Energy Shield (Full Version)

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Combatoid -> Energy Shield (6/26/2014 23:30:05)

For the Bounty Hunter class primarily, I propose that Energy Shield increases with technology. It makes sense that "Reflex Boost" would increase with support, for balance and realistic purposes, but I'm a bit uncertain about "Energy Shield". I think that this skill should increase with Tech., since tech skills would logically increase your ability of creating an Energy Shield. Additionally, both of the buffs for Bounty Hunters increase with support, which gives an edge to support BH(though not many use it), so changing it to improving w/ tech would cause the class to be more balanced.

Primary example: Tech Mage's Technician increases with Dex., and Defense Matrix increases with Support, so for Bounty Hunters, why do both buffs increase with Support?

Mother1 -> RE: Energy Shield (6/26/2014 23:39:38)

To answer your question because too many skills scaling with the same stat will came a certain build to become too strong.

Also don't forget BM also shares this buff as well so if you change it for BH you change it for BM as well which in turn will be screwing with this class as well.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Energy Shield (6/26/2014 23:51:18)

They should do this , BH'd have crappy energy management and there shields aren't all that good tbh. I really don't see the harm in this infact reflex could probably go to tech to yes static smoke both increase with tech , But you need insane tech to get decent numbers . or 7+ skill points in smoke which gets to expensive to be viable , so either be useless without smoke cause all your points are in tech , or spend a tonne of energy with your only way of getting it back being grenade , haha yeah..... .because that nade is the god for energy return -.- . But yeah I aint playing much these days legend ranks and all...... .They don't want me to play. so meh may not be the best person to ask.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Energy Shield (6/27/2014 0:56:10)

No. Energy Shield may then be abused by the STR builds running amok. There has to be a cost to not investing in support.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Energy Shield (6/27/2014 1:18:39)

^ meh strenghs a huge problem , but you's have to fix legend ranks to , and honestly strength mages and mercs are far more effective then all.

If your not running strength your at a disadvantage

If your above level 36 in 2v2 , 38 in 1v1 your going to get repeatedly savaged by the unwashed savage blood thirsty legend rank 40s till you either completely quit or only log on 1 hour a day and just npc on power hour, sadly you have to be atleast legend rank 10 to be safe now in 2v2 and have any chance of a fair fight , realistically 10 isn't good enough anymore , on a game that's supposed to focused on pvp and you cant pvp at the end game.

Wonder how many people have quit through boredom forced to npc after 37 .

kittycat -> RE: Energy Shield (6/27/2014 13:11:39)

If Energy Shield scales with tech, then there will be strength builds with emphasis on technology all over the place.

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: Energy Shield (6/27/2014 13:17:10)

Logically, scaling Energy Shield with Tech makes sense... But in terms of the game? No. Tech already gives you Resistance, so having ES scale with Tech wouldn't be very helpful, seeing as they'd already have nice Resistance when they have Tech. They wouldn't need to put any points into ES.

I'd say scale it with Dex, but they already have two good Dex attacking moves, although that didn't stop the Dev's from doing the same to Tech Mage's Technician... So I don't think that would work either.

Now, there's only two stats left: Strength (HELL NO)... And support, which is what it scales with now.

Scaling it with Level, like Field Medic... That could work.

dfo99 -> RE: Energy Shield (6/29/2014 9:48:14)

in epic duel, no one skill is improved with the stats affected of skill. for example, smoke debuff dexterity and is improved with technology, technician boost you tech and is impreved with dex, then you suggest not is suported.

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