RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Bunker -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 21:50:33)

@Axel, @ the Jop; I've gotten at least one or two Tazers (500 unblockable damage) every single hand while using Time Gentleman. Killing him as quickly as possibly or stunning him is recommended though there are probably other strategies out there. The first time I fought him was weird though, he didn't attack me at all. O_O

Assassin01 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 21:56:45)

Haven't encountered the Gentleman for the night but I need sleep.

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 21:57:44)

Time Gentleman (Sir Frank* Sorry Frank is 1st Upholder) seems very combo-based. I like that :D gonna keep farming for him
I swear I'm not gonna sg Gentleman untill my Father Hour gets to 20, evolves, and then after Father Time is level 15+ im willing to use an sg

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 22:54:08)

The hunt shall continue later on. Time Gentleman, you will be mine to collect and join my army.

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 22:57:52)

I'm thinking about moving to grid T-2, but fighting paladin over and over again will probably make me go insane.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 23:03:43)

I'm starting to regret not SGing Time Gentleman the first time I saw him, but he just doesn't seem worth it. It doesn't seem as bad as Poison Drake, but, then again, Poison Drake was the first character I encountered in the Snow Patch area, then I didn't SG him and I couldn't find him again for several months. I hope it's not a repeat of that, since I ended up having to use an SG anyway.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 23:05:49)

^Your best bet would be to SG the gent asap.

Idk, I have a feeling that the Nulgath birthday gift character will be the much coveted DFR.

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 23:07:06)

@Axel: Dude, try T-2. I took the advice and went to T-2, and on the 2nd try, I found him. I didn't spare him though. I used a Soulgem. :P

At first I was camping at the boulders where Ogre Shaman is.

@Jop: Want to know something funny? I never encountered Poison Drake at all. [:D][:D]

Alchemist Gira -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 23:11:19)

lvl 1-6 with Maiden Aegea
at T-2 not a single Time Gent.
but still loving her more and more with each slayed pally <3
now lvl 7 and no Gentleman Who

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 23:16:14)

@DYKT The background for graveyard is so beautiful though. I guess I'll check out T-2 after my elf lvls up once.

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 23:42:21)

Might be just me but Gentleman Time reminds me a lot of Vongola Primo from KHR. It's just...dat coat

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/3/2014 23:44:17)

so far i have found orc raider and orc rouge
still no young 2014
(Got orc rouge)

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 0:09:04)

Won't even doubt on using a SG on Gentleman, Got 25 in stock o.e

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 0:15:24)

i think nulgath went overboard on the encounter rate for this character.

i have gone through close to 150 battles and have yet to encounter him and found all 3 of the rare orcs

can i find him directly at the point we enter the world map

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 0:18:13)

@Cyber doom5: Hmm maybe. . .but if he makes it more common, it'll be the 2nd time that has happened to me. . . .

I searched for Augustiner 13 hours straight when he first came out- only to find out he isn't Perma-rare. That really ticked me off, and then I went on an Oversoul hiatus when I see that he became a lot more common.
And like I said before. . .it always happens .. . characters other people can encounter/get, I can't. . never encountered Poison Drake. . and characters others can't encounter . . . . I encounter. . . .. whaaaat. :L

I posted an idea in the ''What would you like to see'' . . .. reviews? :D

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 0:21:36)

I know that feeling. I think I spent about 3 months constantly searching for Poison Drake, using a Soul Gem, and then they increased the spawn rates for all the "rare" beasts. I used SGs on all 4 rare beasts before their spawn rates were increased, and Revontheus, so I'm holding dearly onto my last one.

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 0:23:15)

Preeeeeetty sure Blade Skeleton was the rarest character to ever be released. At least for a week or so

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 0:27:14)

I have a feeling nothing was rarer than the original Poison Drake. I mean, if people found Blade Skeleton in that week at a time when so few players were playing it couldn't have been too rare.

inshal1000 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 0:42:02)

Lol, did everyone just get logged?
I hope it was an update :O

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 1:21:07)

Hmm, I don't see any kind of new update. I was hoping to see the mysterious character or rather Nulgath's gift. I heard some of you guys speculate it to be Dragonfiend Rider. I won't get my hope high otherwise I will be too disappointed.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 1:59:39)

Guys, pretty sure Nulgath's birthday isn't this week, so his gift, whatever it is, isn't coming today. No clue what that kick earlier was about though.

Leprechaun -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 4:34:23)

*Chews Beck's horn*

Anyway guys, it is fun that this character is hard to find, we have ALL YEAR to do it :)
Father time was just boring, a YEAR character easily found makes no sense...

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 4:36:45)

I don't know about that; the thrill of the hunt isn't nearly as exciting when you know there are hundreds of other players who can SG the character to possess it immediately.

Blackshock -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 4:40:35)

Well it's always an active choice whether to SG or not. I only save my SGs for when I reeeeaaally need to catch someone soon. :>

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (1/4/2014 4:42:42)

I needed to catch my Gentleman soon, and was fortunate that he showed up after only 10 hours. Shamelessly SG'd, because school is starting soon and I won't be able to partake in this epic hunt again for some time xD

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