Night of the Grenwog (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Night of the Grenwog (5/7/2013 16:24:14)

Night of the Grenwog!
Grenwog Festival 2013

Location: Grenwog Portal Painting » 2013: Night of the Grenwog! OR
Location: Grenwog Portal Painting » Click the Grenwog Festival! logo » Night of the Grenwog!

Note: This war is a prequel to Donovan's Reign!.

«You can skip the cutscene at anytime.»

«Scene: Werewolf Lair. A werewolf minion is bowing to the Werewolf King, who is sitting on his throne.»

Werewolf King: While we may be at peace for now, it's only a matter of time before the wars begin anew.
Werewolf King: It's time to plan ahead. Go, my minion. Seek out the Grenwog and....

«The werewolf minion raises his head slightly.»

Soldier Were: ....sir?
Werewolf King: Fool, don't interrupt!
Soldier Were: But why the Grenwog?
Werewolf King: The Grenwog is a powerful creature that seems to have some manner of control over the wererabbit population.
Werewolf King: They wouldn't allow him to take their eggs without a fight... yet he manages to steal them every time.
Werewolf King: I have researched the matter and come to the conclusion that he is somehow able to hypnotize the wererabbits into giving up their eggs willingly.
Werewolf King: If we could corrupt the Grenwog and use this hypnotic power to charm the wererabbits into a secondary army, we'd have a clear edge in the next war.

«The Werewolf King raises his paw, commanding the Soldier Were.»

Werewolf King: Now go. Bring it to me, so that I can infect it with lycanthropy. Then it will serve me, as will its little friends.

«The Soldier Were nods and the scene fades to black. Back at Battleon, it seems like everyone is geared up for Grenwog Festival, with decorated eggs lying around town!»

«You»: You know, I never did understand this holiday.
Galanoth: What's to understand? There's a giant furry monster with boxing gloves running around Battleon, trying to steal wererabbit eggs.
«You»: ....where do I start?

«With a trail of bats rising from beneath her feet, Safiria enters the scene.»

«You»: Er, Safiria? What brings you to a place as bright and sunny as Battleon? Developed a taste for wererabbit stew?
Safiria: Cute. Actually, I'm here to end this silly little holiday before someone else ruins it first.
«You»: What are you talking about?
Safiria: Constantin. I can smell him and his dogs all over this town. They're trying to catch the Grenwog so that they can use him against us.
«You»: Oh, so then you're here to protect the Grenwog and....
Safiria: No. I'm here for the same reason. How better to weaken his position than to gain control over the Grenwog, and by extension, the wererabbits?
«You»: Great... guess that means I get to stop you both, then.

    Vampire subrace

    Safiria: You would fight your own queen?
    «You»: Interrupting this holiday is not an appropriate way to behave, and you know that. Are we so desperate for an advantage that we'd sink this low?
    Werewolf subrace

    Safiria: You think I'm fooled, you dog? You just want to help him take over Grenwog!
    «You»: I don't think either one of you should interrupt this holiday. I'll fight both him and you if I have to.
    Safiria: Very well, but know that you are making a mistake if you think you can stop my army.
«If you are of any other subrace, or after the above dialogue is complete, you receive the following dialogue.»

Safiria: Very well, but know that you are making a mistake if you think you can stop my army.

«Safiria leaves the scene, as it fades to black...»

The vampires and werewolves are at it again! They both want to take control of the Grenwog and his wererabbit army, and they're willing to battle each other in the middle of Battleon to do it! Put a stop to this madness!
  • To Battle!
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Twilly: Uh-ohs!! Safiria and big wolf, with wererabbits? This could be baaaaaad!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!

    Potion Bag - Refills potions if you have less than 4 on hand (Guardian Only)
    Safiria - Safiria will help destroy your enemies with her vampiress charms!
    Werewolf King - The Werewolf King will aid you!
    Battleon (background) - The town of Battleon, bathed in moonlight. An eerie fog seems to be rolling in.
    Wererabbits - +0.1% BTH per Wererabbit (Max: +20%). Only applies to normal player Ranged attacks.

    To Battle!
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battle #2
    «After defeating 100% of Safiria's and Werewolf King's forces....»
      6 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal after battles #2, #4, #6
    «In Battleon's townsquare, Safiria and the Werewolf King find the Grenwog, who is right beside you.»

    Werewolf King: At last! Your army shall be mine, Grenwog!
    Safiria: Heel, boy! He's mine!
    «You»: Both of you, back off!

    «Both Safiria and the Werewolf King charge forward! With a chomp from each of them, the Grenwog's gloved hand and feet burst open, revealing sharp claws.»

    Werewolf King: Excellent! And now you will obey me!
    Safiria: Nonsense. I bit him first! He is clearly my servant.
    VereWog: I serve neizer of you!

    «The VereWog lunges straight toward the Werewolf King, clawing him off the screen. This is quickly followed by another claw toward Safiria who also gets struck off screen. It turns and faces you.»

    «You»: Woah, you can talk now?
    VereWog: But of course! I am ze VereWog, scourge of ze vererabbits!
    «You»: Vhat's... er... what's wrong with your voice?
    VereWog: I don't know! I am verey exhausted from zis ordeal, and don't even know vere I am right now!
    «You»: the gods, they've turned you into Artix. They deserve twice as much of a beating now.
    «You»: Look, let's get you to Darkovia. I know a place that can cure you.
    VereWog: Vat makes you think I vant to be cured?
    «You»: What?
    VereWog: Vith my new powers, I can enslave all ze vererabbits and have an army.... and an unlimited supply of food!
    «You»: I may not understand the spirit of this holiday, but I'm pretty sure that's not it.
    VereWog: Then face me! I shall start vith you!«You»: Well, the festival is ruined and the Grenwog's been mutated into some sort of vamp-were hybrid with a cheesy accent... don't think it can get much worse than this.

    «As the scene pans up, peeking from behind a shop house is Donovan...»

    Donovan: Hm....
    Night of the Grenwog

  • VereEgg [L. 6]
  • Voracious VereEgg [L. 18 G]
  • VereEgg [L. 26]
  • VereEgg [L. 46]
  • VereEgg Z [L. 49 Z]

  • VereEgg [L. 66]
  • VereEgg [L. 86]
  • VereEgg Z [L. 96 Z]
  • VereEgg [L. 106]
  • VereEgg [L. 126]
  • Voracious VereEgg [L. 146 G]

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Update thanks to Dragoon23.
    Monster ListMonster lists thanks to In Media Res.

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