Asgardian Cudgel of Sparks Z (Full Version)

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Koree -> Asgardian Cudgel of Sparks Z (6/6/2013 2:18:18)

Asgardian Cudgel of Sparks Z

«Mastercraft Energy Melee weapon. Accurate. No special, but can be changed to become a 100%-proc Ranged weapon.»

Related items:Level: 11
Power Level: 45, Mastercraft
Price: 715 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 643 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, 357 Z-Tokens afterwards
Location: Thunder Mountain - Shop 1

Type: Melee
Element: Energy
Damage: 13-19
BTH: 6

«See Effect»

Click on the weapon to switch between Melee* and Ranged** modes.
  • While in Melee mode, the weapon won't have a Special attack. However, all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials gain +5 BTH and deal 102.9% damage.

  • While in Ranged mode, the weapon receives the following special. This is a bow attack that also gains +5 BTH, and deals 96.3% of the damage of an average armor attack:

      Hits: 2
      Type: Ranged
      Element: Energy
      Damage: 113.2% Base and Random each
      Stats: 191.2% each
      BTH: +10 plus Stats each
      Rate: 100%

    This is treated as a normal Player attack, not a Special.
While also wearing the armor and shield of the set (of either the same tier or higher; Asgoldian items work as well), the damage modifiers of both forms are changed to 103.9%, but they still keep their +5 BTH. In addition, if the monster you are fighting has STR higher than 0, the weapon deals 120% damage; this stacks multiplicatively with the previous bonuses (resulting in 124.7% damage and +5 BTH).

*You'll bring your weapon into Melee combat when you attack!
**You'll now throw your weapon for Ranged damage when you attack!

This mighty mace was forged in the heart of Thunder Mountain. Although normally a melee weapon, you can click on it to throw it as a Ranged weapon! When used with the full Asgardian set, you feel as if you could take down titans!


Description thanks to Avalonmerlin. Numbers thanks to BlackAces.

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