RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Front45 -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (10/10/2015 17:01:40)

shadow arts is no more passive, need 1 turn and 230 energy to max, also 39 support required. and with static grenade u getting only 213 energy for 4 turns, its 4 cool downs. i think it need buff, not nerf. i am bh and game is so long sometimes, plus i losing against high ranks. bh is one of the weakest class if u are low rank. main reason is it has only 1 energy skills and 4 cool downs. this is reason

santonik -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (10/10/2015 21:42:58)

IF mercenary hit static smash against shadow arts. it making VERY LOW energy damage about 60 and gain about 40 energy. It is stupid if boyntys is nothing bad sides at all.

Daph Duck -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (10/10/2015 23:16:25)

Well then take a look at the static smash cuz other classes don't have a prob vs shadow arts.

shadow.bane -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (10/11/2015 4:31:10)

wait a minute !!! are you a merc using a level 1 static smash ??? be smarter and max it out :) .

santonik -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (10/11/2015 10:43:23)

It is max lvl and even buff bloodcommander. still doing extreme low energy damage against shadow arts. Boynty can doing over 300+ energy damage when it using shadow arts .

shadow.bane -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (10/11/2015 14:42:37)

there is no sense in making 60 energy drain and gaining 40 unless it's level 1 and even level one takes a lot more .

SonicTbear -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (1/28/2016 21:10:24)

Anyone else notice how stupidly OP Dex Hunters are?

Digital X -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (1/28/2016 21:14:16)

They certainly take me out fairly quick, albeit I've been off the game for many months.

I did try an extreme dex Multi Shot build thanks to Ifte to try, but I just can't grasp how to use it well, so went back to high tech focus.

SonicTbear -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (1/28/2016 21:51:12)

If they don't nerf Multi-Shot, then they can at least make Stun Grenade scale with Support...

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (1/28/2016 21:57:05)

They really need to return overload to scaling with dex. Dex TMs were never a problem. It was just a build that people can fall back on. However by listening to few of the complaints of people on forums, you guys allowed a perfectly balanced build to be destroyed while giving rise to dex bounty hunters (especially with the gun scale with dex thing).

What I suggest is changing overload to scale with dex, again. As far as bounty hunters go, I cant suggest changing the scaling of any of those skills just because a few players decide to abuse it. If that happens we'll just nerf the game even more. Time after time, all devs have been doing is constantly nerfing things when in actuality all they had to do was bring one or two things up o par with it or simply add a requirement.

So, for your dex bh problem I suggest first adding a tech requirement to multi shot and 2nd bringing other classes back up to par to where they once were. This is how you indirectly solve a problem in this game without nerfing anything and keeping players interested. A few of these changes include buffing parasite back to 3 turns, making static charge unblockable again, making venom strike unblockable again, and capping the block % to 25 instead of the current 35 (I think its 35).

Also, we need to limit shadow arts to only affect DIRECT attacks. This one skill cant simply affect every skill in the game. That's nowhere even close as fair and im disgusted with every hunter who will proudly defend this skill.

c1729 -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (1/29/2016 17:02:25)

^Changing Multi-Shot to scaling with tech would be a very nice change, finally giving bounty hunters a proper tech scaling move, this may however affect cyber hunters and give then an unnecessary buff.

Having said that I do not understand the issue with Dex-Hunters, I made a build that completely destroys them (being a bounty hunter myself), I even challenged a dex hunter 6 levels higher and won after he got a stun. Find the right build and you should have no issue.

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (1/29/2016 17:33:49)

Its not really giving cyber hunters an unnecessary buff. In fact it may give them a necessary one. I mean CH is the only class that doesn't have a single move of the opposite element (No physical moves in its skill tree) meaning that all one really has to do is use an energy shield and you have the ability to shut down the majority of their skill trees offensive moves. Completely.

Multi-shot switch to tech would be nice

c1729 -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (1/29/2016 18:28:32)

^True, well put. Perhaps while making the cyber hunter multi into a physical multi which improves with str will solve this problem for both classes.

racing.lo.mas -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (1/31/2016 0:54:52)

The best way to nerf this dex bh is adding a strength requeriment.
Support requeriment is the same, more support will give them better buffs, stuns, criticals and static grenade.
Tech requeriment will make them more tanks.
So what we have left? Strength. But the requeriment shouldnt be so high. We dont want to destroy dex BH.

@SonicaTbear Stun Grenade scaling with support will be really op. BH will run into support build with Stun Grenade, Static Charge, Aux and all buffs.

Make Multy with energy will be perfect.
But the problem that CH has with Plasma Grenade and multy will move to BH.
I know is posible to have a dex build with just gun and 1 skill. So Stun Grenade should have a buff, a good buff.
This will also buff TLM, allowing them to use this skill.

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (1/31/2016 17:46:10)

Stun grenade scaling with support isn't necessarily a bad idea. You must keep in mind that just because something scales with support or "strength" that's not enough to justify something being op. True OPness comes with balanced defenses and extreme energy output. When something scales with support or strength you're only meeting one of the requirements and that's damage output. I mean stun grenade is a skill that's easily countered with a shield simply because CHS don't have any physical moves. Even if they have a physical aux, that's no problem because that's their ONLY physical move hence they'll be easily shut down.

So I can support stun grenade scaling with support.

IMO all stun skills should scale with support since the effect, Stun, is a feature that is made to support you in your fight. I mean has anyone thought that the reason balance is so boring nowadays is because it doesn't make sense?

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (1/31/2016 18:24:20)


TLM shares stun grenade with BH so if you change the scaling to support while you will nerf BH you will give support TLM an unneeded buff. They will have stun grenade, their aux, and Artillery strike which is 3 burst moves for them.

This change can very well send TLM support or the class itself to the nerfing table.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (1/31/2016 18:42:27)

As a dex BH, I got beaten by all sorts of builds - STR TM, SUPP TLM, 5 focus TLM, 5 focus BH, Dex TM, SUPP BM, 5 focus CH, even max Massacre CH...

Some builds, like 5 focus BH, have a natural advantage. Others have to use unconventional means to beat me, like using a high-level Field Medic instead of all-out offense for STR TM. I've lost to every one of the above builds and won every one of them - the key is skill and to a lesser extent luck. I don't think dex BH needs a nerf.

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (2/1/2016 11:53:51)

Well not necessarily mother. Devs have already shown that it's possible to change one skill in the game without affecting the other just as they were able to change poison grenade and venom strike without them being equal. Sure, the moves are different however, based on coding, I am willing to bet that stun grenade for dex bh and stun grenade for tlm are 2 separate codes meaning that the code for tlm can be changed without changing the code for bh. If that's the case, then changing one without altering the other is indeed po=robably.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (2/1/2016 18:38:24)

Actually the code is the same, which is the source of a lot of headaches. We'll need to create new skills if we wannt to isolate overlapping skill balance changes to the targeted class.

GodOfTechno -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (4/23/2016 21:32:21)

I complained about dex bh awhile back but now that I've made a support tech mage that lowers their res even further I have no problem smashing them.
My previous message back in 8/2015
"This build has become way over powered. They have insanely high defense, 2 over powered abilities, and an over powered weapon that recharges in 2 rounds. People say mercs are op this class is a joke."
Ofcourse any smart ED player has an account of every type that way when one is op you use that one.
But please show me a build that has more ops than this and has defence?

Exploding Penguin -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (4/26/2016 0:54:34)

They have really weak ways of getting energy back once they've used their armor core. Static grenade's base values are pretty horrid and the only reason it's usable by most BH builds is because of its absurd support scaling. Since dex BH runs practically no support, their static grenade is pretty weak.

Tech CH will eat them up with their ridiculously strong EMP and high deflection rate vs. their gun, if you can survive the initial burst from their combo. I've had some success with support focus BH as well. It's harder to pull off on other classes though since their energy steals are much weaker. In that case you're better off tanking up as a focus build, getting rid of all your energy so they can't steal it, then beat them in a no-energy fight. Either that or if you're playing support TM as you've mentioned, you can try and outrace them for damage.

MacsAreBad -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/6/2016 2:35:20)

its clear that bounty hunters are broken in this game when 90% of the player population is this simple class. this class has ruined peoples KDA ratio for example mage/merc from lvl 0-25

one simple DEX skill makes it so you can do E/P dmg along with the passive energysteal the static grenade has.. lvl 1 is over 100 energy steal while the other classes average steals from 50-70 energy (lvl 1-20)

this class is stupidly overpowered. no wonder this game has lost players due to the balance issues. that take over 1 year to fix with these game-makers. (you can lose lots of players interests over a 1 year period)

one simple way to fix this is to make it so class changes arent 50k credits.. so when people realize they play on an account for a tremendous amount of time they are always welcome to switch classes.
this game is looking like its becoming more towards pay2win side.. hazmat armor is OP, this shouldnt only be for real $

bountyhunters by the time they reach lvl 20 they have over 1,000 wins in 1v1 easily. it takes no effort to stun/multi/sidearm including the crazy amount of energy steal they have..

mercs have the worst energy steal and one main dmg skill is based on sup, not including that the easy to use dmg skills on a merc are both P dmg, the only E dmg skill requires 3 turns and 300+ energy to use.. while hunters have 2 easy dmg skills both skill off of dex for P/E dmg

and the matching for 1v1/2v2 are 80% of the time unfair.. vsing someone 4 lvls higher than you is usually an instant loss if the person knows how to play, (which isnt hard to calculate skill dmg and know when to use E/P dmg)

anyways im pretty sure the pvp leaderboards will show how unfair the Hunter class is. yeah granted some people say the 50k credit classes can beat the bounty hunter but 50k isnt easy to get just to balance out the classes. atleast if their was more of a veriety of all 6 classes at lvl 10-30 the game would be much better off. (its just a simple class option, why make it 50k)

it seems like this game is all about lvl 40 PvP because thats when you have enough money and more variety of classes to verse.

leahnrachel -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/6/2016 2:45:47)

I don't agree with you about static grenade. I think overall the bh is one of the worst classes for gaining and draining mana. mercenary excluded, The bh is more dependant on cores for mana.

Now to the dex bh that build is actually pretty bad in 1v1 and has some pretty clear weaknesses and obvious counters , ways to beat it . Its not weak build, but its not op, it actuallty can be stopped unlike other builds currently running around, you just cant play mindlessly and expect to win anymore.

MacsAreBad -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/6/2016 17:42:04)

okay, clearly you arent getting what im saying. when you realize 90% of the ACTIVE PLAYER POPULATION is Bountyhunters from atleast lvls 0-30

you must be one of the bounty hunters thats why you wouldnt admit they are overpowered.

and merc vs BH tell me how you can win vs a bountyhunter who does both P/E dmg just by MOSTLY maxing DEX. the only energy ability merc have cost way to much energy and the cooldown is way to long to wait for. while the BH static grenade can easily keep the only energy attk mercs have down. its very easy to steal 200+ energy with the BH grenade, if this happends how does a merc get their energy back? you have to max STR to atleast gain some energy back from the useless energysteal ability they have.

within 4 turns (it take for a mercs energy ability to be warmed up/ready to use) i can steal over 400 energy.. with the BH static grenade

mercs dont even have a stun how everyother class does.. max SUP on a mage = stun, max DEX on a BH = stun.
honestly whats a good build for a merc now? because i can think of way batter classes.

clearly your not seeing how OP bountyhunters are because you must be playing one. 90% of the ACTIVE population is BH and they obviously wont take the time to post on the forums how unfair that class is because they could careless because they are winning all the time.

the only classes that it seems it would be easier to beat a BH is by paying 50k.. which isnt easy to get early lvls (so how do we beat all the BH from lvl 0-25? paying 50k isnt much of an option)

when im playing my lvl 30 BH i see how unfair he is to play and when i know how to play the BH good then i know some advantages there are to vsing them.. but i dont enjoy playing only 1 character all the time
and when i switch characters i dont enjoy losing to BH most of the time

i have been in many duels and people that are BH tell me how overpowered that class is. and not everyone will take the time to make a forum post about it.
maybe if you dont believe me start a new character that is a merc and lvl him from 1-30 in pvp and let me know howmany BH you see and howmany agree that the class is unfair
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leahnrachel -> RE: =ED= Official Bounty Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/7/2016 7:08:25)

merc is underpowered , 90% of the playerbase are not bhes......... Most of the dex builds are really bad.....REALLY bad 9i had a 98% win rate against them low level ............ I'll give you a clue ..........all points of armor on defense........ piston punch core. static grenade, infernal android , energy gun and aux..... spam emp and piston frost shards..... rage ia , spam energy attacks....... Dex bh dies in 1v1 in what is almost a free win, they are not op lol...

Focus build appropriate to your own level you will almost always get the first turn..... Particularly low level they will almost always have only just enough mana to get off stun and multi heres how it goes...

Your turn - frost shards,
Their turn- they stun
your turn - gun
their turn - they now have to emp u to use their multi.
your turn- emp back
their turn - they gen
your turn - piston punch
their turn - gun
your turn- gun
their turn - 30 dmg
your turn - aux
if their still alive
their turn - 30 dmg
your turn - rage IA


heal when necessary and just use your brain their build is entirely reliant on mana without it they have a sidearm ....nothing else- They ARE NOT OP

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