Shields - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Shields - Read the first post! (6/5/2013 22:33:29)

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Avalonmerlin -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/6/2013 15:18:13)


((ReZ/Res)ilient) Arm Floaty
This is just the thing to enjoy some relaxing fun in the sun! It helps you float during Water attacks, and the cushion of air protects you from Wind attacks!

Got it. Thanks. Scakk

hict98 -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/6/2013 15:51:25)


Resilient Arm Floaty

Got it. Thanks. Scakk

Tha Killa -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/6/2013 17:52:09)


Resilient Arm Floaty

Water/Wind compresion shield with -21% at the top level one.
Also has 12 M/R/M defenses.

Got it. Thanks. Scakk

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/6/2013 23:59:37)


Arm Floaty
Level	2	22	42	62	82	102	122	142	4	99	135
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	Z	G	Z
PowLvl	2	22	42	62	82	102	122	145	42	102	145
Melee	0	3	4	7	8	10	11	12	4	10	12
Ranged	0	2	4	7	8	10	11	12	4	10	12
Magic	0	3	4	7	8	10	11	12	4	10	12
Water	-1	-8	-13	-16	-18	-19	-20	-21	-13	-19	-21
Wind	-1	-8	-13	-16	-18	-19	-20	-21	-13	-19	-21
Price	31	61	307	2286	18247	146923	1184353	9548436	550	107436	11650
Sell	15	30	153	1143	9123	73461	592176	4774218	Z	53718	Z

Got it. Thanks. Scakk

xDeathlordx -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/7/2013 0:30:52)


^ Isn't that supposed to be wind instead of light?

Yes. *fixes* ~IMR

Got it. Thanks. Scakk

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/8/2013 5:55:30)

Edit here, since the old thread was locked: the Asgardian Shield's "spell" is treated as a normal player attack. So your RanGer's Scope will affect it, but Sila's Staff won't affect it.

Koree -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/13/2013 15:13:01)


Eye of Naab

The normal look of the shield on the left; the eye changes color when you place your mouse on it.

The Eye of Naab is the only thing that can reveal the true form of the Shadow Master! It allows you to gaze a moment into the future, increasing your accuracy and blocking!

During your turn, you can click on the eye. This takes your turn and attempts to give you Defence Boost (+40 blocking) and BtH Boost (+15 BTH) statuses for 1 round. The monster can resist this effect.

You peer through the Eye, and foresee your opponent's next few moves!
Your opponent blocks your divination!

Got this thanks - Dragoon23

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/13/2013 16:00:21)


Father Time

Click on it to "rewind" time by one turn. This costs the listed SP, and resets both you and the monster's HP/MP/SP to what it was on the previous turn. It doesn't affect statuses or things with charges.

The monster can resist with a save:
Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
Major: VStat vs MonsterLUK
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterINT

You can only successfully use this effect once per battle. If the monster succeeds on the save, then you can pay SP to use the effect again.

[Technical details: it actually heals HP/SP/MP by (Value at the beginning of last round) - (Value at the beginning of this round). If you use HP/SP/MP somehow without spending a turn (class toggle? Misc item?) and then "rewind', then you won't gain back the HP/SP/MP that you just spent.]
Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
MPLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	152
Melee	1	3	7	10	11	14	15	16
Ranged	-4	-2	-1	1	3	4	6	8
Magic	1	3	7	10	11	14	15	16
Ice	-6	-13	-18	-21	-23	-24	-25	-26

VStat	30	75	120	160	200	200	200	200

SPCost	5	9	14	19	25	32	40	49
MCPrice	39	117	739	5758	46217	372410	3002287	24205166
MCSell	19	58	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583

Eye of Naab

Click on it to spend your turn looking into the future. The monster can resist with a save:
Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: VStat vs MonsterINT
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

If the monster fails on the save, then you become "prescient". This gives you +15 BTH and +40 blocking until the end of the monster's next turn. (The BTH is a pure boost; there's no decrease to damage.)
Level	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
MPLvl	30	50	70	90	110	130	152
Melee	6	9	11	13	13	15	16
Ranged	5	9	11	13	13	14	15
Magic	6	9	11	13	13	15	16
Light	-11	-16	-19	-21	-23	-24	-25

VStat	75	120	160	200	200	200	200
MCPrice	117	739	5758	46217	372410	3002287	24205166
MCSell	58	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583

Got this thanks - Dragoon23

Tha Killa -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/13/2013 18:15:59)


Father Time

Feeling wound up? By clicking on this shield, you can rewind time by one turn, and undo all the damage done to you and the monster! Happy Father's Day! (Guardian Only)

Got this thanks - Dragoon23

battlesiege15 -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/13/2013 18:25:19)

IMR, I think you forgot to include the VStats for both shields

Added. Thanks! ~IMR

sol1tud3 -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/13/2013 23:32:31)


Father Time
Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
Major: VStat vs MonsterLUK
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterINT

Is this intended or typo?

That's intended. ~IMR

Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (6/29/2013 20:16:19)


I'm fixing up a bug in the recent shields with "spells" with eleComp.

(Unimportant details: They got a bonus based on how the shield's blocking defences compared to an expected shield's blocking. However, it was comparing it to an expected ARMOUR'S blocking, and armours have MUCH higher blocking than shields, so the eleComp was boosted to compensate for this difference. I'm fixing it so that it compares the shield's blocking to an expected shield's blocking, which is going to lower it.)

Box of Chocolates (original stats)
Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150	143	23
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	Z	G
PLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153	153	30

EleComp	1.05954	1.13504	1.21805	1.32256	1.43784	1.50538	1.50364	1.57139	1.57139	1.13504
(While I'm here, I might as well mention that the skill is internally named Chocolate Rain.)

Asgardian/Asgoldian (original stats)
Level	11	40	62	80	95	110	125	143
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PLvl	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	153

EleComp	1.16092	1.22349	1.23817	1.29740	1.34289	1.39819	1.51169	1.55030

Lt. Lore's Shield (original stats)
Level	11	31	51	71	91	111	131	46	134	141
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	Z	G
PLvl	11	31	51	71	91	111	131	51	144	144

EleComp	1.03418	1.11462	1.17756	1.28722	1.40040	1.47039	1.46178	1.17756	1.48832	1.48832

Got this thanks - Dragoon23

BlackAces -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (8/1/2013 20:59:11)


Paramount Shield.

Wind/Water shield, has +2 MRM as MC effect (already factored into the below numbers).

Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
Water	-16	-18	-19	-20	-21	-21
Wind	-16	-18	-19	-20	-21	-21
Melee	4	6	10	11	12	15
Ranged	4	6	10	11	12	15
Magic	4	6	10	11	12	15
MCPrice	370	2880	23109	186206	1501144	12102584
MCSell	185	1440	11554	93103	750572	6051292
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (8/1/2013 21:11:14)


Paramount Shield

Level: 50
Power Level: 54, Mastercraft
Price: 370 Gold
Sellback: 185 Gold
Location: Given automatically to level 0-59 players who purchase the 12,000 Z-Token package. Buying the package also gives access to the Paramount Shield shop.
Element: Water

Melee: +2
Ranged: +2
Magic: +2

Fire: 0%
Water: -16%
Wind: -16%
Ice: 0%
Earth: 0%
Energy: 0%
Light: 0%
Darkness: 0%

  • There's a 10% or 15%(when in the mini-set with Paramount Blade) chance of taking 50% less damage this turn*.

    *Your shield glows with power, halving the damage you take this turn!

    This shield provides great resistance to both Wind and Water attacks! Using this with the Paramount Blade will unlock powerful status effects on the Paramount Blade's special attack!


    Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Additional info thanks to Kamui, Trans and Dragoon23.

    Paramount Shield

    Level: 70
    Power Level: 73, Mastercraft
    Price: 2,880 Gold
    Sellback: 1,440 Gold
    Location: Given automatically to level 60-79 players who purchase the 12,000 Z-Token package. Buying the package also gives access to the Paramount Shield shop.
    Element: Water

    Melee: +4
    Ranged: +4
    Magic: +4

    Fire: 0%
    Water: -18%
    Wind: -18%
    Ice: 0%
    Earth: 0%
    Energy: 0%
    Light: 0%
    Darkness: 0%

  • There's a 10% or 15%(when in the mini-set with Paramount Blade) chance of taking 50% less damage this turn*.

    *Your shield glows with power, halving the damage you take this turn!

    This shield provides great resistance to both Wind and Water attacks! Using this with the Paramount Blade will unlock powerful status effects on the Paramount Blade's special attack!


    Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Additional info thanks to Kamui, Trans and Dragoon23.

    Paramount Shield

    Level: 90
    Power Level: 93, Mastercraft
    Price: 23,109 Gold
    Sellback: 11,554 Gold
    Location: Given automatically to level 80-99 players who purchase the 12,000 Z-Token package. Buying the package also gives access to the Paramount Shield shop.
    Element: Water

    Melee: +8
    Ranged: +8
    Magic: +8

    Fire: 0%
    Water: -19%
    Wind: -19%
    Ice: 0%
    Earth: 0%
    Energy: 0%
    Light: 0%
    Darkness: 0%

  • There's a 10% or 15%(when in the mini-set with Paramount Blade) chance of taking 50% less damage this turn*.

    *Your shield glows with power, halving the damage you take this turn!

    This shield provides great resistance to both Wind and Water attacks! Using this with the Paramount Blade will unlock powerful status effects on the Paramount Blade's special attack!


    Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Additional info thanks to Kamui, Trans and Dragoon23.

    Paramount Shield

    Level: 110
    Power Level: 113, Mastercraft
    Price: 186,206 Gold
    Sellback: 93,103 Gold
    Location: Given automatically to level 100-119 players who purchase the 12,000 Z-Token package. Buying the package also gives access to the Paramount Shield shop.
    Element: Water

    Melee: +9
    Ranged: +9
    Magic: +9

    Fire: 0%
    Water: -20%
    Wind: -20%
    Ice: 0%
    Earth: 0%
    Energy: 0%
    Light: 0%
    Darkness: 0%

  • There's a 10% or 15%(when in the mini-set with Paramount Blade) chance of taking 50% less damage this turn*.

    *Your shield glows with power, halving the damage you take this turn!

    This shield provides great resistance to both Wind and Water attacks! Using this with the Paramount Blade will unlock powerful status effects on the Paramount Blade's special attack!


    Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Additional info thanks to Kamui, Trans and Dragoon23.

    Paramount Shield

    Level: 130
    Power Level: 133, Mastercraft
    Price: 1,501,144 Gold
    Sellback: 750,572 Gold
    Location: Given automatically to level 120-139 players who purchase the 12,000 Z-Token package. Buying the package also gives access to the Paramount Shield shop.
    Element: Water

    Melee: +10
    Ranged: +10
    Magic: +10

    Fire: 0%
    Water: -21%
    Wind: -21%
    Ice: 0%
    Earth: 0%
    Energy: 0%
    Light: 0%
    Darkness: 0%

  • There's a 10% or 15%(when in the mini-set with Paramount Blade) chance of taking 50% less damage this turn*.

    *Your shield glows with power, halving the damage you take this turn!

    This shield provides great resistance to both Wind and Water attacks! Using this with the Paramount Blade will unlock powerful status effects on the Paramount Blade's special attack!


    Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Additional info thanks to Kamui, Trans and Dragoon23.

    Paramount Shield

    Level: 150
    Power Level: 153, Mastercraft
    Price: 12,102,584 Gold
    Sellback: 6,051,292 Gold
    Location: Given automatically to level 140+ players who purchase the 12,000 Z-Token package. Buying the package also gives access to the Paramount Shield shop.
    Element: Water

    Melee: +13
    Ranged: +13
    Magic: +13

    Fire: 0%
    Water: -21%
    Wind: -21%
    Ice: 0%
    Earth: 0%
    Energy: 0%
    Light: 0%
    Darkness: 0%

  • There's a 10% or 15%(when in the mini-set with Paramount Blade) chance of taking 50% less damage this turn*.

    *Your shield glows with power, halving the damage you take this turn!

    This shield provides great resistance to both Wind and Water attacks! Using this with the Paramount Blade will unlock powerful status effects on the Paramount Blade's special attack!


    Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Additional info thanks to Kamui, Trans and Dragoon23.

    The shield is still available, I just added Rare tags for the future.

  • Description has been changed/updated a bit.
  • Shield lost the +2 MRM MC regarding this post below.
  • Made some tweaks. Thanks! ~Koree

    Dragoon23 -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (8/4/2013 22:43:18)


    Paramount Shields' been updated:


    ORIGINAL: Kamui

  • Shield lost the +2 MRM MC, in it's place it now has the "5% chance to cut damage that turn by 50%" effect.
  • Weapon's special rate was lowered to 10%, special damage was boosted appropriately, but the status effect strength was unchanged when in the mini-set.
  • When using the weapon and shield, the shield's rate to cut damage that turn is boosted to a 7.5% rate to cut damage by 50%.

  • Edit: Update again -


    ORIGINAL: Trans

    <Trans> Kam, if you have a minute, would you be able to clear the confusion in regards to Paramount Shield's effect and Taladosian's? The % rate specificially and why it's lower than Taladosian's.
    <Kamui> Mer? They should have the same 5% rate.
    <Trans> Taladosian has 10% chance for 50% reduction.
    <Kamui> ...D'OH.
    <Kamui> Let me do some calcs, thought it was 5%.
    <Kamui> Yeah, I derped.
    <Trans> So it's 10% for Paramount and... 15% with the Shield or 12.5%? ;o
    <Kamui> Will be 10% and 15%
    <AFKammy> Okay, it's updated.
    <AFKammy> Now has 10% rate normally, and 15% rate when in the mini-set.
    Affirmative. ~Koree


    All names/descriptions are the same. Shields only got a graphical update.



    Tower Shield

    S-Shields. S Shields Everywhere! - Dragoon23

    Ianthe -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (9/5/2013 22:30:24)


    Paxian Defender

    Defaults to Earth (blame the Truphma). If you're in a clan, then it defends against your clan's element.

    Instead of a Guardian bonus, it gives you +10 [STATUS] resistance based on your clan. This does nothing if you're not in a clan (or if you're in a non-standard clan):
    Igneus: Burn
    Nautica: Offbalance
    Aerodu: Poison
    Ice: Freeze
    Earth: Spiritual Seed
    Energy: Paralysis
    Light: Blindness
    Darkness: Fear

    Level	4	24	44	64	84	104	124	144
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
    PLvl	4	24	44	64	84	104	124	144
    Melee	1	4	6	8	10	12	14	15
    Ranged	1	4	6	8	10	12	14	15
    Magic	0	4	6	8	10	12	13	14
    Element	-1	-10	-16	-20	-22	-23	-24	-25
    Price	32	69	372	2811	22476	181018	1459235	11764622
    Sell	16	34	186	1405	11238	90509	729617	5882311
    Added, thanks! ~Koree

    Koree -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (9/6/2013 2:55:04)


    Paxian Defender


    Looks like it has the same appearance regardless of your clan.
    Done. ~Koree

    Vaulen -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (9/7/2013 22:57:50)

    Jarnskjoldr,, has the pricing of the armor it compliments. Its price should be:
    Price: 24,205,167 Gold
    Sellback: 12,102,583 gold

    The shield has a built-in skill, so its price is equal to ([Shield Price] + [Spell Price])*1.1. Since spells have the same price as shields, we get 2.2*[Shield Price], which is the same as 1.1*[Armor Price]. ~Koree

    turbowarrior23 -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (10/5/2013 15:01:26)


    The Paramount Shield series needs a rare tag.
    Rare tags added, thanks! ~Koree

    Syth -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (10/16/2013 9:11:59)


    The Arm Floaty series need rare tags.
    Rare tags added, thanks! ~Koree

    Rorshach -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (10/22/2013 3:10:11)


    Under this section: Shields, (Light --> Lvl. 55 Pyrite Shield) should be removed to avoid confusion (?).
    Done. Thanks! ~Koree

    Lord Athor -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (10/22/2013 16:04:41)


    The Bloodthorn Shield series needs a Rare tag.
    Done, thanks! ~Koree

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (11/3/2013 6:46:42)


    Paxian Defender

    Level: 4
    Power Level: 4
    Price: 32 Gold
    Sellback: 16 Gold
    Location: Rescue the Sacrifice!
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: +1
    Ranged: +1
    Magic: +0

    Fire: +0%
    Water: +0%
    Wind: +0%
    Ice: +0%
    Earth: -1%
    Energy: +0%
    Light: +0%
    Darkness: +0%

    Based on your clan, the shield changes its resistance and gains an additional effect:
    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -1% Fire resistance.
    • You receive Resist Burn +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -1% Water resistance.
    • You receive Resist Offbalanced +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -1% Wind resistance.
    • You receive Resist Poison +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -1% Ice resistance.
    • You receive Resist Freezing +10.

    • The shield keeps its Earth resistance.
    • You receive Resist Spiritual Seed +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -1% Energy resistance.
    • You receive Resist Paralysis +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -1% Light resistance.
    • You receive Resist Blind +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -1% Darkness resistance.
    • You receive Resist Fear +10.
    If you are not in a clan, the shield won't receive any additional effects.

    Do you hear the people sing, singing how you saved 'em from Vox? They gave you a shield to thanks you for cleaning those Truphma's clocks! Your clan element wil shine: against it this shield will protect. It'll also shield from malign and tricky effects.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image, basic stats and additional help thanks to Koree. Correction thanks to Daimyo Daimyo and Tep Itaki.

    Paxian Defender

    Level: 24
    Power Level: 24
    Price: 69 Gold
    Sellback: 34 Gold
    Location: Rescue the Sacrifice!
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: +4
    Ranged: +4
    Magic: +4

    Fire: +0%
    Water: +0%
    Wind: +0%
    Ice: +0%
    Earth: -10%
    Energy: +0%
    Light: +0%
    Darkness: +0%

    Based on your clan, the shield changes its resistance and gains an additional effect:
    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -10% Fire resistance.
    • You receive Resist Burn +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -10% Water resistance.
    • You receive Resist Offbalanced +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -10% Wind resistance.
    • You receive Resist Poison +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -10% Ice resistance.
    • You receive Resist Freezing +10.

    • The shield keeps its Earth resistance.
    • You receive Resist Spiritual Seed +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -10% Energy resistance.
    • You receive Resist Paralysis +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -10% Light resistance.
    • You receive Resist Blind +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -10% Darkness resistance.
    • You receive Resist Fear +10.
    If you are not in a clan, the shield won't receive any additional effects.

    Do you hear the people sing, singing how you saved 'em from Vox? They gave you a shield to thanks you for cleaning those Truphma's clocks! Your clan element wil shine: against it this shield will protect. It'll also shield from malign and tricky effects.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image, basic stats and additional help thanks to Koree. Correction thanks to Daimyo Daimyo and Tep Itaki.

    Paxian Defender

    Level: 44
    Power Level: 44
    Price: 372 Gold
    Sellback: 186 Gold
    Location: Rescue the Sacrifice!
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: +6
    Ranged: +6
    Magic: +6

    Fire: +0%
    Water: +0%
    Wind: +0%
    Ice: +0%
    Earth: -16%
    Energy: +0%
    Light: +0%
    Darkness: +0%

    Based on your clan, the shield changes its resistance and gains an additional effect:
    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -16% Fire resistance.
    • You receive Resist Burn +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -16% Water resistance.
    • You receive Resist Offbalanced +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -16% Wind resistance.
    • You receive Resist Poison +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -16% Ice resistance.
    • You receive Resist Freezing +10.

    • The shield keeps its Earth resistance.
    • You receive Resist Spiritual Seed +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -16% Energy resistance.
    • You receive Resist Paralysis +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -16% Light resistance.
    • You receive Resist Blind +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -16% Darkness resistance.
    • You receive Resist Fear +10.
    If you are not in a clan, the shield won't receive any additional effects.

    Do you hear the people sing, singing how you saved 'em from Vox? They gave you a shield to thanks you for cleaning those Truphma's clocks! Your clan element wil shine: against it this shield will protect. It'll also shield from malign and tricky effects.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image, basic stats and additional help thanks to Koree. Correction thanks to Daimyo Daimyo and Tep Itaki.

    Paxian Defender

    Level: 64
    Power Level: 64
    Price: 2,811 Gold
    Sellback: 1,405 Gold
    Location: Rescue the Sacrifice!
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: +8
    Ranged: +8
    Magic: +8

    Fire: +0%
    Water: +0%
    Wind: +0%
    Ice: +0%
    Earth: -20%
    Energy: +0%
    Light: +0%
    Darkness: +0%

    Based on your clan, the shield changes its resistance and gains an additional effect:
    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -20% Fire resistance.
    • You receive Resist Burn +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -20% Water resistance.
    • You receive Resist Offbalanced +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -20% Wind resistance.
    • You receive Resist Poison +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -20% Ice resistance.
    • You receive Resist Freezing +10.

    • The shield keeps its Earth resistance.
    • You receive Resist Spiritual Seed +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -20% Energy resistance.
    • You receive Resist Paralysis +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -20% Light resistance.
    • You receive Resist Blind +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -20% Darkness resistance.
    • You receive Resist Fear +10.
    If you are not in a clan, the shield won't receive any additional effects.

    Do you hear the people sing, singing how you saved 'em from Vox? They gave you a shield to thanks you for cleaning those Truphma's clocks! Your clan element wil shine: against it this shield will protect. It'll also shield from malign and tricky effects.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image, basic stats and additional help thanks to Koree. Correction thanks to Daimyo Daimyo and Tep Itaki.

    Paxian Defender

    Level: 84
    Power Level: 84
    Price: 22,476 Gold
    Sellback: 11,238 Gold
    Location: Rescue the Sacrifice!
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: +10
    Ranged: +10
    Magic: +10

    Fire: +0%
    Water: +0%
    Wind: +0%
    Ice: +0%
    Earth: -22%
    Energy: +0%
    Light: +0%
    Darkness: +0%

    Based on your clan, the shield changes its resistance and gains an additional effect:
    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -22% Fire resistance.
    • You receive Resist Burn +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -22% Water resistance.
    • You receive Resist Offbalanced +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -22% Wind resistance.
    • You receive Resist Poison +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -22% Ice resistance.
    • You receive Resist Freezing +10.

    • The shield keeps its Earth resistance.
    • You receive Resist Spiritual Seed +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -22% Energy resistance.
    • You receive Resist Paralysis +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -22% Light resistance.
    • You receive Resist Blind +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -22% Darkness resistance.
    • You receive Resist Fear +10.
    If you are not in a clan, the shield won't receive any additional effects.

    Do you hear the people sing, singing how you saved 'em from Vox? They gave you a shield to thanks you for cleaning those Truphma's clocks! Your clan element wil shine: against it this shield will protect. It'll also shield from malign and tricky effects.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image, basic stats and additional help thanks to Koree. Correction thanks to Daimyo Daimyo and Tep Itaki.

    Paxian Defender

    Level: 104
    Power Level: 104
    Price: 181,018 Gold
    Sellback: 90,509 Gold
    Location: Rescue the Sacrifice!
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: +12
    Ranged: +12
    Magic: +12

    Fire: +0%
    Water: +0%
    Wind: +0%
    Ice: +0%
    Earth: -23%
    Energy: +0%
    Light: +0%
    Darkness: +0%

    Based on your clan, the shield changes its resistance and gains an additional effect:
    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -23% Fire resistance.
    • You receive Resist Burn +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -23% Water resistance.
    • You receive Resist Offbalanced +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -23% Wind resistance.
    • You receive Resist Poison +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -23% Ice resistance.
    • You receive Resist Freezing +10.

    • The shield keeps its Earth resistance.
    • You receive Resist Spiritual Seed +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -23% Energy resistance.
    • You receive Resist Paralysis +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -23% Light resistance.
    • You receive Resist Blind +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -23% Darkness resistance.
    • You receive Resist Fear +10.
    If you are not in a clan, the shield won't receive any additional effects.

    Do you hear the people sing, singing how you saved 'em from Vox? They gave you a shield to thanks you for cleaning those Truphma's clocks! Your clan element wil shine: against it this shield will protect. It'll also shield from malign and tricky effects.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image, basic stats and additional help thanks to Koree. Correction thanks to Daimyo Daimyo and Tep Itaki.

    Paxian Defender

    Level: 124
    Power Level: 124
    Price: 1,459,235 Gold
    Sellback: 729,617 Gold
    Location: Rescue the Sacrifice!
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: +14
    Ranged: +14
    Magic: +13

    Fire: +0%
    Water: +0%
    Wind: +0%
    Ice: +0%
    Earth: -24%
    Energy: +0%
    Light: +0%
    Darkness: +0%

    Based on your clan, the shield changes its resistance and gains an additional effect:
    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -24% Fire resistance.
    • You receive Resist Burn +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -24% Water resistance.
    • You receive Resist Offbalanced +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -24% Wind resistance.
    • You receive Resist Poison +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -24% Ice resistance.
    • You receive Resist Freezing +10.

    • The shield keeps its Earth resistance.
    • You receive Resist Spiritual Seed +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -24% Energy resistance.
    • You receive Resist Paralysis +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -24% Light resistance.
    • You receive Resist Blind +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -24% Darkness resistance.
    • You receive Resist Fear +10.
    If you are not in a clan, the shield won't receive any additional effects.

    Do you hear the people sing, singing how you saved 'em from Vox? They gave you a shield to thanks you for cleaning those Truphma's clocks! Your clan element wil shine: against it this shield will protect. It'll also shield from malign and tricky effects.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image, basic stats and additional help thanks to Koree. Correction thanks to Daimyo Daimyo and Tep Itaki.

    Paxian Defender

    Level: 144
    Power Level: 144
    Price: 11,764,622 Gold
    Sellback: 5,882,311 Gold
    Location: Rescue the Sacrifice!
    Element: Neutral

    Melee: +15
    Ranged: +15
    Magic: +14

    Fire: +0%
    Water: +0%
    Wind: +0%
    Ice: +0%
    Earth: -25%
    Energy: +0%
    Light: +0%
    Darkness: +0%

    Based on your clan, the shield changes its resistance and gains an additional effect:
    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -25% Fire resistance.
    • You receive Resist Burn +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -25% Water resistance.
    • You receive Resist Offbalanced +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -25% Wind resistance.
    • You receive Resist Poison +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -25% Ice resistance.
    • You receive Resist Freezing +10.

    • The shield keeps its Earth resistance.
    • You receive Resist Spiritual Seed +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -25% Energy resistance.
    • You receive Resist Paralysis +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -25% Light resistance.
    • You receive Resist Blind +10.

    • Instead of Earth resistance, the shield now has -25% Darkness resistance.
    • You receive Resist Fear +10.
    If you are not in a clan, the shield won't receive any additional effects.

    Do you hear the people sing, singing how you saved 'em from Vox? They gave you a shield to thanks you for cleaning those Truphma's clocks! Your clan element wil shine: against it this shield will protect. It'll also shield from malign and tricky effects.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image, basic stats and additional help thanks to Koree. Correction thanks to Daimyo Daimyo and Tep Itaki.
    Turned it into the new format. ~Koree

    Shiba -> RE: Shields - Read the first post! (11/17/2013 15:12:49)


    Wyrm Knight's Scales
    24205166 Gold

    Description: A dragon's scales allow it to deflect attacks from its enemies with relative ease. This shield will protect you from Fire, Melee, and Magic attacks, and makes it even easier to avoid damage from any foe you have burned. (Guardian Only)

    -25% Fire

    17 Melee
    13 Ranged
    17 Magic

    Got this thanks - Dragoon23

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