Credit Streaks (Full Version)

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Exploding Penguin -> Credit Streaks (6/27/2013 12:48:02)

Basically, whenever you get on a streak of 3 or more wins in a row of any battle type excluding challenge/NPC, you begin gaining a small amount of extra credits per win after that. The bonus credit amount would increase in an exponential fashion, so that people who get on very long win streaks will begin to see humongous gains in a single win. This idea could also work for EXP as well.

Sample numbers (not what I'm proposing, just for an example):
3 wins in a row: +3 credits
4: +4 credits (from the original, not 3 from the 3 wins in a row + another 4)
5: +5 credits
6: +6 credits
7: +8 credits
8: +10 credits
9: +12 credits
+14 credits
+16 credits
+19 credits
+22 credits
+25 credits


If a player reaches a win streak of let's say 50, then they'll probably be gaining maybe 4x the normal win's credit amount per fight, and if they get a 100-win streak, they'll be gaining maybe 9-10x a single fight's normal credit amount. This may seem like a lot, but it really isn't because given the random luck, lessened varium advantages, and other such factors implemented in omega, getting win streaks past even 20 can be extremely difficult. This idea would also promote the idea of quality builds rather than fast win and fast lose builds, particularly for future tournaments and wars.

CN2025 -> RE: Credit Streaks (6/27/2013 17:52:12)

i support this idea but only for pvp because npc are too weak or dumb and u can defeat them one way or another

i keep seeing glass ball builds in 1vs1 this could impact a number or creative builds :D

Mother1 -> RE: Credit Streaks (6/27/2013 18:00:04)

Until balance is actually made better not supported. Even with the way things are now the builds on top of the food chain will benefit from this most and will cause people to jump to these builds to reap the benefits of this. If anything this won't increase creativity it will lower it.


Exploding I am not sure if you realized this, but some time ago they cut down NPC rewards to 100 wins due to it causing lag issues when too many people fight against them. If this got put into the game people who want credits would grind on these NPC even more causing even more lag (this was the reason the mod gave for the staff removing infinite rewards from NPC) Which will in turn harm the game.

Rayman -> RE: Credit Streaks (6/27/2013 18:06:35)


only for pvp because npc are too weak or dumb and u can defeat them one way or another

Did you readed what he said in his post?

Basically, whenever you get on a streak of 3 or more wins in a row of any battle type excluding challenge/NPC

There it is, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Im thinking about the idea.

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: Credit Streaks (6/28/2013 2:01:44)

I would prefer if the game would stray from literally encouraging everyone to use only the most powerful builds.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Credit Streaks (6/28/2013 11:46:26)

Lots of people's idea of the most powerful build is the one that wins the fastest, not the one with the highest win rate.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/1/2013 14:39:42)

Supported only if this doesn't work on NPCs

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/1/2013 19:51:55)


Basically, whenever you get on a streak of 3 or more wins in a row of any battle type excluding challenge/NPC

Will people please read the entire post carefully? Rayman also had to repeat this quote...

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/2/2013 6:37:56)

Less people will bot.

Drangonslayer -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/3/2013 15:38:50)

^Then you should report them. Anyways if this happens people will look for more stragetic builds with a higher win rate. I support

Mother1 -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/3/2013 16:30:38)

@ drangonslayer

Not if they can NPC for these streaks. All you will need to do is find a build that counters said NPC and fight them 100 times for the credit streak rewards. While some might not do this others who need credits will abuse this.

Drangonslayer -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/3/2013 16:38:40)

I forgot obviously npcs not included only in pvp

lampur1 -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 2:46:31)

the way the game is right now not supported (all lvl 35 will get more creds and that would be a bigger thread to the lvl 31-33)

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 3:02:15)


Remember if they add this; people will be a bit more competitive with ED; which I'm sure everyone wants to be competitive & if you're a lower player that beats higher players most often; you are the one that will get most of the credits.

This may be the chance to bring back some players that have quit since credits is another bonus to get.

Mother1 -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 9:21:27)

@ hulk

We already have level 30's moaning and groaning about facing level 35's and they want the level difference reduced so they can have an easier time. I highly doubt this will make those same players who want a level reduction will care about adding credit streaks.

Kiing of Frost -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 9:52:40)

@Mother I have come to notice that you take and misconstrue peoples words quite often; as stated by both Rayman and Exploding,

Basically, whenever you get on a streak of 3 or more wins in a row of any battle type EXCLUDING challenge/NPC
Do you see the bold, underlined, caps word, as edited by King of Frost? it says excluding which means that those kind of fights do not contribute, but if you still believe that he said NPCing contributes that is your own mistake, please stop trying to find an argument that doesn't exist, it really bugs me.
Stay Frosty

Mother1 -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 10:05:03)

@ King

I actually missed that part when I was posting. However my last post as you can see wasn't talking about that.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 10:55:08)


We already have level 30's moaning and groaning about facing level 35's and they want the level difference reduced so they can have an easier time. I highly doubt this will make those same players who want a level reduction will care about adding credit streaks.

@Level 30s

If you have ever played MW2; there are streaks in the game that when you reach a certain point; you get a nuke! Now that nuke kills everyone in the game ; but you as the player who got the nuke feel so excited and so happy that you want to play even more since you have passed a point to the final streak.

Now let's see in ED for Example. If we add credit based streak; then when people pass a certain limit of credit streaks; they will feel so happy and engaged in the game that if their credits go back to x then they will be engaged and play more to get credits.

Otherwise ED can do the CALL OF DUTY style where every occasional day/week/month ; they could boost the credits for a limited amount of hours/days/weeks/months where people can rank up in credits so they can buy the new updated weapons instead of outdated weapons (COD don't do credit method since there is no virtual money in-game (except Black ops; where people didn't like it) but they do the xP method).

Kiing of Frost -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 11:14:33)

@Mother, the fact is is that after being posted twice you still went on about it, and I see your latter post is about level 30 moaning, but increasing credits upon streaks would actually increase people trying to find the high percent build that works for them; I really don't see a problem in this whatsoever. It would not be a punishment to anyone, and it could reset with the battle clock... Therefore, it would essentially be a percent base LB. It seems to be that you try to find faults in people's ideas, even when they don't exist, and when you start to lose the argument you get angry and don't admit defeat, while not necessarily a bad quality it is a tad bit childish. Not to mean any offence, it is a video game, and anything to try to increase the player base of the higher levels should be admitted into the game, this would make the playing experience better for cap players and lower level players alike, due to the fact that you would be able to see an increase in credit gains over time.
Stay Frosty

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 13:39:23)

There is one problem....bugs!

Kiing of Frost -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 14:09:06)

Well Bugs/ Glitches will be apart of any new introduced idea, in almost all video games, even the bigger games such as WOW or GW2; bugs are ever present and as seen with the latest war, they can really affect the game, but are the bugs really a reason to slow the progression of the game into a place where you can really see growth? Credit prices are ridiculous and under the current system it takes weeks of constant grinding, be it PVP or otherwise, to be able to set yourself up nicely for battle, at level 35 be prepared at minimum to spend over 50k credits to fully equip yourself with cores and max powered weapons, and at least 20k per item for a rare. Why is this when you only get 37 credits per 1v1? With the system Exploding has proposed we would be able to nearly quadruple our credit intake by simply finding the high percent build that works for you, and during power hour you could theoretically have 8 fold what you would intake from a normal 1v1. That is 296 credits from 1 1v1 battle. Before you comment, I am 18 and about to be in college with a 45 hour week schedule of classes with that I will work 10 hours a week, plus march in the marching band for an additional 8 hours a week, i must get at least 5 hours of sleep at night... Does it sound like someone with my schedule has time to grind for 6 hours a day to get the latest items?
Stay Frosty

Mother1 -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 14:22:56)

@ king

Why do you think they inflated credit prices in the first place? Answer is simple so varium didn't lose too much value since everything with the exception of phase promo's will be available for credits. .

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 14:29:26)


Well I find varium useless anyways & I think it already has lost it value. The only time when you will buy the package is the 10k package because of the weapons that you get inside the package. The weapon in the package is useful but the 10k varium is useless.
I wonder who will spend money on this game anyways since you can get it for credits anyways except those minor people that get alot of vairum in this game by doing offers (not naming).
I'm sure everyone most people will love this idea.

Bloodpact -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 15:31:11)

I like the idea I really do ,but I will just add some realistic features to it.


3 wins in a row: +3 credits
4: +4 credits (from the original, not 3 from the 3 wins in a row + another 4)
5: +5 credits
6: +6 credits
7: +8 credits
8: +10 credits
9: +12 credits
+14 credits
+16 credits
+19 credits
+22 credits
+25 credits

What you want to see, as nice as it sounds is slightly to much better numbers would be.

[Win streak number]

1 Credits

2 Credits

4 Credits

4 Credits

6 Credits

7 Credits

8 Credits

10 Credits

All number have to keep in mind the PowerHour effect.

But even better would be if instead of credits you just started getting more influence[ Personal not objective ]

with the same numbers as above ^ ^ ^

The problem is credits are simply to easy to get atm, there really is not much of a call to increase how much

credits you get per fight, but an increase in personal influence would be acceptable ofc.

With the increase of 5-10 more credits a fight already, we don't wanna push our luck.

Any numbers higher then these are simply not realistic. [8|]

ND Mallet -> RE: Credit Streaks (7/5/2013 16:50:10)

I don't think anyone brought this up just from skimming through it but what about when a server just opens up and a guy brings his friend to lose to him so he can get a streak?

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