Better Solution for promo weps (Full Version)

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zion -> Better Solution for promo weps (2/19/2013 10:12:44)

Seasonal Promo weps (like azrael) should be available as limited varium-only items in a shop that opens one month after initial release... and never available for credits. The year idea doesn't make sense, because it will have been used, abused and figured out by then.

odsey -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/19/2013 10:20:40)

Idk... But at the same time I also want it. So I'm neutral at the moment.

Remorse -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/19/2013 11:14:10)


I have the weapons and I think other varium user should enjoy it sooner then a year as well.

Trae -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/19/2013 15:19:29)


It would give varium a much needed buff

Mother1 -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/19/2013 15:52:53)

Not supported as it is.

How about making this shop for variums, and then in a year it is available for all instead. This way varium would get it's shortcut again, and non variums will still get the weapons but later.

odsey -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/20/2013 6:30:00)

Agree, I think it should be available for varium faster, then in 1 year it would be for all. So supported.

Vagaran -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/20/2013 6:50:02)


Of course everyone should be able to get it next year, just make it possible for Varium to get it faster than those with credit.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/20/2013 7:17:08)

i guess it can be in-game for varium only and costing between 2k-3k varium each, the gun should be 1.5k-2.5k varium since it has a few less damage than the zooka, only then it would be fair for those who bought the 10k pack, the non-variums can get it next year for a expensive price.

Scyze -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/20/2013 7:24:11)

Well, $50 for a gun and skill cores?

You don't need the guns so in my mind, its $50 for the 2 cores. #Rip-off
I never liked the promotional packages since they're a basic rip-off. do we still get the 15,000 Credits? Absolute rip-off if it isn't possible.

Also, 1 year, its ridiculas. I probably will no longer play EpicDuel by then cause school is better.

Why can't we find people like Remorse? The founders take advantage of being a founder and ask for their gift.

Ranloth -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/20/2013 7:49:47)

AQW gives you bonus items if you buy big packages as well, yet it's just for looks (pretty much whole game is around looks, enhancements there are fixed and Gold). Here you have looks and cores, as well as still having your Varium (just like ACs in AQW), but you can use Varium on cores or Varium luxuries as well.

1 year isn't ridiculous. There has to be incentive to buy the promo. What if it was available month later? What's the point of spending $50 if you can wait a month and get it through much easier means? Only because you won't play doesn't mean others won't either.


The founders take advantage of being a founder and ask for their gift.

Don't bring it up here. This isn't the topic for Founder discussion nor is relevant.

zion -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/20/2013 10:03:57)

1 month is a long enough time to have an exclusive core in this game and remember we are talking about other supporters of this game spending their Varium on something worthwhile!
Another idea, keep the current system for the weapons, but make the cores unlockable for varium a few weeks after their introduction.

Ranloth -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/20/2013 10:07:35)


we are talking about other supporters of this game spending their Varium on something worthwhile

You pay for the Varium only. The way you use it doesn't affect their sales so, technically speaking, putting them in-game yields no profit (unless you're gonna buy Varium, again). 1 month means that incentive to purchase promo is pretty much gone since anyone can wait a month. On the other hand, a year is another story.

Trae -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/20/2013 19:56:03)

so very much supported

zion -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/21/2013 15:31:23)

Trans, I completely disagree. New purchases won't happen if you have 8000 varium sitting in your inventory. If they give reasons to use it, it will run out. Then, you will have to buy a new package to buy more varium stuff in game.

Drianx -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/21/2013 16:07:44)


You pay for the Varium only.

This is so wrong.
Just ask them to remove all promos and only offer varium for the money.
Then we can bet in how many months the game will be shut down.

Remember, varium should have 2 purposes - shortcut and exclusivity. So far, shortcut it is. Exclusivity well, apart from hairstyles, buddy list, inventory space, and name change, it lacks completely. That's why paying players wish to be different and want the weapons to remain either promo only or varium only. And the example with founders was a good one - because they feel special and feel they deserve a special treatment. It is the same with other paying players.

Ranloth -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/21/2013 16:14:34)

It's not wrong. You pay for Varium, promo items are a bonus that gives you incentive to buy Varium. Otherwise why sell lower packages with just Varium if you want the items? It's promotional package because it has items, Varium always remains the same and it's Varium package you're buying during a promotion when an item is added alongside Varium.

Mother1 -> RE: Better Solution for promo weps (2/21/2013 16:36:16)

Trans before the promo's were also available in game so smaller packages did sell because sometimes the players didn't have 50 dollars to spend on the top package but could spend less to get the varium to get the item in game. However now that short cut has been severed because promo's are only available through the package, and worse to wear are no longer a reward for the paying player to support the game. in a year unless the staff changes their mind every tom dick and harry who has enough credits to buy the items will have them unless they make decide to make the promo's varium only in a year.

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