RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (Full Version)

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Variation -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/14/2013 22:26:05)

Mother1, I'm well aware of the fact that the people complaining are the Juggernauts, but wasn't it the opposite in Delta :P? I'm happy for the fact that my team mates against Jugs aren't spamming F5 and we are given a much fairer chance of winning. Are we abusing stats? It depends on what your definition of that is. All I can say on "abusing stats" is that most of the Jugs I faced have over 70 strength.

Also, it doesn't seem like all Jugs are struggling in the Juggernaut matches (take a look at today's daily jug). ED has changed a lot in Omega, and I guess the change of not being able to get an easy 90%+ ratio in Jug is killing the mentality of a lot of players lol.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/14/2013 22:36:43)

If jugg is not getting balanced, one thing is defeinate, me quitting Jugg... No ifs, no buts ... :/

Fortitudo -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/14/2013 22:43:56)


me quitting Jugg

Is that supposed to be a bad thing? I think 7K wins is enough. [;)]

Variation -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/14/2013 22:51:52)

Balance is one thing winning almost every battle is another. In fact, that is sorta how it was in Delta. Omega has finally given lower levels a chance to conquer a Juggernaut. Also some people still manage to maintain 70%+ ratios is that bad? Or are people still stuck in the old ED where Juggernaut was an easy mode for farming?

EDIT: I don't want to be confusing with my post on this issue. Juggernaut in Delta was not balanced because the lower levels literally almost stood no chance at winning. In Omega when the opponents of the Juggernauts start winning the same issue is brought up? Why is that? You see, in Delta it wasn't the Jugs who complained, but rather the characters who were forced into that unbalanced mode.

Fortitudo -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/14/2013 22:55:03)


do you mean where you win every match?

That's exactly what he means, but may not be what he will admit to. Same goes for most juggs.

70%+ ratios is that bad?

We all know juggs just think it's bad, because they are used to easy 95%+ ratios.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/14/2013 23:00:30)

@ Variation

And explain to me how was the way it was, and the way it is now any fault of the players? Answer it isn't.

However while you have your experience I had mine, and mine is getting matched up with players with 90+ strength with the exception of the one jug fight I won in omega. When I faced fortitudo 3 times she herself had a build with strength of 90+ and this was when she was at level 26. (before the extra health and stats were given) Needless to say even with some 30-40 on my defenses, they were made to look like nothing due to strength getting a buff and defenses getting a nerf.

@ fortitudo

I had a 60-70% average when I was jugging before and I do remember telling you that when we spoke at the slayer world and quite frankly I felt that was a good ratio for me.

DeathiZClarity -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/14/2013 23:00:47)


You have a very valid point, I myself am I a Jugg and I fully agree with you. Us juggernauts need to stop complaining about how we are getting owned. In delta, the opponents felt the same way.
Although I don't agree with how you said '90% rate for brainless people". I used a very strategetic build when I jugged, yes, I lost some, but I won becuase of how I battled.

Note to other fellow juggernuats: Let the people on the other side of the battle have some fun for a while, eventually it will be balanced and we will win more, but not become too strong like in delta.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/14/2013 23:00:49)

Losing to a lvl 27, 27 is enough shameful for anyone to quit ...

It's a different story is Devs decided to give free wins to newbie and let's juggs grind ...

Jugg's defeinetly deserves an upper hand...

1. They fight 2 opps

2. They invest 20k to jugg

3. Old and loyal players .. lasting/supporting game longer then newbies ..

Variation -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/14/2013 23:10:23)

I'm not gonna push the topic anymore, we all have our views and I do want the devs to read this stuff without it having to be deleted. I highly doubt that the devs will make Jug as easy as it was in Delta. Guess we have to wait and see until balance patches plus boosters being implemented again.

Fortitudo -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/14/2013 23:59:43)

That's why I said "most juggs". You obviously aren't as conceited


lasting/supporting game longer then newbies ..

as some jugg players who think they deserve an unfair advantage.

ND Mallet -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 0:29:38)

As I recall, Juggernaut was supposed to be a challenge mode. It even makes sense logically since you're facing two enemies by yourself. A 90% win rate is not a challenge. I'd even argue that 70% is a stretch. You shouldn't realistically be winning so much against two enemies.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 0:34:11)

Challenging means the possibility of winning on both sides is equal, which apparently not happening .. juggs without boosters are totally handicapped, and 2 ppl beating up a single handicapped person is no were merrily a challenge. It's a complete laughing stock ...

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 0:42:44)

Soul, you don't love juggernaut, you love your wins.

You won't play what you love cause of a win loss ratio LoL.

Fortitudo -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 0:46:41)


Are you a low level player who does 2v2 ?? If not, then seriously you have no rights to screw up for other juggs, who r concerned about their records ..

Is it that hard to look at my character page? No, I do not have to face juggernauts anymore, but I can sympathize for those who do. There are many reasons why juggernaut battles need to be balanced, and I have listed several in other posts. Most importantly, in my opinion, is when players reach the stage where the face juggernauts. If they face overwhelming opposition and lose a lot, then they will not enjoy the game as much as they would if juggernaut matches were better balanced. The result is that most players will simply stop playing, because who wants to play a game they can’t enjoy. This significantly cuts into the number of new high level players, and the upper levels become stagnant. In the end, higher levels complain that they are bored, because they have no real competition other than those they have been playing with for a long time.

Please, please, do not give me the excuse that players can simply level past the juggernaut stage. It is old and my response will always be the same. There are few players who would persevere through 10 levels of overwhelming losses.


being forever hard for juggs makes no sense and ofcourse it's not fair ..

Are you kidding me? Juggernauts have had it easy for ages. Once again, you simply believe it’s not fair, because you cannot maintain your absurdly high win ratios. Why can’t you recognize it? Don’t you understand plain English?!


juggs without boosters are totally handicapped

Wrong, wrong, wrong. There is a term for people like you who refuse to change and adapt to new situations. You are the laggards and resistors. There are many alternatives to boosters and new builds that are quite effective in juggernaut mode. You should spend more time working on new strategies rather than complaining about how the ones you have used for months don’t garner you absurd 90%+ ratios anymore.


A 90% win rate is not a challenge. I'd even argue that 70% is a stretch. You shouldn't realistically be winning so much against two enemies.



Soul, you don't love juggernaut, you love your wins.

Yup. Even he said as much in a post above.

It's coz I like playing jugg, and DAH I would love to continue playing, but not at the cost of my record ... quote]

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 0:49:51)

I love jugg, and that's the reason I care about the win ratio ..

You only care about something when u like/love it.

Don't decide anything for me, speak ur opinion on jugg, not on me.

Fortitudo -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 0:53:09)


Don't decide anything for me, speak ur opinion on jugg, not on me.

Stop being a hypocrite first.


Are you a low level player who does 2v2 ??

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 1:01:02)

You only speak for something that concerns you, not others ..

I am done saying my opinion...

It's feels like being pounded by many jugg haters and sadly me alone :/

Fortitudo -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 1:03:53)

Okay, you manage to contract yourself in what hopefully will really be your last post on the subject. Who are all these "jugg haters", if not others who are concerned about juggernaut balance? [&:]

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 1:14:30)

Like I said, everyone speaks for their own concern. Nobody cares about balance for everyone... Once your satisfied, you don't car anymore ... Others win or lose.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 2:07:06)

I have only one comment on this.
Some people (not saying who) shouldn't be in this community. People who are better then them just ignore them and have no respect from anyone.

This is just for Soul When you stop being a mindless brat for A GAME. Then you should comment on balance. Because people like you only care for their personal gain.
All around I don't respect players with a high percent ratio. Very few good people I do, who are atleast good people.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 2:51:37)


Challenging means the possibility of winning on both sides is equal

That's called 50%. Not 90% or 70%.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 3:09:01)

Everyone here who opposed my opinion none of them is a hard core jugg... Like if you get the rest what I mean ..

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 3:11:01)

That doesn't mean we can't speak because you may be abusing a stat and get wins easily. Which isn't any hardcore but pointless abuse & saying wins make you look good. You ain't better than us, get this out of your head. This is DISCUSSION not "Soul post pls cuz ur so h4rdcor3".. >.>

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 3:14:51)

-.- ??

Lol, what was that ??

Looks like u did not get the rest of the part ...

Santa ClawZz -> RE: =ED= Omega Update Feedback (2/15/2013 4:19:11)


So far you have been speaking of others only caring about their personal gain when trying to balance Juggernaut, but in the same time you are wanting "balance" in Juggernaut mode because you lose too much now. That is you being selfish and not wanting progress, improvement. As said by the others, Juggernaut was a mode intended to be the hardest of all 3, a real challenge, facing 2 opponents by yourself. Instead it started out very easy, they tried to make it harder, but it just wasn't fair to the opponents of the Juggernaut. I think what the other forumers are trying to tell you is that maybe Gamma/Delta were the unbalanced times for Juggernaut mode, and it is rather balanced NOW. Maybe it will need some tweaking/nerfing on the strength based Mercenaries, but that's for everyone, not just Juggernauts and their opponents. They are finally making the game fair for most of the players, not the few "elite" people who bought varium in the past and ruled every battle mode.

If you have played EpicDuel for years now, why not look it from a different perspective, that maybe you need to up your game in order to become a pro at Juggernaut like you used to be? EpicDuel has been an easy game so far, rather repetitive, which is why the developers changed everything in this AWESOME update.

Omega was needed change, and it will continue to do so, the developers just need time, testing They will read your feedback, if your posts follow the forum rules.

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