RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (Full Version)

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edwardvulture -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/22/2014 4:41:39)

Just for the record, my original suggestion did give an incentive for players to have a high win %. The original intention of the developers in removing losses was so that players could try new builds and increase build variety so that battles would be more appealing. They wanted more experimenting from the players but since passives to actives, classes are more or less the same and meaningful choices are not able to be made.

What has not happened yet, (or ever will?) is this big jack-hammer balance update that would allow for build diversity to happen.

On another note,
I feel like the differences between any 100+ champion in League of Legends are more distinctive when compared to any one of the 6 classes in ED.

Now to address the main topic, I feel like hiding loses gave players more room to breath in terms of build choices. Ideally, a huge balance update should have came with it that would actually usurp the dominant build and add another dimension to the game. Unfortunately the 0/low support striking build is still the most popular and that passives--->actives still ironically decreased the usage of active skills.

I am still happy with hidden loses because players with an unbelievable ratio are usually the ones that abuse balance the most.

But I really don't play this game anymore, the jackhammer balance update never came and I only came back to check out and complete the LionHart Saga.

Remorse -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/22/2014 6:05:07)


I completely understood what you thought would happen,

And I can understand how you would think it would,
When you say it as you do it sounds pretty convincing (even the devs took it on board and actually implemented it, which BTW. I admire your persistence to actually get a feature implemented almost single handed, even if it didn't work as proposed) and I'm sure it may actually have minor influences on variety.

However as I expected and as I tried to point out in your old thread, is that hiding loses won't change builds diversity much and could in fact worsen it.

Let's say the jackhammer balance update actually does come, how would hiding loses make variety better?

I see it as worse since why would people bother with anything other then quick killing builds?

At least if their was loses people would actually test the slow builds hopefully with additional viability (with the jackhammer balance update).

And just like I expected the whole trying new build concept just won't fly,
People still want to win and it's either fast, or the majority of the time, their is no try creative fun builds that neither kill fast nor win much, WHY? because they aren't viable the issue is with balance and variety NOT the motivation to not lose hence why as we can see now not much has changed at all in terms of variety in fact as I expected STR quick kill builds are actually way more frequent lowering variety.

.Sir Lazarus. -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/22/2014 15:19:36)

Theres more important things to discuss than visibility of wins and loses.

Even tho i have one of the best win loss ratios in the game i say keep em hidden. [8D]

When loses became not visible i tryed more builds than ever and i stoped being so obsessed with it so its a very good thing.

There are way more good things when loses are hidden than when its visible.

Keep it the way it is.

DeathGuard -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/22/2014 21:01:57)

While I do understand that this suggestion didn't reached all the objectives, it is still a nice move from the Devs.
People used to use a low and bad ratio on a class as an excuse to say it was bad or a high percentage ration to say it was OP. Now people barely even mention ratios but other factors such as the known "luck" factors.
I feel more at ease not having to worry about people staring at my losses and commeting about it saying some sort of offensive phrase or word due to my ratio.

Something I could mention is that if players really wanted that strength builds weren't used, they would have to stop using them too. While a solution is still being planned for spamming builds, players have the role to play too. I myself don't use strength based builds not only because I feel it isn't fun to play with it but also that it requires no creativity or strategy or a small part of this two to win most of the times with that sort of build. If people tried other builds than just strength and the common builds, they wouldn't be ranting so much about a low diversity.

Ratios are some sort of elitist detail. If you have a high percentage ratio than someone, you feel like you're better which may not be true at all(e.g. you could have used spamming builds to win or even copied those from someone) or if you have a lower ratio, you could feel a bit sad about it and you think others are capable of criticizing you because of your build. We could include many psychological effects that this sort of things has on players and I'm glad they aren't no longer seen.
At last, most people play games to have fun, relax or chat with friends and not being offended by some random player.

Remorse -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/23/2014 1:28:25)

^ I never said they should return ratios to leaderbaords etc. ( I agree with this removal)

I think we should just have lose motivation to stop the domination of fast killing builds.

I also think people who like this change should have the right to keep it, but I think it should be compromised so we have a choice to make them viewable or not,

Eg. Viewable to all, viewable to friends/faction, or not viewable at all.
Some other variables it could include, viewable in battle?, Viewable out of battle?

What do you guys say to this?

Because their are people on both sides for each, I think the best solution in this scenario should be a compromise for both sides.

Pemberton -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/23/2014 2:15:28)

I AGREE with Sir Larazus...this is not really a big problem compared to other problems like balance issues and new stuffs.

DeathGuard -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/23/2014 8:46:50)

@Remorse: I know you never said they should return ratios. I brought the topic since it was mentioned by some players already in the first page of the thread.

Making losses viewable won't make any difference at all. Most of the factions would probably oblige their players to hide their losses since that could give them off a bad reputation. Many situations could arise and the reports of people badmouthing others would increase. To be honest, I think this isn't a priority and would be quite the waste of time since it won't bring any true benefit to the game.

Remorse -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/23/2014 9:11:22)


I disagree it provides many benefits,

First off it allows players to have something to be proud of and is actually huge for motivation.
You might not be motivated by your loses but to me they are everything, to me they are more important then wins because everyone can get wins if they play enough. Loses carry meaning they give an insight into the type of player you are; granted NPCs did taint this representation but it still has some meaning especially in 2v2.

Another thing it does is when the game is fully balanced it will motivate those to be different, in previois more balanced phases I have known unqiue strategies and builds to be highly effective

And once again I will say brining back loses to those who chose will still put an influence on fast kill builds, beacuse even if those players don't choose to show their wins they will know that they are not winning as much as possible they are merely winning as fast as they can.

I belive the games objective, to me is at least, is to win as much as you can not as fast as you can, their is zero motivation to do this if I know noone will ever know.

This is why the game has had its purpose taken from me I think giving back purpose to some players is very useful.
Please try to understand that their are players who feel the same, just because some of you don't care for loses doesn't mean all don't.

I am willing to compromise how come those on the other side are not..

DeathGuard -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/23/2014 9:51:16)

Motivation depends on each own's necessities. I have never thought of being praised by others so that I could feel motivated. I motivated myself to reach my goals, even if no one was watching. At the end, both conclude in a single thing: Self-satisfaction of accomplishing something.

People as they mature, understand that failures hold an important meaning to their future success but does must not be remembered as a loss. Losses are some sort of attachment to that failures/losses and it really doesn't gives you any feeling that could motivate you to keep successing/winning. Winning will keep giving you the same satisfaction over and over after thousands of fights.

This game's objective is as you said, not to win as fast as you can but the meaning lies on how you win. Some people don't mind abusing the so-called "OP" builds and not bursting their creativity to their builds and that's the majority of the player base currently. If they really cared to win other with builds, they would try those but they feel motivated, rather forced to abuse this builds to keep on an equal to other players that also spam this builds. They don't care if they lose some of the fights against other similar builds, but if you beat them with some creative build, they start ranting instantly. IF people really cared for balance, they would stop abusing such builds but they don't and keep complaining about the unbalance that they keep supporting fight over fight.

Losses are of no consentment to be given, I look at my losses and see numbers of fights I have lost but the quantity of wins I have makes my happy since it reminds me how hard I worked to win. That's why losses being hidden was a great impact for me, since it was just being seen by me and I wasn't being tainted to look at my record to look directly at my losses. Now I try different builds on npcs that could work in PvP and I test them without caring if I lose since I want to have fun with this builds, not just win because I want to.

I can't understand a feeling I have never felt neither I will ever will if I don't have a similar experience as some of you but at last, my words have been my opinion and not something to be taken as fact. The only thing I can do is to respect your opinions but can't force myself to understand them or feel empathy.

Remorse -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/23/2014 10:06:46)

Motivation comes from many sources, one of which may be praise from others.

Sounds selfish and I agree but I guess human beings are selfish by nature.

Plus their is nothing wrong with wanting praise, even if without words, it can be enough to know that people know of your achievements which in this case it is the players record.

In this game their is nothing that represents how good you are, wins give a small insight but tell nothing of the smarts of the player, other games have ranking systems etc.
Records used to provide this now those who were motivated to be as best as they can be lose this motivation source.

This may be a factor contributing to the decrease in players, though I do not deny the major factors would be balance and variety.

Scyze -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/24/2014 16:49:55)

I was told hiding the losses would make the game 'fun'. Hah, look at it now.

Yo son -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 14:50:53)

when the wins/loses ratio was removed, it practically destroyed this game. The only reason why this game was ever really successful was because it was the first PvP AE game. Why do people play PvP? to compete against real people, which significantly grants more rush than playing against computer programmed characters. A huge part of this rush comes from playing against real people and having something to show for it.

But now that it is removed, PvP battles feels the same as npc battles. There is nothing competitive about this game anymore, this game lost the one advantage it had over other AE games by removing win/lost ratios making this game the same as mindlessly npcing. Also considering that every other AE games has more content than this, I would say that it does not surprise me that this game is doing so poorly right now.

Because there is no incentive to compete anymore, people don't buy varium, someone is more likely to rage quit the game because the just do not care anymore.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 15:54:14)

Hiding losses had nothing to do with this games death. Omega was supposed to be the balanced phase with no gap between varium and none varium

the games completely broken balance wise

and the gap still exsists with various varium only cores

And they decided to add a new gap with legend ranks between people daft enough to play often and casuals.

That's why the games dying.

Mother1 -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 16:47:05)

@ Yo son

and immature players harassing those who had bad ratios also added to wanting this as well. If you are contently harassed by players because you aren't winning this makes people quit as well. There are many things that can destroy a game.

Bad balance
Corrupt code
Bad Community

The list goes on. This was was done due to it being suggested by several players here in the hope of getting the harassment about ratio's stopped as well as making it so people wouldn't worry about ratio's so much.

Variation -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 17:43:21)

^Nothing will ever be done about immature players. Players who took pride in their visible full records are now punished because some players can't win or like to bot. The idea is silly and the developers should have at least gave players an option to show/hide their records.

Removing win percentages from the all-time leaderboards was definitely one of the worst things they could've done. Now it appears that players with more wins than you appear better than you when most of the time that isn't the case. I feel so bad for players who are on all-time 2v2 with 70%+ ratios, all of those years of hard work and getting better at the game only for their win percentage to be stripped. It's so sad, and I really don't know what to say.

Xamurai -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 17:45:28)

^ 100%

ConQrR -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 18:04:17)

Agreed with Variation some players worked really hard for their records.

Mother1 -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 18:43:39)

@ Variation

Those same players were also punished because of what you said can't be done about either as I pointed out immature players who were sore losers and bad winners. If I didn't like this game so much I would have quit a while ago because of this.

Players getting contently mocked for using non flavor builds because they refuse to use flavor builds like many of the sheep, and getting tormented because of it brought about players quitting as well. It wasn't just because of boting. Everyone wants to be a winner and getting harassed because you can't win also hurt the community.

Also IIRC I remember a certain user (I won't say his name) contently requesting this change as well as many others in the past who are not gone to have loses completely removed (Not just hidden) and I even remember Rabble asking in the past did the players want something like this done here in the forum.

Eventually they made this move.

While I do feel bad for those who took pride in their records and worked hard to get where they were, that is sadly the price everyone has to pay due to those same players who torment players so much that they want to quit.

DeathGuard -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 18:44:21)


I was told hiding the losses would make the game 'fun'. Hah, look at it now.
The players suggested it and people rant about how the Devs thought of it lol


when the wins/loses ratio was removed, it practically destroyed this game. The only reason why this game was ever really successful was because it was the first PvP AE game. Why do people play PvP? to compete against real people, which significantly grants more rush than playing against computer programmed characters. A huge part of this rush comes from playing against real people and having something to show for it.

But now that it is removed, PvP battles feels the same as npc battles. There is nothing competitive about this game anymore, this game lost the one advantage it had over other AE games by removing win/lost ratios making this game the same as mindlessly npcing. Also considering that every other AE games has more content than this, I would say that it does not surprise me that this game is doing so poorly right now.

Because there is no incentive to compete anymore, people don't buy varium, someone is more likely to rage quit the game because the just do not care anymore.

The game isn't dead or destroyed. If it was, it would have been shutdown which doesn't seems like it to me. As mentioned before, records were a sort of self-satisfaction feeling the players gave themselves. They only served a purpose for giving the player a self-satisfaction, bragging, diminishing others or thinking they were "superior" to others due to their high win ratio.

I can't understand how PvP battles feel the same as npc battles. Players don't follow a programmed pattern as npcs, and they can't activate cores, neither debuff you as well as other several strategies. PvP battles are still the same as they were, only that losses can't be seen now.
People still compete for daily achievements even if their records aren't changing that much, apart from their wins being registered. They haven't lost the desire to keep competing due to so some silly ratio not being shown.
As for content, from what I'm aware, EpicDuel gets more updates than AQ, DF and MQ does. The content keeps being added though I can't compare the AE games between themselves due to their staff size. Why do you say it is doing poorly? Have you been told about it or are you just assumming with false facts?

People keep buying varium everyday, because they don't care about that much desired ratio you keep idolizing as if it in fact, it would make the game better.


Hiding losses had nothing to do with this games death. Omega was supposed to be the balanced phase with no gap between varium and none varium

the games completely broken balance wise

and the gap still exsists with various varium only cores

And they decided to add a new gap with legend ranks between people daft enough to play often and casuals.

That's why the games dying.
The game isn't completely broken balance wise, it may have flaws but not in its totality, otherwise we would be unable to play it as we do currently. While promo cores tend to be stronger, you still can get them after 1 year for credits. With that policy being introduced, even if varium users get the benefit of such promos for 1 year, non varium users are able to get them after 1 year. They are credit cores that aren't as strong but still offer some sort of strategy for nonvarium players.

I had like to ask why you think the game is "dying"? Lack of player base or because of its content?


^Nothing will ever be done about immature players. Players who took pride in their visible full records are now punished because some players can't win or like to bot. The idea is silly and the developers should have at least gave players an option to show/hide their records.

Removing win percentages from the all-time leaderboards was definitely one of the worst things they could've done. Now it appears that players with more wins than you appear better than you when most of the time that isn't the case. I feel so bad for players who are on all-time 2v2 with 70%+ ratios, all of those years of hard work and getting better at the game only for their win percentage to be stripped. It's so sad, and I really don't know what to say.
Punished? That made my day. They weren't punished in any way.
What did they lose? Did they got hummilliated? Did they were called names? Were their efforts diminished?
None of the mentioned above was done to them. They just made their ratios not to show. Simple as that. If you or them are playing the victims, that is just awful because you lost nothing. Also, If I recall correctly, even if you had a " nice ratio", you were called names just as if you had a low win ratio. People still look your "ratio" as another reason to insult someone and you can blame the community for forcing the players to suggest that idea. Devs didn't force no one, the players insisted in the idea.
The own community, rotten deep inside, harmed their fellow players which lead to some quitting the game and others trying to find a solution to this.

Variation -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 19:16:04)

^I understand that you don't care about losses, but the game doesn't revolve around you. Also, yes the players that took pride in their records were punished. They worked hard for their records not just so they would see it, but so other members of the EpicDuel community could as well (without the need of taking screenshots and have to be accused of editing). Just because you don't care about losses doesn't mean everyone else doesn't care about them. Your views are very egocentric, you have to realize you aren't the only person that plays this game. Other people will have different views, that is life. This is why I'm asking for players to have an option to show their records. Removing them 100% just to cater a portion of the community is silly. With this system players themselves will have control over whether or not their full record shows. This system would be fair to both players who want their records to be shown, and players who don't.

Mother1 -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 19:25:46)

@ Variation

His point was the staff didn't just bring this change. The players themselves asked for this change and with omega being the phase where they put in idea that players suggest it eventually got in. There were many other suggestions made in the past that could have prevented this one from happening however, the staff due to whatever reasons couldn't put them in.

(I am talking about the mute feature BTW)

Also any player who had a high ratio but harassed those who didn't have good ratio's brought this upon you and everyone else as well. I remember receiving this same harassment from some high level flavor using builds. While this didn't annoy me, not everyone else is the same.

Plus if any of the players who are upset about this was doing that (harassing players about their low ratio's or not being able to win) are moaning about this change those players have no right to complain since those players brought this upon themselves. While not everyone was doing this it only takes a few rotten apples to spoil the whole bunch, and it was those immature players who put others down to the point of players quitting that spoiled it for those who didn't.

Virtual Earthquake -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 19:46:11)

Honestly, I believe that in removing losses, gameplay got worse.
Why? Everyone has pretty much already said this, but I will again anyway.
There is no incentive to have a decent win/loss ratio (ex. 10,000/2,000) so people just choose a quick kill build, all the Legendary players latch on to it, and bam, we're back where we started.
From the beginning I was against the hidden losses idea, because I figured ED would lose the hardcore players that have great win/loss ratios, and it did.
I for one have a pretty fine win/loss ratio, and I'm pretty annoyed that there isn't an option to show my full ratio.
If people have bad ratios and they don't want them to be shown because they don't want to be mocked, how about we have a mute option where you can mute opponents in battle and people outside of battle if you choose to do so?
I don't really see how there could be a downside to that, but I think it'd be an easy fix.
The whole hidden losses update further (in my opinion) kill ED's gameplay, because now it's just pretty much choose a high str/dex build, whether it be Merc, Mage, BMage, or Bounty Hunter and use the same moves over and over and over.
I am a lvl 40 (Rank 1) Mercenary and I have a 5 Focus build, which I have pretty much had since the beginning of Gamma.
I can say from experience that I have a high win % against the recent flavor-of-the-week builds, and the only thing that is really required is that you need a Infernal Android.
There may be a lot of imbalance in this game, but with a small player base and very few build choices, that would be expected.
The main reason people are scared of losing and are losing is because they're to afraid to try a different build, and not just use the new quick-kill build that everyone else is.
Also, I don't always find winning enjoyable, I enjoy a good hearty battle where me and my opponent are matched in skillset, and it really comes down to whoever gets a crit/deflect/block wins, and if I do win by 10-100 health, it feels pretty great to win such an intensive battle. And even if I lose, it's still fun, because it took strategy and not just clicking the same three skills over and over.
That's my 2 cents.

DeathGuard -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/26/2014 21:34:37)


^I understand that you don't care about losses, but the game doesn't revolve around you. Also, yes the players that took pride in their records were punished. They worked hard for their records not just so they would see it, but so other members of the EpicDuel community could as well (without the need of taking screenshots and have to be accused of editing). Just because you don't care about losses doesn't mean everyone else doesn't care about them. Your views are very egocentric, you have to realize you aren't the only person that plays this game. Other people will have different views, that is life. This is why I'm asking for players to have an option to show their records. Removing them 100% just to cater a portion of the community is silly. With this system players themselves will have control over whether or not their full record shows. This system would be fair to both players who want their records to be shown, and players who don't.
I gave my opinion and it is okay if you don't agree, but as Mother told you, the players brought this upon themselves.

The players harrased other players because of their low or high ratios and it wasn't the Devs who committed this.
The players thought they were elite if they had high ratios and diminish those with low ratios and it wasn't the Devs who committted this..
The players made other players quit and made other become as them and it wasn't the Devs who committed this.

The Devs never forced the players to do the things mentioned above, it was the players' decision to behave like immature kids.
The Devs may have made the suggestion come true, but the true cause was the players themselves. If players would have been nice to each other and didn't care about other players' ratio, this wouldn't had be considered by them.
Devs thought it would be better to do this because the reality is the ED community isn't mature enough. If you guys can't behave yourselves, don't expect that things like this stop happening.
The ones at fault are, we, the players. You can't blame them for something we harvest.

Remember opinions are subjective, just as yours, they are egocentric too. Your point of view revolves on what YOU think , not what other people think.
You think it isn't fair, and that's alright, but ED community isn't mature to be polite enough not to diminish others.
That's why I don't support it returning, yet that is. If the community behaves politely, I think Devs would reconsider it but I look at players like Xamurai promoting the quitting of this game and say to myself that ED community is not close to mature since it is pathetic that he said he wanted to help and then promotes the quitting of players.
Mother gave the perfect phrase I needed to end my message to you:

While not everyone was doing this it only takes a few rotten apples to spoil the whole bunch, and it was those immature players who put others down to the point of players quitting that spoiled it for those who didn't.


Honestly, I believe that in removing losses, gameplay got worse.
Why? Everyone has pretty much already said this, but I will again anyway.
There is no incentive to have a decent win/loss ratio (ex. 10,000/2,000) so people just choose a quick kill build, all the Legendary players latch on to it, and bam, we're back where we started.
From the beginning I was against the hidden losses idea, because I figured ED would lose the hardcore players that have great win/loss ratios, and it did.
I for one have a pretty fine win/loss ratio, and I'm pretty annoyed that there isn't an option to show my full ratio.
If people have bad ratios and they don't want them to be shown because they don't want to be mocked, how about we have a mute option where you can mute opponents in battle and people outside of battle if you choose to do so?
I don't really see how there could be a downside to that, but I think it'd be an easy fix.
The whole hidden losses update further (in my opinion) kill ED's gameplay, because now it's just pretty much choose a high str/dex build, whether it be Merc, Mage, BMage, or Bounty Hunter and use the same moves over and over and over.
I am a lvl 40 (Rank 1) Mercenary and I have a 5 Focus build, which I have pretty much had since the beginning of Gamma.
I can say from experience that I have a high win % against the recent flavor-of-the-week builds, and the only thing that is really required is that you need a Infernal Android.
There may be a lot of imbalance in this game, but with a small player base and very few build choices, that would be expected.
The main reason people are scared of losing and are losing is because they're to afraid to try a different build, and not just use the new quick-kill build that everyone else is.
Also, I don't always find winning enjoyable, I enjoy a good hearty battle where me and my opponent are matched in skillset, and it really comes down to whoever gets a crit/deflect/block wins, and if I do win by 10-100 health, it feels pretty great to win such an intensive battle. And even if I lose, it's still fun, because it took strategy and not just clicking the same three skills over and over.
That's my 2 cents.
Gameplay=/= Ratio hidden
It doesn't works that way. Gameplay is still the same, no mechanics of the gameplay have been changed. What was changed was the hidden loses. It didn't had any effect on the gameplay at all, rather on the meaning you had of battles won, not the gameplay itself.
It isn't an easy fix because people are still harrasing and now bullies not only harrass you on the game but also in social media.
I understand you like your ratio but also try to think about the players who not only have problems in their homes, but also are bullied when they play, they keep getting harrassed. That accumulates a lot of stress. The amount of stress due to harassment has decreased due to the removal of losses and that's a great benefit because that's one less worry players must have in my opinion.

Remorse -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/27/2014 0:15:28)

^ You, know the player harassment excuse is just really not going to fly,


Because harassment is something all multilayer games have to accept, they can lesson it with reporting and banning features,

But the day they sacrifice gaming content for possible slight less harassment is the day the game goes down hill.

It's like saying maybe they should just completely remove chat so then people can't possibly harass others...
Yet at what point do we have to accept the harassment, manage it and move on?

I think removing many players incentive to play was a major step too far!

@ Mother,

Players getting contently mocked for using non flavor builds because they refuse to use flavor builds like many of the sheep, and getting tormented because of it brought about players quitting as well. It wasn't just because of boting. Everyone wants to be a winner and getting harassed because you can't win also hurt the community.

I think you are blowing the harassment WAY out of proportion...

I like to use unique builds and I can't remember a SINGLE time that I was harassed for using something different, NOT A SINGLE TIME!

In fact what I remember is actually getting praise for being unique not abused, I also praised others constantly any time I see a build out of the norm.

I think if you tallied up people who quit from abuse of their loses/builds alone it won't even come close to the amount of players who quit because they lost motivation from the lose removal.

Mother1 -> RE: Hidden Loses Aftermath (7/27/2014 1:53:44)

@ Remorse

Well it seems like the staff thought it was a good enough reason? They knew they were losing players due to this and they wanted this to stop. The only way I can see the feature I suggested working would be if they added a mute function to the game.

Otherwise everyone who doesn't show their records (be they good or bad) or show their record and it is bad will be targeted.

Also I used my example because it happened to me before. While I do get praised sometimes I also get mocked for the build I use Remorse. Just because it doesn't happen to you don't mean it doesn't happen to everyone.

I remember the worst harassment I ever had to endure. I had fought this one strength blood mage 5 times in a row. The gear and equipment the person had completely countered every move I made and I stood no change against him without luck (which I didn't get any of these fights)

Normally losing doesn't bother me seeing as I am not a sore loser. However said blood mage was actually making facebook video's and each and every time I fought him the guy contently mocked not only my build but my record, and at the time my 1 vs 1 record was 75%+ which I was proud off.

"I am making you famous on facebook, I am going to fix your record for you!" The guy kept telling me each and every time I fought him.

It didn't help that I was trying to play the game to unwind and relax after a stressful day at work.

Should I have had to deal with that kind of harassment? I don't think so? Should I have to accept that? No I shouldn't! People don't like getting harassed remorse and we both know this. Why do you think people were asking for a mute button originally? So they wouldn't have to deal with it.

While I will say it again I feel bad for those who weren't harassing people about their records who had to deal with this change, those few rotten apples who were doing this ruined it for them.

It was because of those players that we had people suggesting to remove losses, It was because of those players who mocked people to the point of quitting that the staff put this into play, and it is those players who made the innocent players who took pride in their records suffer the consequences.

If anyone is to blame for all this it is those players who couldn't be polite and not mock those who weren't as good as them.

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