RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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kpnut -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (4/26/2015 18:54:27)

Paladin is actually my favourite class atm, it's got decent survivability with decent dmg output which is pretty much all I ask for in a class.

As for the art update. I'd be fine with it never happening, I like the Paladin's current look it looks suitably paladin-y as is.

VJ -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (4/27/2015 2:41:26)

I like the Pally's skills and the look is meh and when it had changed the first time it bugged me to no end but I got use to it and shouldn't change seeing as it gives it a unique feel to it.

DarkLore -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 10:35:25)

Kneeling never looked so epic until this class!

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 10:48:27)

@DarkLore Is the sword you are using still obtainable in-game? I also agree, that kneel is epic, truly how a knight based on light/good will do it

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 10:51:12)

@Mystical Warrior: Almost positive that is the base weapon for Pally.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 10:52:25)

So similar to how the new Guardian Blade art is the default for Guardian class huh, too bad, kinda want the sword to have be a separate item as well

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 10:56:48)

@Mystical Warrior: Sadly yeah xD I feel that Dracelix's old birthday weapons are the next best thing but sadly those are rare. You could just show the base weapon art.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 10:59:40)

@Shadows Morgenstern Kinda impossible to do when I'm sporting the Guardian class

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 11:03:44)

@Mystical Warrior: Oh sorry. xD Didn't know, yeah it would be nice for them to released as actual weapons in the Pally items shop...

David the Wanderer -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 15:08:18)

@DarkLore: What is the cape you used in that screenshot? I'd like to use it.

crabpeople -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 15:22:15)

David: I'm pretty sure it's the guardian cape [:D]

DarkLore -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 15:32:34)

Yeah it is actually. It matches Paladin very well.

GreenGuy23 -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 18:14:33)

Was the Phoenix skill changed? I thought it has three hits; 2 hits from the phoenix, then ended with an upward strike with your sword, but now it just has three hits from the Phoenix. I like it. If it's a bug, can we leave it?

Aura Knight -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 18:15:58)

The phoenix skill animation did change. As for whether or not it is meant to be like that, I've no idea, but the skill looks nice even without the upward strike.

Ash -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 18:20:32)

It's just a difference with the new art. The third jump attack wasn't needed so I added another attack to the phoenix as well as making stuff like the "shield" and "spear" skills now fully make you glow instead of just the arm. Small little tweaks but it overall makes the class seem more fluid, at least to me.

Dracojan -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 18:31:12)

^not just to you. a little bit of polishing here and there makes everything feel so much better.

GreenGuy23 -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 18:32:36)

I love the little tweaks. I always thought that Phoenix looked kinda odd with the strike at the end. The class is perfect now. Now I just gotta grind up some Gold to save it [:D]

Aura Knight -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 18:35:31)

Does the passive healing ability of Paladin have any limit as to how high the heal can be? Or does it increase without a limit? Battles rarely last long enough to get any heals beyond double digits.

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 18:39:09)

@Aura Knight:

Passive effect - Inner Light
Every attack causes an internal counter to go up by one. Only skills built into the class count for this, potions and trinkets do not.
Passive heal =
((max HP)*(Pally Charge*.015)*.1) ROUNDED

Pop-up messages
At the start of any battle where an action is performed (except Potion): "Your strength of spirit gives you an Inner Light that will heal you!"

Subsequent rounds: "Your Inner Light grows!"

Round 20 and higher: "Your Inner Light is a beacon of your power!"

From the 'pedia entry.

GreenGuy23 -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 18:41:08)

@Shadows would that be (your maxHP) x (Paladin Charge *.015) x .1? I'm not good at math XD

Yep. It also caps out at 20 charges. ~Ash

kpnut -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 19:54:36)

Since this topic has been reopened going to post my opinion on the new art here;

Seems like I'm the only one who doesn't like paladin's new look, it looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fancy and overdone and those eyes just don't look right, I've actually had a problem with most of the redesigned classes eyes, between the perpetual glowing eyes of glowing glowiness on the Deathknight and necromancer (which I have always hated the idea of) or the completely out of it look for the Guardian. It's also really weird (can't think of the right word at the moment) when one minute your character has blue eyes and the next their eyes are gold. Honestly Paladin's original design didn't have anything wrong with it and I'm a big believer of the if it ain't broke don't fix it mentality. Hopefully we get an option to use the classic skins for some of the classes.

But to expand on it the new default sword is the only part I like, as I said it's way too fancy, too much gold and ornamentation on it it's supposed to tbe paladin class not the gangaster rapper class. Hopefully either the eyes get changed (seriously those things look out of place with the entire aesthetic of the game, even the Guardian's blasted look and the glowing eyes of perpetually glowing glowiness on necro and deathknight fit in more than the paladin's eyes) or give us an option to use the classic looks for the classes with the new skills and I'll be happy.

I've already said I enjoyed playing with the class (enjoyed past tense since I can't get over those eyes) as it ticked all the right boxes for me.

Aura Knight -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 20:06:04)

The part about paladin's original art not having anything wrong is just your opinion. I always thought it was too metallic and a bit robot-ish and didn't feel like paladin. I would have prefered the art be that of the Artix npc's armor in the game but compared to the old look, this new one looks better. Now, this is of course, my opinion, but the way the class looks now gives it a more holy warrior and/or paladin feel.

WornDogma -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 21:11:08)

I also love this armor redesign(and the glowing eyes in general).I have a attribute the eye glow to the powers that flow through you and since paladins have a "holy" affinity they glow gold.I also reason artix's eyes don't glow because of his contact with the darkness orb.

It does make me wonder where this man has been hiding this sweet suit.I mean it's look screams holy artifact and would probally get the bearer banned NecroComic-Con.

flashbang -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/17/2015 21:13:15)

I found a graphical glitch. It seems that a dead Shake Spear at the top will stab through my foot from the beginning of the opponents turn to the beginning of my turn.

Deviance -> RE: =DF= Paladin Armor Discussion Thread (5/18/2015 1:08:44)

I have been in love with this design since the beginning. Its definately a Knight sort of class that I've been longing for, since others have fallen behind in expectation like EDL. Dmk is a fantastic knight design, but its dark themed like much of this game. I find it comfortable that there is now a strong light themed class that lis both beautiful and useful. Tho, not going to lie, I will fall back into the darkness when Chaosweaver comes out. Until then, this will be my main class :3

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