SS's Art Gallery! (Full Version)

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Seth Hydra -> SS's Art Gallery! (12/9/2013 5:38:47)

Hey, SS here!
I'm quite fond of creating art in my spare time, sometimes random, sometimes not so much... So here are a few which I've created for AQ, a few renditions of my own, a few which I would love to see in game someday!! I don't know how to draw in flash yet, but i'm trying to learn, so hopefully soon I can post a few images here.

Incase you want to see my other work, is my DevArt account!

Most of the following images I will be posting are black and white, mainly done with pens, and in certain cases, pencils!


Warped Buster

Evolved DoomBlade - Currently part of my suggestions thread

Rune Knights Oath - Currently part of my suggestions thread

Dystopian Gentlemen - Currently part of my suggestions thread

Dystopian Lady - Currently part of my suggestions thread

Other AE related ART:

Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (12/16/2013 15:57:25)

Character Rendition of Hikari Yume- Tommy2468
Member of the A-team


pRopaaNS1337 -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (1/21/2014 4:30:28)

thanks, pictures drawn with such outlines is a good example, I'll try that.

It's too bad that those are just scans, but I guess it shows that you're still striving to become better for not worrying about quality of those pics too much. :) Regardless it looks like you're capable of figuring out stuff on your own, so I don't think I have anything to give you back except a praise. :)

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (2/15/2014 7:57:11)

Nice art,man ! I especially like the warped buster and Blazing Asura !

Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/4/2014 13:59:00)

Thanks Jax! Added a few more... a weapon and 2 armor concept arts!

darksampson -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/7/2014 22:06:32)

Yeah I agree some really great stuff, really digging the artsyle I like how much emphasis you put on shading and details. Kinda reminds me of modern anime art. Also your dystopian gentlemen and lady pictures seem to be mismatched, Doomblade looks fantastic btw.

Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/8/2014 9:40:49)

Thanks Darksampson!
Yeah, I really love the art that goes around in Anime (Reason why I watch primarily!), so I've adapted a few(Quite a few) elements to my work.
The Dystopian armors were something extremely random I came up with while remembering a particular forumite. <Nex del Vida> The whole point is that none of it should make sense, so the smiley masks, emoticons etc... The male and female have a few features that are indeed different like Different expressions, smileys as well as minor differences to the limbs!

Incase you wanna see the other side of it..

Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/8/2014 11:44:24)

The RuneKnight's Oath


Carandor -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/12/2014 9:42:36)

I think Darksampson meant the link to the dystopian gentleman is going to the pic of the lady and vice versa. That said, love your artstyle. I'm glad they moved the art gallery here, makes it much easier to find what your looking for [:)]

Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/12/2014 9:49:37)

Derp, fixed the links!! [8D]

Thanks Carandor! Will add some more, once Im done with my exams!

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/14/2014 22:39:25)

Why do you have to make me unsure if I am a good artist ? My art looks tiny in front of this.Love the detailing and design,first rate ! They should be put in-game.
The only other thing I have to say is that all your weapons are based of a heavy sword idea try different sword styles(Long sword,shorts),try different weapons and your doomblade and warped buster are pretty much the same excluding details and skulls.Don't do this to me,okay?

EDIT: Resize the image of the runeknight's oath to max 500x500 or else it will be taken off!

Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/15/2014 7:32:15)

C'mon don't say that! Your artwork is pretty great, and you've got to understand that everyone has a different style... and there's absolutely no reason to feel that your work isnt good enough!

Warped buster and doomblade? The only thing they have in common is the fact that they are massive, aside from which you could say that RuneKnights and the DreadBlade are similar, because they are, absolutely are (See my suggestion'll come to know). I'm a massive fan of swords, and it just ticks me that there arent many BIG swords ingame..let alone busters, that dont hae weird stuff going on. I've got a few concepts for Scythes and polearms...I'll be sure to upload them by next week or so!

Yes, I forgot the 500x500...though I did keep the image below 100kb! Need to resize it!

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/15/2014 12:12:26)

Thanks and What ever you say is not gonna change what I feel(about my art compared to yours) and actually they are all similar as most elements of the swords are common apart from the fact they are busters for example spikes are looking the same in almost the same positions and horns in similar looking positions makes me think they are the same swords but detailed differently even though the more I look I am unsure of my opinion if it is similar or not.Hoping to see your other weapons and check out the new one I picked out of DF Gallery called AQ Champion Shield.

Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/16/2014 16:46:14)

My entry for the BattleGems fan art contest..


Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/17/2014 18:30:38)

The art concept for the full Dreadknight set/ Obelisk the Terminator


Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/17/2014 22:31:02)

Everything in the dreadknight looks awesome except the helm.The battlegems man is awesome too.

Supersteyn -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (4/30/2014 9:34:49)

I'm a good drawer, if I say so by myself. But you guys are working freakin' detailed! I need to learn this!

Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (5/15/2014 5:53:22)

The CyberNighthawk armor


Lord JTM -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (5/15/2014 7:02:15)

Man ss2195 that's awesome, I see a new villain for AQ.

RMC -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (5/15/2014 7:58:00)

Why doesn't he have a neck ? oO

Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (5/15/2014 9:07:28)

@JTM: Cheers mate! Though why do you say villain? I want it as a player armor xD (See my Suggestions thread)

@RMC: Its neck is covered by a veil of pitch black darkness. After all, it should have something Nightly about it! [8D]

Lord JTM -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (5/15/2014 11:36:23)

@ss2195 I say that because it would be more significant if it was added to AQ as a new villain, rather than a new armor.

Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (5/15/2014 14:01:53)

Could you drop that line to LB or Falerin perhaps? xD

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (6/2/2014 22:08:44)

First of all, just WOW. [:-]

Your art is pretty spectacular! I like all of your arts, there's so many I like I couldn't even time them all into this post

Keep rocking the art gallery man \m/

Seth Hydra -> RE: SS's Art Gallery! (6/3/2014 7:14:07)

Cheers mate! Thanks for the encouragement!! :D

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