RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/12/2013 22:27:08)

At least its promised to be release next week. So lets be patient. Good luck.

And Poison Drake will just have to give up his soul to Mana Guardian otherwise he will just get annoyed forever by the blue flame of Mana Guardian. xD Every creatures in the Dark Pit will just have to fight Mana Guardian who will just kill them all with his meteorite and lightning chain. Logic is just being hilarious in OS sometimes.

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/12/2013 22:27:14)

Possessed Earth elemental. Barely died. All I can say... EARTH ELEMENTAL OP. He just nuked me out of nothing, from 3000 to 800 HP. Chain lightning and 1000 shield saved me.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/12/2013 22:28:16)

When i posted it, you possessed him. Congratz and told you Earth Elemental is easy to possess. :D

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/12/2013 22:29:38)

Earth elemental OP. Now let's crush engineer with earth elemental

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/12/2013 22:30:10)

@Andlu Probably 2 500 attacks and a Earthquake. 2200 damage for 16 charges.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/12/2013 22:31:22)

Encountering and possessing Engineer is not hard either. So enjoy using Earth Elemental. He is very fun to use!

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/12/2013 22:39:28)

Is the place where we find engineer with solace background? I'm right?
EDIT:Level 1-7 with Earth elemental and no engineer...
After I said that I found and possessed an engineer e.e
So uhn what now? I think that seraphin

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:07:39)

Congratz on getting Engineer. You can try your luck on getting priest. He is really difficult to encounter and possess. I managed to possess him once without SG and the remaining 2 times, I had to use SG as possessing priest is not an easy task.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:10:42)

I found priest relatively easy like 4 fight and possessed him first try. I was looking for orcs in that spot east from solace.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:30:28)

He is difficult to encounter and possess for me. I took more than 100 tries to finally capture him without SG. The remaining 2 times I recapture him for my collection I just SG him as I got impatient to capture him. Well, its just the luck of every players whenever you encounter and possess characters especially characters that have rare encounter like weteye and poison drake.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:31:49)

@Gorillo really?It took like 3 weeks for me to get Priest, and then like 5 days after I got Archpriest.No, SG obviously, or it would have been done a lot quicker.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:33:28)

weteye is just a troll =_= after seeing it twice I said forget it and used a SG. I hunted for like 2 weeks found it failed the capture 3 fights later found another weteye failed to capture then 3 days later I found it again while AP hunting.

@bjeble Yeah I wasn't even searching for him when I encountered him it was his last form and I was using a low level to farm quicker for orcs it brought me down to like 200 hp before I won.

I find most of my rares by accident like poison drake I was just heading to get engineer went over the pit and boom it popped up captured it without a sg.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:34:26)

You saw Wet-eye before you saw AP?That's amazing.

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:38:19)

I found priest after like 20 battles, but failed and got no SGs e.e

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:39:43)

Actually I saw Weteye and Alpha Pirette about the same amount xP It took me 5 tries to get her, and in that time I saw Weteye 3 times.

Getting the Priest 3 times took me around 3 weeks of trying xD He evaded possession a lot, just like the older characters used to.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:42:51)

@Beck I have seen Wet-Eye once.It froze.
@Gorillo wow That happened to me once, I had just spent my last SG to possess something else, looking back on it that character wasn't worth it, but then I saw PD the very next time I went to Bottomless Pit, and didn't capture him.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:46:35)

Yeah, it was cool cause when I actually tried to hunt for him like a day or two earlier I never saw him. Also any idea for when 2012 father time goes perma rare?

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:48:25)

@Gorillo I think when Gentleman 2014 comes out, which will be like December maybe?But Nulgath will state when he's releasing Gentleman so you can do Father Time stuff last second if you want to.

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:50:35)

No 2013 character?

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 0:53:24)

@Gorillo I don't know it might be Gentleman 2013 actually.[:D]But yeah, probably around the time I said.

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 1:41:10)

Well, I'm gonna try to find priest with another character when I hit 10 with engineer(Master)

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 2:34:19)

Gentleman should be release by this year if I am not wrong.

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 2:41:35)

Still hoping if Kruger gets a evo he becomes Mazumi

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 2:53:11)

The possible evolution would be the cat evolving to lion then follow by Mazumi. I think if kruger have his evolution, maybe it will be frozen Mazumi. Speaking of lion, he have yet to be release in OS.

allenwalker888 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 132 - READ THE FIRST POST (10/13/2013 8:18:35)

Hey guys... been missing loads of action lol, anyone kind enough to give me a list of chars to posses? (new stuff please lol... not sure which ones are good)

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