Skill tree needs to be split! (Full Version)

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edwardvulture -> Skill tree needs to be split! (3/26/2014 23:41:45)

There are really only two types of skills on the skill tree. Skills that have 0 energy cost, and skills that have an energy/health cost. Static charge, battery backup, static smash,static charge,assimilation, and energy parasite all belong in the 0 energy cost category. When you think about it passives are also 0 energy cost skills and could be instituted so that each class can really be distinctive again. Players tend to invest in them way more than cost skills like plasma bolt, overload, etc. because they benefit every kind of build whereas skills that cost energy are situational and often used only in specialized builds. Without the splitting of the skill tree, cost skills and "0" cost skills (technically a turn's usage is an opportunity cost) will never be balanced in terms of power.
...and that is the rationale behind the skill adjustment in my balance thread "Build Diversity x 10"

Feel free to refute it in any way, but the logic should be clear. We already tried passives to actives and that pretty much failed miserably, it is time to go for the alternative and split the skill tree.

Remorse -> RE: Skill tree needs to be split! (3/27/2014 4:06:01)

The issue of free costing skills not having the appropriate opportunity cost is indeed an important issue needing resolution.

And simply increasing the CDs of these skills does not really help this. ( Referring to the patch notes)

I like the idea of splitting the skill tree.

However another way it could be solved is to give it a cost which may have to be created.

For example Stamina points.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Skill tree needs to be split! (3/27/2014 14:10:30)

I had been saying this for a long time as well, ever since they went passives to actives. So I agree in a way. I think there should be an active tree, and a passive tree. Maybe make it for the passives though that you get different skill points so you can invest it differently and not get those points as often as you do active skill points.

edwardvulture -> RE: Skill tree needs to be split! (3/27/2014 21:07:15)

Well, how i figured the division of skills was that there were certain skills that are almost guaranteed to be beneficial in a battle universally with any build. Those are free costing skills that don't cost energy/HP like all the energy gain/drain moves and what passives were. I really wish the balance team(if it exists) would move back the cool-downs as they were so they would not be underpowered if passives were to return.

Then there are situational skills like reflex boost, field medic, etc. And also specialized skills that cost energy like bunker, plsama bolt.

so it is not exactly passives and actives, the split becomes is a bit more complex.

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