=MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (Full Version)

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Gingkage -> =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/18/2013 21:16:14)

Welcome, all, to my MTAK. For those of you who don't know what an MTAK is, it stands for 'Meet the ArchKnight' which, in this instance, is me.

Now for everyone's favorite part; the rules.

1: No more than 10 questions per post, and only 1 post per page.
2: Do not edit your post in any way, shape, or form after I've gotten to it. You will be ignored.
3: I reserve the right to not answer questions if I deem them to be too personal.
4: Questions I will not be answering: "What does your name mean?" "What is your favorite color?" "What is your favorite AE game?"
The answers to the above questions (because it's not nice to have questions that you can't ask without me at least putting the answer): Gingkage means nothing. It was a typo from years ago that I grew fond of. It was supposed to be 'Ginkage' which is a combination of the Japanese words 'gin' and 'kage.' It now means whatever I want it to mean, in this case 'she who is obsessed with wolves.' My three favorite colors are all tied for first, and they are red, black, and blue. I prefer not to pick a favorite between AE's games.
5: Don't touch the wolf. The only exception to this rule is Faerdin.
6: Try to read other people's posts. Repeat questions aren't as fun as they seem. ;)
7: If I start seeing repeat questions, I will be directing you to previous posts.

I think that's it. Have fun.

This is what I get for being tired when making this. I'll be editing in this lovely blue color.

Caststarter -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/18/2013 21:29:08)

*Mimics Eric*Another one?
*mimics me* Nope. It's all in your head.

Isn't this your fourth MtAK already? Soon you will be the AK ruler of the DF boards. :P
Yes, this is my fourth MTAK, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I'd be the ruler of the DF boards. Too much paperwork involved if I try that.

Anyways.. congrats on your new board.. again. ;)

How are you?
Sick. I think I caught a stomach bug. :( But fine other than that. :D

What is the max number a AK can do a MtAK?
I've never heard of a max number.

Nothing really much from me since.. this is my third time doing a MtAK on you.[8D]*
Well, they can't all be lengthy.

Good luck on your new board however, and have a good time on DFGD. ;)
Thanks. I'm sure I will.

Have a good day.

*At this time..

Silver -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/18/2013 22:31:46)

Some questions for you:

Is being an Archknight fun, or a lot of hard work, or both?
Definitely both.

What is your favorite part about being an AK?
Hm... probably getting to sneak into people's posts and add stuff. :P But in all seriousness, probably the best part is knowing that if I get in over my head, I've got a bunch of great people to fall back on.

If you actually had a pet wolf, what would you name it and why?
I wouldn't have a pet wolf in real life. I'm a big believer that wild animals should not be kept as pets.

What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, DnD, and of course playing AE's awesome games.

What do you enjoy/like the most about this forum?
The DF forum in general has a reputation of being the friendliest forum around. I refuse to pick favorites among the games themselves, but the DF forums are easily the best place to work in. My favorite thing about the DF GD? War threads. Definitely war threads.

Exactly when did you become an AK?
July 11, 2012.

Ginkage roughly translates to "Silver Shadow." Does this "Silver" have to do with wolves' fur, or something? Or did you think it sounded cool?

San Robin -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 4:46:11)

Hiya! :D
SAN! :D *glomps the cheese monger*

Congrats on getting to the DF GD board.

*Gives the wolf a piece of cheese*
*watches him devour the cheese* He says thanks.

So what was the reason you wanted to be an Archknight in this madness? :P
Mel used her secret Mod power of knowing my weakness is a friend asking me to do something. The next thing I knew, I was a captive here! Mel asked, and I said yes. Madness is fun, after all.

Just kidding, people here are nice :)
Of course they are. DF forumites are the best.

Well that's all!

Good luck :3
"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck." Jk. Thanks.

1girlhousefan -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 5:15:04)

Hi! So this makes... how many now?
Hi, 1g! This is my fourth MTAK.

What have you been reading recently/have you been reading anything interesting?
I'm reading Bram Stoker's Dracula right now. It's a great book. I recommend it if you haven't read it yet.

Umm... let's see... What questions haven't you answered already...?

Favourite book/author/series?
Patrick Webb's The Blood Sun Comes for favorite book and author, and my favorite series is Tad William's Otherland books.

Do you mind compound questions?
Not a bit as long as people don't try and squeeze ten questions into them.

Would your wolf like a raw steak?
He would, indeed.

DJ9K -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 5:26:04)

Tends to upset my stomach (genetic dairy issues). But it's so very tasty.

Never work for long.

Wanna adopt a wolf I rescued?

Drums or Guitar?

Baseline or Melody?

Since we're on DF's forums, what would you rather have a "personal" of, Weapon, Hat/Helm/Hood, Cape/Wing/Cloak, or armour?
Hm... No idea.

As you can see, I can do 1 word questions, interpret them as you will and answer how you see best fit :3
No problem.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 5:33:53)

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*
I will figure that trick out.

Greetings Ginkage.
Greetings, Dwelling.

Why isn't thy title updated yet?
It's not? *goes to look* Hey, it's not. That's weird.

What is Ginkage's opinion on the Rose?
Hm... That's a complicated question with no easy answer. I think that some of the members are doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. I also believe that some of them are just bullies who are using this as a chance to hit the 'weaker people' and get away with it because they have a powerful faction behind them. Even Jaania, I think, started with her heart in the right place. And they have a point. Magic has done a lot of damage over the years. But they are misguided to think that the answer is to simply obliterate magic entirely. This seems to be a case where no side is really 'right' and no side is really 'wrong.' Which makes this plot line all the more amazing.

And for an 'in-character' answer, since that seems to be what you wanted: "I didn't mind them as long as they didn't mind me. But apparently a magically forged bond with Blaze makes me a target. That I wouldn't mind. Then they tried to harm Blaze. And no one does that and gets away with it."

What does thou like about Japan?
Never actually having been there, all I can say with certainty is that I like the language.

Did thou already read my story?
It's on the list.

Well then, good luck with thy expanding hunting grounds.
Thanks. :D

*Bows before succumbing into the shadows.*

Galez -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 5:58:42)

Seriously!? you're an AK on here now? well i,m pretty much speechless.
Um... thanks? Yes, I'm an AK here now.

Well Congrats on becoming An AK.

Not much from me but good luck on this thread cause you'll be needing it (especially on war thread *Coughpage30breakingCough*)
Thanks, but I don't think there will be too much trouble. I know how much you lot love to try and beat the AKs, but I'm quick. 'Twill be a fun race, I think. ;)

Vagaran -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 6:46:53)

Oh no, another soul has fallen to the Dark side! *gasp*
"You don't know the power of the Dark Side."

Oh well, gratz on your extended hunting grounds!

Wait am I a pray for you? :o
Only if you break the rules.

Do you like shiny red buttons?

Why do you like Wolves?
Not sure. They've been my favorite animal as long as I can remember.

Do you love Kittens?

So cute...

I can haz cake?
I'll think about it.

Where is your top-secret Alien Spaceship? >.>
What Alien Spaceship?

You can't hide it from me >.>
Can't hide what?

That's all, bye and gratz on being captured as one of them expanded hunting grounds!
Wonder if those slashy lines mean anything... Nah. Thanks for the congrats!

Troy Darksword -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 7:21:53)

Hello Gin, Glad to see you.
Hi, Troy.

Just dropping by to say hello

A new hunting ground, eh ?

What's your target in the hunting ground ?
Not sure what you mean.

Well, I have to leave, Physic Exam is Waiting. See you later

Razen -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 7:30:10)

I hope that your bindings are to your accommodations, though I must ask...did Faedrin put the locks on the Wolf if we are to follow your rule?
They're very comfortable, but Blaze doesn't have them.

So, let's move on, shall we?

If a Rose member walked into Falconreach and walked right in front of you, what would you do?
In-character, probably keep my distance. No sense in starting a fight. I'll get my revenge in my own way. Out of character, nothing at all.

Since DD has brought it up for his own, may I commence in some shameless advertisement? Or is that unnecessary?

Unless you've already read it... Too bad. Here is the story: The Dishonored Veldrin

Hmm...what else can I do now that I have already somehow managed to dictate that you read my story? (Because I can totally do that) Oh, wait, I've got it! Can we see this 'List'? I'm very interested. (I actually am)
'The List' is unofficial, and hasn't been actually written up yet.

Any recommended reads? (On forum or otherwise)
I highly recommend you read the books I mentioned in 1girlhousefan's post, and on the forums, read Faerdin's stories.

Oh, wait, silly me! Enjoy your extended hunting grounds, I have a group of 'Demons' to...well, uh...prove innocent.

@Below: BRB, stealing Gingkage's MtAK.

steel blade -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 8:47:25)

Hi Razen!
Um... I'm not Razen.

How are you?
Sick today, but good other than that.

Not much questions, I may or may not return.

Enjoy your ArchKnightship!

M31K -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 9:27:56)

Hi! Nice to meet you!

Why is your favourite colour blue? My favourite colour is too blue.
It's one of my three favorites. And I don't really know why. It's pretty, I guess.

Do you beileve there in world were ani-heroes? It sound me very silly and I don't beileve it. About me there were only heroes and villians.
Sorry. I'm not sure what you're asking.

Why you love kitties? Because you can throw them to wolfes to play with them?
I would never throw an animal. Kittens are cute and fluffy and I like to pet them.

Do you think true good heroes use too dark magic/powers? And bad villians can use too light magic/powers? And it doesn't matter how heroes and villians look like?
Magic is neither good nor evil. Dark magic isn't necessarily bad, and light magic isn't necessarily good. It's how you use it that counts. And to paraphrase Frodo from Lord of the Rings when saying that he didn't believe Aragorn was a servant of Mordor 'I think a servant of Sauron would look fairer and feel fouler.'

Magic Hater(ManaHunter) or Magic Lover? Curse you if you are Magic Hater XD.
My base class is a mage.

Have you heard abour Terraria? It is good game.
I've heard of it, yes. My mom plays it.

Legendium -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 9:32:48)

Another one of these!?
Yep. :D

When will your invasion end?!
What invasion?

(Note: The "questions" above aren't really questions. I still have ten more.)
Even jokingly, you asked two questions. They count.

Anyways. I don't have many questions to pester you with right now, so feel happy.

Who is your favorite king from the song of ice and fire?
Don't know it.

What are your thoughts on lions?
Big kitties.

Verstehen sie was ich gerade sage?
I don't speak German, sorry. And in the future, please don't use foreign languages without a translation. It counts as spam.

I didn't think so.

What is the arch-enemy of the wolf?
Hm... You know, I'm really not sure.

Can you write code for games?
I wish. But I'm not that smart.

I'm done for now. Well, almost done.....

*runs away*

*in place of Legendium, the world's largest tree branch comes back, hovering slightly in the air. On the horizon, Legendium is visible holding the stick. He pokes Blaze with it and drops it, planning on putting as much distance between himself and the wolf as possible, while metamorphing into a lion*
*I grab the stick (an easy feat as its size would make it unwieldy) before it touches Blaze* Nice try. Don't do it again.

Frost Moglin -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 9:49:26)


Here, have a wolfcake!*gives a cake shaped like wolf*
Is this one a lie?

Are wolfs fun?
Wolves are amazing.

Do you like foxes?
You see nothing!
Hard to use invisible text when I can see everything in the edit. People! There's invisible text above this. Hilight to read. As for the question, yes, I like foxes.

There is nothing over there!

Are you a DF warmongeror?
I wouldn't call myself that, but I do my best.

Did you know that most of those were not questions?
Easy to know that which is pointed out to you.

That's all for now! *falls into a hole*


Dragonman -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 11:35:13)

Congratulations Ging!
Thanks, Dragonman.

So uhh... I have no more questions, I ran out after the second one, except...

Vote for me?
I try not to participate in politics. ;)

Happy Birthday! (With a margin of error of six months early/ late)
Thanks, lol.

That's it for now, good luck keeping us within the rules :P!'
It's DF. I have no worries about that.

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 14:34:34)

Greetings Gingage, loser hero!
Greetings, low-level penguin!

If you know me I ask the same questions on every mtak thread...

Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?

How are the shackles.....may i tighten them?
Plenty tight.

Ready to play?
*cracks knuckles* Ready.

Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Fire. It melts the ice and drives away the darkness.

Does this shirt make me look fat?

Does it make you look fat?
Of course it does.

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the DF GGD? Did you party, dance....
Make an MTAK and then go to bed.

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
'Fed to the Wolves.'

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix! May the undead penguins eat you alive!
The DF forums are the best. I'm looking forward to it. What undead penguins? *looks at Blaze* You mean the ones that Blaze had for lunch earlier? Sorry. Guess you'll need new minions. Again.

megakyle777 -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 15:06:18)

Hidere and congrats!
Hi, Kyle, and thanks!

I'm just gonna ask this: Purely Hypotheticly, what would happen if I touched the wolf, even with just a small poke?
Your hand would either be bitten off or broken at the wrist. Bad idea to risk a wolf's jaws.

See ya!

Melissa4Bella -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 16:24:48)

Hiya Gin!
Oh, no. It's my boss. *hides the evidence*

Not going to ask a bunch of questions, just one.

What are these shackles that everybody is bringing up?
I don't know. They can't possibly mean these shiny bracelets. They're to awesome.



Anyway, just going to say thank you for joining the DFGD team!
Thanks for inviting me.

*flies away in a mist of Purple dusts*
*Blaze sneezes*

Yuttt -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 16:30:00)

Congratulations! Only two questions:
Pocket watch or wrist watch?

Analog or digital?
Analog, though I have an easier time reading digital.

Anyways, congrats again. Good luck patrolling the DFGDs!


The Odor -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/19/2013 18:12:40)

Well hi there.
Hi, The Odor.

Always nice to see another AK.

Only two questions since I needed to be locked into a single subject right now:

Yay or Nay on steampunk?

Why do you like/dislike it?
Not well-acquainted with it enough to make that decision.

AlkaNephrite -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/20/2013 6:07:08)

Potato...er...I mean...Hello there!

QUESTION TIME! *poofs up chair*

I noticed that your title has 'Wolf Rider' in it...does that have anything to do with Princess Mononoke?
No, but I do love that movie.

What is your opinion on flavor of chocolate?
I love chocolate.

If you ever had to, how would you pronounce your forum name?
Phonetically. So Ging-kage

...how would you pronounce MY forum name?
Again, phonetically. Alka-Nefright

Last one....did my hair turn pink while I was talking?

...if so, I'm gonna have to find an exorcist....

Well, that's it from me. Congrats and have fun with your AKship-thingy...ness....

*turns into a sock puppet and explodes with a quack, leaving behind a tray of chocolate pastries and a note that reads: 'If you don't want these, just leave them uneaten'*
*noms the chocolate*

...I knew I shouldn't have eaten at Cysero's...Invisible notes, yayz! *hugs chair*
Well if you knew you shouldn't have, then why did you?

Joerte -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/20/2013 6:51:04)

Thermite Hello

Congratulations on your AK-iness.
Thanks you. :)

*Touches Wolf*
*sighs as you lose your hand* I told you not to touch him.

Hey that was my good hand! Anyway, what hurts more, puns or shackles?
I have no pity. You ignored the rules. As for your question, neither.

That'll be all. *Poofs*
Bye! And you might want to get someone to regrow your hand.

superbat67 -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/20/2013 19:11:51)

Hi Gingake been a long time since i've seen you or i've been really unactive.
Hi, superbat.

Let the questions begin

favorite color
See the rules.

favorite weapon in df
None, really. The one I keep saved as my default is the one that matches my armor.

vanilla or chocolate

what is 2+2
4, 22 if you're simply combining the numbers together, but the answer is always 42.

hint: not 4.

do u like gangnam style.
Don't know it.

What type of music do u listen to?

Thats all for now so see ya around Gingake

*Vanishes into thin air and leaves super special celebration cookies for Gingake. Varies for what choice u made for vanilla chocolate*
*noms cookies*

dragon_monster -> RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds (2/20/2013 19:22:19)

Hi Gingkage
Hi, dragon_monster

Let the questions start

What do you like the best about dragonfable?
The same thing I love about AE and its games in general, the staff.

How strong do you think the hero of DF is?
Strong enough for the average danger, but constantly needing to improve.

How much you enjoy the job of AK on a grade to 1/10?

Thats all for now so see ya around

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