RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (Full Version)

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DarkS1d3 -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (4/20/2013 5:08:41)

Dark s1d3 and Light s1d3 we want to hire on it :D we want to help :D

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Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (4/20/2013 6:15:50)

So I just sent in my application. Not having high hopes for myself, but I wish all the other applicants good luck.

Blackshock -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (4/20/2013 12:33:17)

I would love to apply, but sadly I have no financial means of acquiring a legitimate copy of flash at the moment and pretty nonexistent resume. So might as well pass this one for now and get on practicing in the meantime.

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (4/21/2013 9:47:48)

Gah! Two months away from eighteen! Curses!

Good luck to all those that submit!

~Lady Zafara

Nightmare AQW -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (4/21/2013 18:48:20)

Application submitted, good luck me.

plebster -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (4/23/2013 14:25:13)

^ i LOVE your art!

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (4/27/2013 16:16:43)

I'd like to submit. I need a vent for my imagination.
First I need to make a resume.

*writes it up*

It's...really short.
Well, an 18-year old usually doesn't have much to write about.

Question, so we can make 2 NPC's right? One for each faction?

ND Mallet -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (4/27/2013 18:17:42)

@shadow Up to 3 unless you use one of the quest NPCs as the next big villain/hero otherwise it's 2 for quests and 1 for the blurb.

Balu -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (4/28/2013 7:01:47)

You probably can just come up with the blurb regarding a new villain/hero. it isn`t specified that you have to come up with 2 new NPCs when coming up with the three quests for each. I took two existing NPCs from ingame and created the small quest chains around them since I wish more NPCs already ingame would get more face time.

So i don`t think it`s mandatory to come up with three new NPCs.

Dvloki -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (4/30/2013 20:51:00)

Rats! *Snaps fingers*
I'm only [age nom] :3 On the plus side, I get the chance to mooch off of my parents for another year. Give or take! So I guess if you look at it; there are pro's and con's to everything! ^.^

Thanks you
~Dvloki / Kisses~

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (5/1/2013 22:45:39)

I'm making my blurb and the hero based on my character. I hope that isn't a bad idea.

Postmaster General -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (5/9/2013 16:45:50)

I'm so excited to see new faces! Good luck everyone!

SKYWEE955 -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (5/9/2013 16:51:59)

Still hiring?

Postmaster General -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (5/9/2013 16:57:23)

A belated good luck perhaps, but a good luck nonetheless. :P

SKYWEE955 -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (5/22/2013 18:40:49)

Are the positions and applications still open. I'm I still allowed to apply?

XapApp -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (5/23/2013 7:13:32)

I believe you still can. There wasn't any due date to submit applications mentioned on the Design Notes and they haven't announced any new staff members yet so the positions may still be available.

Mr Popcorn -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (5/24/2013 15:40:37)

Good luck to all who are applying!

Death Gigas -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (6/5/2013 3:12:22)

What exactly do we have to put for the resume? Why we deserve the position?

Balu -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (6/14/2013 18:30:17)

It hasn`t been announced on the forums and only on twitter. The two people that have joined the HS dev team, filling the positions of Volunteer Artist are @TallyAE and @Arae_AE . Congrats to both of you! :-)

No news yet regarding the position of Volunteer Writer.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (6/14/2013 18:56:46)

I've got my fingers crossed! ^

Balu -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash is Hiring!!! (8/31/2013 4:03:40)

We now know who the last person to join the HeroSmash dev team! It`s Mr. Midnight (forum name Electricboa)

Since the hiring period is over and all positions have been filled, I will be locking this thread now.

Smash-Lock! ~Balu

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