The Soul (Full Version)

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Labyth -> The Soul (5/18/2013 19:39:22)

Most of us never remember our past.....I wonder....If our past were important.
Every time I take a New body I learn from it about is past. Fragments of who he was like his personality or what he did like his occupation.
I have noticed other people like me who also wander from body to body, and then I wonder about their past how they lived, who they were, and if they were happy.
All I know about my past is that I was alive and something or someone killed me...... maybe I did it myself.
All I have left in me is the feeling of wanting to keep on moving on, but why I still cannot remember.
The body I was in was Human was I not? Even that I cannot remember.
I have begun thinking. Maybe the memory I wish to regain maybe exist in my original body,but that was never clear to me because I cannot find my body.I wonder if I am looking in the wrong place.I will never cause in the end who do I ask;but the feeling of a new body,the feeling of new limbs,of new skin,of a new heart,makes me feel renew. This feeling can be said to be addicting maybe that why I continue to absorb new bodies into my new being. The feeling of being able to do something I couldn't do before makes the finding of new bodies my addiction.
All the bodies I have possessed began to disappear maybe their life energy or their bodies begin to decompose and they are gone, but the memories of those bodies stays with me.

Labyth -> RE: The Soul (5/18/2013 19:54:56)

I have now found out and at the same time I find it interesting that every body I posses slowly begins to be absorbed into me. The longer I keep it posses the faster it become one with me. Once they have become completely absorbed I can take their form without the need of a remain of the body, but I wonder what am I. If I am just a soul why am I able to do this.

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