=BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (Full Version)

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Mritha -> =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/24/2014 21:48:00)

Gotta catch em all! Spotted a pun or spoof of something you recognize? List and discuss them here, lets see how many of them can be found!

Thank you Arthur for the thread suggestion!

DarkLore -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/24/2014 22:07:48)

Go Kart (Goku)
Darth Hater (Darth Vader)
Grim (Considering the BFF's forever thing, it could be a parody of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.)

~Its better if that one is left off the list.

Arthur -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/24/2014 22:08:57)

Lol. Seriously? The first one?

I gotta get BG. :P

DarkLore -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/24/2014 22:31:44)

Shenglong (Shenron)
Captain Hand (Captain Hook)
Nappy (Nappa)
Vegetable (Vegeta)
Audrey III (Little Shop of Horrors)
Linda Blairwitch (Her name is a pun on the Blairwitch project. Her quest and remarks are a parody of the Exorcist.)
The Boogerman (The Boogyman)
Doctor Terribler (Doctor Horrible)
Crushed Kandy (Candy Crush)
NaN Pony (Nyan Cat)
Forum Troll (Self explanatory)
Google Pet (Google of course. If you look carefully you'll notice the pet is green with blue circles for eyes. The Google Chrome logo icon has green in the middle with a shiny blue color inside.)

Coypirus -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/25/2014 7:50:34)

Shenlong is actually a chinese dragon as well, but it's not spelt shenglong.

Azan -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/26/2014 16:50:47)

Gandolphin! (Gandalf)
Dragon of Mothers - Game of Pwns - Rob Stark (Game of Thrones)

bokterier -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/26/2014 18:08:12)

The Skrym Job: A parody of Skyrim. ^_^

Crystal Lion -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/27/2014 9:47:19)

Assassin's Greed - Assassin's Creed series.
Malice in Wonderland - Alice in Wonderland.

flashbang -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/27/2014 22:27:48)

Batwolf. (Batman)

Aether5 -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/27/2014 23:28:19)

Twerkbell: A combo of Miley Cyrus and Tinkerbell. Also, the flappy bird

Trollok!!! -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/29/2014 17:45:27)

The last location: The Gore Chasm (I think only the older people on the forums would understand this pun).

Lord Coake -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/31/2014 20:23:19)

@^ something to do with Al Gore I'm guessing.

BJEBLE -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (3/31/2014 23:15:38)

Kung Fu Hassle(Kung Fu Hussle)
There's probably more but I want some more farming in OS now.[8D]

jalkan121 -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (4/3/2014 20:47:40)

Dreadwing is Deathwing I think

flashbang -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (4/15/2014 0:39:25)

The Return if the Bling(LotR)
FantAsia(fantasy and Asia)

Jemster -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (4/30/2014 23:19:33)

Moonitaur(Cow and Minotaur[sounds like monitor too]
The staking dead(the walking dead)
Carcass Inspector(Case inspector?)

popinloopy -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (5/2/2014 9:33:19)

Dawyne Gemstone - Dwayne Johnson
Gourdon Freeman - Gordan Freeman
Carrion Luggage - Self explanatory
Plenty of others, but I don't have my phone on me right now, so I can't check.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (5/3/2014 5:38:28)

Headly Lamarr - Hedy Lamarr

Lemonus -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (5/15/2014 6:39:58)

Leaf Erikson is a parody of Leif Erikson.

Well played.

Though I dunno if that counts since the treant's name is both written as Leif and Leaf.

Redneck Ninj-uh and the Scorpion in the desert are a parodies of Mortal Kombat's Scorpion.

Solid Snake is a parody of, well, Solid Snake from MGS.

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (5/18/2014 19:49:21)

I'm surprised nobody put this, but Deathly Halows is from Harry Potter's Deathly Hallows book/film
Also for the beginning track on the options menu is a parody of Doctor Who's theme song

jocat20 -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (5/30/2014 15:49:14)

The quest Adventure Slime is a parody of Adventure Time, and the name of the last version of Thok is Thok-credible Hulk, which is obviously a Hulk reference.

Come to think of it, there are three Avengers-themed quests on BG, I just don't remember where they are.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (5/31/2014 1:18:18)

Myst: Possibly Twilight Sparkle, or Raven from Teen Titans as a scholar.

salene -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (5/31/2014 2:14:58)

PoppinLoopy: Gourdon Freeman could also be Morgan Freeman, or potentially a mix of Gordon Freeman from the half-life series, and Morgan Freeman.

Lemonus -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (5/31/2014 7:41:25)

^It IS for Gordon Freeman, since the NPC mentioned Half-Life.

salene -> RE: =BG= Puns and Parodies You Spotted (5/31/2014 13:11:52)

Oh, lol, I have only gotten halfway through the second world so I wouldn't know. I was just speculating. But Half-Life is bae >U<

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