=OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Balu -> =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:41:30)


TWELVE New Epic Characters are LIVE!

Posted on April 26, 2013 by Nulgath


Game Update v0.7.8

12 of some of the most powerful and sought after characters I'd been saving have been released! Some are capturable on the Overworld map and Nightmare Dungeon and some are Rankups!

Be sure to also talk to Malakai in the Town Lobby to get some of your New Epic Characters!


1. The anticipate: Overfiend Blade
2. Dire Monk
3. Tharr the Barbarian
4. High Templar
5. Arcane Ranger
6. Ice Matron
7. Void Incarnate Male
8. Void Incarnate Female
9. Shadow Void
10. Fiend Blade
11. Dark Incarnate
12. Blood Ranger

Card Customization

Next week Card Customization! *crosses finger. Interface and card art is ready. Just need the programming to get done.

Below are the user interface mockups!


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Also please note that the server can go offline without notice for different periods of time. This is NOT a bug.


Talking about unreleased content obtained through hacking is against the rules. Please refrain from doing such. Posts talking about unreleased content obtained through hacking WILL be deleted, and warnings WILL be issued to those who break this rule. You have been warned before by Balu. Don't make us warn again.

Discussing unreleased content that the game devs have already posted some sort of info on is alright. ~Balu

First of all, I'm going to remind everybody posting in this thread of the =OS= Game Content and Forum Rules , which states:


Since this game is being directed at a more mature player base there will be things mentioned or shown in Oversoul itself or on the Oversoul Wiki that are not appropriate for the forums. As the various things that are shown or mentioned in Oversoul or on Oversoul's Wiki may be appropriate for the game that does not make it appropriate for the forums so please keep the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules in mind when posting. If you are unsure whether what you want to post is in line with the Forum's Rules please PM an Archknight or Moderator in AE Staff and Staff Assistants List for clarification.

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If players want to keep focussing on spamming, purposely breaking the rules and complaining about the rules, they will face the consequences of their actions. You have been forewarned enough times to know better. The immature reactions to the rules stops now.
The choice is yours.

Any and every mention of methods and programs that grant users unfair advantages over each other, such as finding a way to get 100% possession or encounter rate, stops now. This is bug abuse and cheating, both of which are not allowed as said in the Universal Forum Rules > Posting Behavior. Every post after this will deleted on sight and the poster warned, with possible other unwanted consequences to their forum accounts.


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Eukara Vox
AE Forum Administration

I'm being very serious when I say that ANYONE who makes a spammy or off-topic post from hereon in will receive a warning, no further warnings will be issued in the Beta Release threads. I suggest you all take some time to read the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules as it appears the rules have been neglected. There will be no negotiating these terms, anyone found to violate the previously issued topic warnings WILL receive an Official Warning.

James Lu
ArchKnight Oversoul

Any discussion of manipulating the game mechanics to your advantage needs to be stopped. It can and will lead to punishments in-game, especially if you're abusing glitches to do so. Any more posts I see will be deleted and Warnings will be sent.

ACW0 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:42:12)

Hey Guys Should I SG Capture the Void Characters?

Just Beat Ice Void and Failed at Reg Capture, Saw the Fire One A Few Minutes Ago, Rare encounter?

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:43:28)

NO don't! The Void characters have high respawn rate only at the left side of the nightmare dungeon. Keep on trying to encounter and possess them till you succeed without SG. Good luck!

Hakunin -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:44:12)

For a mere 10K gold the void-characters r avaiable in the shop, so no need for forced capture, even if you'd get bored.
But they r not rare. Even the blade isn't too rare. Weteye is what is rare to appear!


So, any suggestion for "worst character" title instead of Light Fairy?

ACW0 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:44:24)

Thank You! :)

So If I encounter The Ranger Again, No SG Capture as well? :P

Mirai Hoshino -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:44:43)


Possessing the Frost Void just gives you the Ice Nomad, doesn't it? That's the base character. It would probably be best to go after the Ice Nomad instead. I don't know what a Fire Void would be...

Or did he mean the Void Incarnates.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:44:43)

No don't do it! They are quite common, especially if you spawn on the left side of the dungeon map. I meet one at least every other battle. The Ranger is the evolution of the red eyed Void.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:47:27)

ACW0 meant the Red eye and Blue Eye void characters who are Void Incarante.

I encountered them most of the time so their possession rate will definitely be low but it won't be hard to possess them as they had high respawn rate.

ACW0 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:48:01)

Ah Derp Thanks Guys

And Just Got The Fiend Blade!

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:48:30)

Congratz! That's lucky of you!

JJ55$ -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:48:53)

The wiki is wrong, Blood Ranger only has one sacrifice.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:49:51)

Well I'm 8 for 0 on Overfiend Blade. That thing just refuses to be possessed by me!
And I think I might just give in and evolve the red-eyed fiend. 2 Poisons and 2 MoD's? Now that's some serious DoT power!

Mirai Hoshino -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:50:00)

I'll have to head into the Nightmare Dungeon to see how the AI uses these new characters, right after I get my Blood Ranger.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:51:50)

Water Fairy can be given that title as well, but Light Fairy is just so bad that even Water Fairy looks strong.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:52:54)

Okay and be warned. They are not as easy as any other shadow character you fought. They give really good challenge despite being an AI.

Its good to have some challenging AI.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:52:57)

Can you post a screenshot of its deck? Then I'll correct the page.

ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:53:58)

Earth Fairy is the only good fairy out there.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:54:20)

@The Jop

ChaosReaper11 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:56:23)

It seems Nightmare Dungeon is still bugged as it never loads when I join a dungeon that spawns on the left. Dang. :/
Except now. o.O Maybe it's just Dungeon 3 then.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:56:49)

Finally done all my exams so now it is time to enjoy Fridays release! I shall miss my soulgems D:

Pricing aside, these new characters have some really interesting decks.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:56:51)

Thanks. There's been a lot of inaccurate information on the Wiki from this release.

Mirai Hoshino -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:57:45)


I'll be going into the Nightmare Dungeon with my master Pyre Witch. I still want to get her to level 15 soon, and she did a good job messing up that dungeon before. It'll be interesting to see if she can get overwhelmed by sacrifice attacks.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 12:59:07)

Okay what is going on, I can't access the dungeon .-.

@The Jop: What kind of inaccuracies?

@below: Oh I see. As long as there aren't any wrong areas listed or things that would have me spend hours chasing something that isn't even there, I am cool.

I really don't want another Cosoma situation as many people claimed it was in a place where it was NOT.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 13:00:29)

Okay since Pyre Witch can handle that.

In the wiki, some of the characters' deck were given the wrong quantities. Like for example Dark Incarnate have 2 poison in his deck but the wiki gave the wrong info by putting 3 instead of 2.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 118 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 13:10:07)

Did someone say Cosoma? :D

Anyway, is anyone planning on getting Tharr? He's just about the most offensive Neutral character out there, as far as I can tell, and seems to be a good Legendary.

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