core inventory (Full Version)

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abhi09 -> core inventory (3/26/2013 16:28:36)

hi all,
i was just wondering as to how many people are in favour of core inventory. everytime one buys a new weapon and applies core, it ends up being quite cpstly affair ~ 40-50k which is jus too much for one weapon.
what do you guys think?

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: core inventory (3/26/2013 16:43:43)

I just realized a reason to not have core inventories..

yestarday I would've agreed that core inventories should be implemented, however I just realized this:

If you can buy cores for an Item and it will be saved even after you switch, whats the point of having more than a 1 physical and 1 energy wep of each catagory? (other than looks)

Cores not being saved means more money will be spent on either:

A- Buying cores countinuously for a few items.

B- Buying new weapons to put new cores on so you wont have to change cores on your other weapon.

Ranloth -> RE: core inventory (3/26/2013 16:47:37)

I just have at least 2 items of each type (2 Energy and 2 Physical versions) for sake of saving money on cores. Some weapons come with built-in cores which saves me money as well. If you think prior to buying: "Is this core gonna benefit me more or less than my existing one?", rather than buy it and want to switch back then it's not really needed.

abhi09 -> RE: core inventory (3/26/2013 16:48:47)

if there are 2 cores for one slot and i want to use them at times on my energy blade , then on energy sword or on physical sword. its not nice if i'v to buy the same core for my 3 diff weapons. and if i want to try other core for them then i'l have to repay everytime i use a core.
not good in my opinion.


Is this core gonna benefit me more or less than my existing one?", rather than buy it and want to switch back then it's not really needed.

well different cores go well with different type of builds. if i'm changing my build i might prefer a diff core on a particular set of weapons., and of course sticking to one build is no fun. as they say the only thing constant in this world is "change".

Ranloth -> RE: core inventory (3/26/2013 16:55:22)

That's why I said multiple items. I have different cores on 3 of my Armors + one locked, my Primaries have different cores and few locked too. Likewise with Guns (Spreadfire is locked), but Auxes which are plain ones for me.

Lycan. -> RE: core inventory (3/26/2013 17:16:11)

If a core inventory is to be implemented then there would be no reason to buy any more than two guns, primaries and auxes (Phy and energy)

Drianx -> RE: core inventory (3/26/2013 18:32:11)


If a core inventory is to be implemented then there would be no reason to buy any more than two guns, primaries and auxes (Phy and energy)

And why is this a bad thing? Who said it should be absolutely necessary for players to keep buying items like crazy? And why should a player support this nonsense?

Either most players nowadays are very very very young, or I should be long gone from here.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: core inventory (3/26/2013 19:24:40)


Players buying more items = more money for AE

If we have a core inventory, once you get all the cores. you no longer pay for more cores. Which means AE doesn't make any money.

Banir -> RE: core inventory (3/26/2013 21:39:02)

How about a core inventory for just the basic cores like Generator or Meteors? It would be nice to be able to switch the cores around, especially all those promo items, without having to spend a fortune. Other than forcing us to spend more money, I don't see why we shouldn't have one.

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: core inventory (3/26/2013 21:50:56)

The only solution I can see for core inventory is making cores cost around 20k cred/850 vars for perminate or 7k/300 vars to use until changed.

Yes, I reduced the varium cost becuase currently, its too exspensive.

Drianx -> RE: core inventory (3/26/2013 23:42:19)


Players buying more items = more money for AE
If we have a core inventory, once you get all the cores. you no longer pay for more cores. Which means AE doesn't make any money.

Nice of you to explain once again the obvious, but I already got the message first time.
But you avoided my questions, so here they are again, with some others too.

Who said it should be absolutely necessary for players to keep buying items like crazy?
And why should a player - like yourself - support this nonsense?
Do you really think people are currently buying items because they don't have what to put cores in?
Do you really think this is the way EpicDuel should make money?
Have you ever heard of promos that have locked, unique, promo-only cores? How will everyone get these?
It's not even possible for everyone to have all cores.
Even so, are you a player or are you from AE? Do you care for your money or AE's money?

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: core inventory (3/27/2013 0:00:28)

Who said it should be absolutely necessary for players to keep buying items like crazy?
-Let me answer this question with another question: Is it absolutely necessary to have a lot of cores?

And why should a player - like yourself - support this nonsense?
-I would like for AE to stay running, and if they don't have enough income, they will shutdown. If they gave everything the players wanted to them, they wouldn't make any money.

Do you really think people are currently buying items because they don't have what to put cores in?
-A lot of people are, otherwise, why do some people have more than 1 of each weapon type and catagory? (other than rares)

Do you really think this is the way EpicDuel should make money?
-How else? Donation? I don't think a donation system will work.

Have you ever heard of promos that have locked, unique, promo-only cores? How will everyone get these?
-This is a way to make money, promo items have exclusive cores so that people will be motivated to buy them, since all items are equal.

It's not even possible for everyone to have all cores.
-This is a statement, not a question.

Even so, are you a player or are you from AE? Do you care for your money or AE's money?
-I'm a player, I care for both of our money.

RageSoul -> RE: core inventory (3/27/2013 0:05:42)

I would like to have Core Inventory being implemented in-game , but if you're going to switch them to another weapon , it should come with a price ( as always ) .

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: core inventory (3/27/2013 1:26:45)

I would like it.
If you wamt to have all cores on some weps you would need:
6 psysical primaries and energys
Which makes it 12 primaries to have all cores on a wep ready for battle.

This is an insane amount.
I got enough weps for this tho but alot here dont..

sylar67 -> RE: core inventory (3/27/2013 12:37:47)

you actually believe they removed the mass money sucker enhancements and exchanged it with that system so you get an inventory and never pay again ? hahhahahahah

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: core inventory (3/27/2013 12:41:09)


Thats kinda-sorta what im saying. But not in the same sense.

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