Rep quest (Full Version)

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suboto -> Rep quest (7/12/2014 1:29:42)

This used for a rep shop and the higher rank you reach in the rep you unlock more stuff you can buy.
Examples of rewards:
rank:10 cored weapon or armor or even a robot or a bike
rank 9 and below npc stats stuff or house items

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Rep quest (7/12/2014 23:58:46)

AQW suggestion, eh?

Well this would be pretty fun if the items are unobtainable anywhere else. We could use more weapons that people can be "proud to own".

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Rep quest (7/13/2014 22:14:27)

I was reading over the suggestion forums trying to find interesting things and this idea really struck.

I remember hearing that missions are hard to implement because they need a lot of testing. With that in mind I thought of a similar idea to the reputation ranks.

Instead of having just the Exile or Legion tag for our side that becomes the reputation bar. Earning influence in wars and doing daily mission earns you reputation with your side. As you rank up you unlock new items in a rep shop.

Now here's the catch. To prevent a player from maxing out Exile Rep then moving to Legion and maxing that out you have to keep your rep at that rank or higher. If you rep drops the item turns into a worthless token until you meet it's requirement.

Also this idea would work on one side earns rep with a positive value and the other a negative value so switching sides means you have to undo all of your work before you can make rep with the opposing alliance

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: Rep quest (7/14/2014 13:44:55)

Agreed, I love the Reputation quests and items in AQW. OWA's addition is amazing as well.

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