But if there are other people around, you can also discuss with them if they think that the player might be a potential bot.

Remember, this resolution for botting is built on your judgment, so it is now your responsibility to report fairly, else your privileges in EpicDuel may etch away.

What do you think?

Drianx -> RE: ►Bot Awareness◄ (2/1/2013 14:50:25)

Oh silly me, I mistook the suggestion.
Supported anyway.

drekon -> RE: ►Bot Awareness◄ (2/1/2013 15:20:33)

People use bots in ED? What for? Battles are so dynamic and ever changing, so I don't see how bots would work effectively. Unless, they're using it to run from 2v2 battles. That would explain a lot.

Practel -> RE: ►Bot Awareness◄ (2/2/2013 0:34:43)

This thread is leading to a discussion about cheating which is not allowed. However, I am locking this so that the suggested item is still able to be suggested.


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