Would you switch... (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Would you switch... (4/4/2014 22:13:21)

Everyone, both Legion and Exile members, I have a quick question. If you are Exile would you switch to legion, knowing that Legion would lose, in order to preserve the game? I was thinking about this today and I said "Yes". Would you?

(If you are Legion then I ask you the same question, just reversed. Would you switch to exile, knowing that Exile will lose, in order to preserve the game?)

I am not looking for a long response on whether it's too late or any other criticism. I am mainly looking for a "yes" or "no".

--Ghost God--

The purpose of this particular forum is to provide discussion within the community. One word posts are spammy and are prohibited. So, other players are indeed allowed to explain themselves and also provide constructive criticism within their replies.
AE Forum Moderator

Sesura -> RE: Would you switch... (4/4/2014 23:08:56)

Well, I'm sticking to the exile atm because it is winning and because we fought for it.

Mother1 -> RE: Would you switch... (4/4/2014 23:14:04)

No I wouldn't switch even if my side was losing and doing so would put me on the winning side.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Would you switch... (4/4/2014 23:15:39)

I'm an Exile for why they fight. That's what the alignments are all about not winning or losing... That's why I'm Exile, have been since late Beta, even when they were losing. I won't switch my alignment.

CHELSEA ROX -> RE: Would you switch... (4/4/2014 23:23:40)

In all the previous wars I was a legion.
so win or lose I'll continue to be a legion

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Would you switch... (4/5/2014 0:03:40)

I'm not using precious varium on an alignment change.

Variation -> RE: Would you switch... (4/5/2014 7:49:28)

I would never change alignments.

Ranloth -> RE: Would you switch... (4/5/2014 7:53:58)

Excluding the fact it costs Varium, no, I would not change - even if it means losing. Making decisions in a game is often fun, especially if it affects the story - although, ED doesn't really do that well, but the future may hold many new things, who knows. Let's hope.

Battle Elf -> RE: Would you switch... (4/5/2014 11:35:42)

Exile all the way bro. Legion's are smelly and gross.

comicalbike -> RE: Would you switch... (4/5/2014 11:56:20)

i am legion will not change but the game is so bad at the moment it cant go downhill anymore now the only way is up

toopygoo -> RE: Would you switch... (4/5/2014 11:58:11)

Always been exile... i have joined legion alignments before, but i didnt stay long, it was mainly as a favour to friend. I like exile, i prefer exile, i AM exile :D

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Would you switch... (4/5/2014 12:01:57)

If it was free, I would change to exile. Since the reason I'm playing is for the prize.

Variation -> RE: Would you switch... (4/5/2014 12:09:25)

(Battle elf)Lol that mentality, but comments like that don't shock me in this place. The developers should just remove the ability to change alignments. When this war goes on cooldown more players will join the "we want free prizes bandwagon"(not saying all of the people would join for that cause), which will make balancing future wars even harder. Players want to win and if there are things like free prizes involved and they can afford to change alignments, why wouldn't they? I wouldn't change because I don't support alignment hopping, and I like the story of my alignment, but that's just me.

The only issue I notice with this suggestion that is brought up in these forums a lot is that some people were forced into an alignment they don't prefer and taking that option away from them would keep them there forever. My take on it though is if they really don't prefer that alignment why join it anyways? Even if they were helping a friend, they made the decision to align themselves with a faction opposite of the alignment they prefer, not their friend.

kosmo -> RE: Would you switch... (4/9/2014 13:39:14)

^There are mistakes that are nearly impossible to fix...This war prooved how evry attempt to balance the two sides failed: there are a few players (not more than 5) that could make any allignment win the war by themself just purchasing bombs, but they couldn t realize this, and what did they do?They joined the exile top faction-s, so now it s even more important to be in the exile top faction-s, cause it s the only way to compete in this war if you dont want to spend.I belive devs original intent was the opposite, but it didn t work, nothing could solve the main problem at this point, not even the removal of allignment switching, it ll possibly be worse.

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