RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (Full Version)

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Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/9/2014 23:38:55)

That should be interesting to see, Zeph.

I'm going to be out of town most of the weekend, so I'll have to catch up on things Sunday night when I get back.

As a general note, I should be available most nights (not all, but most) on IRC. I'll try to hang out in the official RP room (#rpboards), so if you have questions you can find me there to get some faster answers than PMs or posting.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/11/2014 11:11:35)

Posting interest, I'll try to wrap up a bio this weekend, early next week.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/12/2014 19:22:02)

Back in the saddle.

I appreciate the interest folks, but interest is best expressed in the form of force submissions (wink wink, nudge nudge). I've had one expression of interest in the traitor position. As indicated, please PM me if you would like to apply for that particular spot.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/12/2014 23:35:48)


early next week.

Because I'm busy. *Wink wink, nudge nudge.* And since this week is homecoming week for my school, don't be totally disappointed if I don't have it up by thursday at the latest.

One question, though. What're the races like for ye ol' Rise of Domrius?

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/13/2014 3:42:58)

This should do the trick.

Name: Sayden Ka’urn (Say-den Ka-oorn)
Title: High Magus
Age: 43
Affiliation: The Oramus Collective

Appearance: The youngest of the eight High Magi serving under the Council of the Collective, Sayden is nonetheless aged beyond his years. The strain of thirty years of esoteric training has caused this once powerful and healthy man to dwindle into a near-corpse, tall and gaunt, with long, wispy silver hair. His face is that of a man of sixty, with sharp features set against pale, papery skin. Eminently serious, he is said not to have cracked a smile in a decade; his loyalty to the Collective and to his men, however, is without question. Despite his withered appearance, he cuts an imposing figure in full battlemage regalia: full-length, blood-red hooded robes trimmed with black; delicate golden demi-gauntlets and thick leather boots. A light silver chain bearing the seal of the Collective hangs around his neck, his only adornment.

History: Sayden, like many who now occupy the upper echelons of the government of the Collective, began his life as a mere farmboy. When the Collective began to expand its territory, his village was one of the first to be occupied and stripped clean of any who exhibited magical potential. As a student of the Territorial Academy, he excelled academically, and displayed ambition that outstripped his peers. At the age of twenty-six, he petitioned the Council to fund his research into battlemagic: they agreed, and thus he became the first person under the age of thirty to head an academy department. Thirteen years on, however, the future of his division is in question – a lack of results, and the ever-increasing cost of the Collective’s many land disputes, has prompted the Council to issue Sayden an ultimatum: justify his existence, by turning back the tide at Gripclaw Pass.

Additional information:

Command: Desperate to preserve his legacy, Sayden has gathered the very best men under his command to secure the Pass. His company consists of fifty battlemages, and fifty Sentinels assigned to their protection.

The battlemages are clothed in the same robes as their commander, and wear a coloured baldric over one shoulder to indicate their division if applicable. As they may only direct spells within their sphere of influence, they must remain relatively close to the enemies or allies they wish to affect. To make this easier, and diversify the army's utility, they can be split into a maximum of five ten-man divisions, although they are capable of greater feats when working in larger groups. Alone, each is as defenceless as a civilian, and so must avoid losses at all costs.

The Sentinels consist of mercenaries in the employ of the Collective, and each is therefore equipped according to their own personal taste. At minimum, each carries some form of one-handed weapon, a shield of varying size, and one ranged weapon, be it a crossbow, shortbow or throwing weapon. Their role is simply to hold formation around their designated battlemages, and ensure their safety by any means necessary.

Battlemagic: The school of battlemagic is relatively young, having first been proposed by the Imperial Academy of far-off Rein some decades before the birth of the Collective. It involves the use of wide-area offensive and supportive spells by large numbers of mages in unison, in order to influence a large area of a battlefield. In other words, a group of mages unite their strength, and collaborate on the casting of a powerful spell. The process is slow - with spells taking from thirty seconds to up to five minutes to prepare and cast - and the mages are completely vulnerable while they work. Fatigue is also a major limiting factor, as the mental endurance required to maintain the link between each mage is significant, and increases exponentially as more add their strength to the casting. Nevertheless, battlemagic can prove a powerful force on the battlefield by reinforcing friendly troops and softening up the enemy – or so Sayden hopes to prove.

Sayden’s role on the battlefield is that of commander and co-ordinator. He is mentally linked to every mage in his company, and may transmit orders to all his men at once, or to each separate division, as required. In order to fulfil this role more effectively, Sayden will usually occupy a central position on the battlefield and remain within easy reach of his troops. If necessary, he may join with his men and lend them his strength, although this will mean the loss of his tactical awareness.

The Oramus Collective: The Collective is an independent state nestled in the heart of the Western kingdoms. It came into being seventy years ago, when a secret cabal of master wizards staged a surprise takeover of the city of Guilad, taking control of its government and declaring independence from the former kingdom of Mecate. Immediately they established the Oramus Collective, named for the eldest of the conspirators, and began gathering mages from across the globe with the intention of carving out an independent nation of magic-users. Having repelled multiple attempts to liberate the city with their arcane might and newly-acquired armies, they then initiated a brutal conquest of the surrounding lands, seizing cities from nearly every surrounding kingdom. They bolstered the ranks of their academies with captives from their wars, and their strength and influence swelled exponentially.

Today, the Collective controls a territory of more than 150 square miles, and conducts diplomacy on the level of kings and emperors. Since the death of the original leaders, however, the Collective has undergone reorganisation: ending the campaigns of conquest, reducing the size of its armies, and making tentative moves towards conciliation with its neighbours by offering its arcane knowledge. Despite this, the Collective is still feared and despised by the majority of the Western Kingdoms, its presence among them tolerated, but lamented. It is hoped that the dispatch of Collective forces to support the army at Gripclaw Pass will help to defuse tensions.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/13/2014 7:04:59)

I apologize, Rip. The comment was not directed specifically at you, but rather in general to several people who have indicated interest but not yet submitted anything. So far as races are concerned, any humanoid race is fine, though if you're looking for something exotic we'll have to discuss particulars.

Zeph, it looks good. I'll make edits to the first post. Just one item of note: I'm going to label it as the Oramus Collective, since you use that name several times in your post. However, you also have a heading labelled the Ashtar Collective. I'm assuming this is a different name from a previous draft.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/13/2014 13:46:12)

Ah bugger. Sorry about that - that was my first name, but it turns out it's very similar to something else, so I changed it. Guess that's a lesson on the benefits of Find and Replace! My bad. The Oramus Collective is the right name.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/16/2014 17:38:54)

I'm currently rewriting my bio [which was almost complete], sorry for the long wait, should have it up by tomorrow.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/16/2014 18:39:07)

We're not in a huge rush. That being said, I'm angling to get the ball rolling by 10/27 at the latest. I'm working on the intro post when I have time. If the post gets finished and we get four entrants I'll start things off. That won't necessarily mean an end to me accepting entries, but I do want to start sooner rather than later.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/18/2014 15:12:12)

That gets me excited Kell, I really look forward to starting this thing. I'm hosting a roleplay called "The Faintly Gallows" elsewhere, and I work 7 days a week, but I will try to post when I can and when I should. However, I want to go ahead and say that I don't think they'll be quality posts because I won't have a lot of time to write them, but I will write to the best of my ability when I am able.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/21/2014 19:01:33)

Since some folks work better under deadlines, I would like it to be known that we will begin 10/27. The intro is mostly done, it just needs some touch up and additions accounting for the allied forces that will have to be added last minute.

I'm looking at a player cap of eight. If you do not have a force bio up by post time 10/27, you can still apply. Applications will remain open until the eight player desired cap is reached. Late entrants will arrive late to the party, naturally, and be subject to starting fatigue and morale penalties.

Let's get cracking.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/21/2014 20:42:00)

Smashing. Hopefully we get at least a couple more, but we should be perfectly fine in any case.

Starstruck -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/22/2014 1:08:56)

I need something to keep me off of the video games for a little while. They've really been sapping my resolve recently...I think I'd probably be better served by making writing my hobby again :P I assure you though, 100% coincidence that the deadline appeared. If I was motivated by the deadline, you wouldn't have seen this post until 10/27.

Name: Kerra Brzerzin
Age: 24
Affiliation: Kulak Kingdom

Appearance: Kerra is not particularly large, at just 5'0", but she is athletic and strong, as highly trained as the men under her command...and in some cases, stronger. Her clothing is minimalist and her breasts are carefully bound, hair cropped short; to a casual observer, she is merely a very short man, perhaps an elf. Leather guards fit under and over her chain mail, adding bulk and weight to her diminutive stature and giving her a more masculine profile. She allows herself no effeminate quality, seeking instead the incredible rush of battle, and owns no jewelry or trinkets, though an impressive collection lies in trunks of loot at home, gifts from nervous soldiers who fancied themselves in love. Kerra holds no such delusions. Her steel gray eyes see nothing but the way of the sword, and her rust colored hair is the color of blood, not the color of nursery rhymes and children.

Command: Kerra was set in command of a force of 217 troops, the most the kingdom could muster without tapping into the old, the young, the ill, or the artisans.

Kulak is not quite a kingdom in the strictest sense of the word; they have a king, yes, but his decisions and his decrees have no weight outside of the palace itself. Set on a rough and unmanageable island off the coasts, it is a nigh uncivilized jungle where each man looks out for his own interests and follows the laws he feels like following. Large annual festivals light up the island for seven nights a year, bringing together every single inhabitant of the island for a week of non-stop partying in celebration of the immensely bountiful harvest. This is where the army does its recruiting; every man, upon his 15th birthday, is required to be trained in the arts of war. Many volunteer earlier, either to get it over with faster or to train for longer. Kerra and her brother were thrust into the program at a very young age and have thrived in the harsh training environment. Large predators roam freely on the island, and every adult, man or woman, is skilled at fending them off with bare fists. The Kulaki are tough in mind and body.

Fighting Style: Kerra, like almost all of her troops, looks with disdain upon the use of weapons or magic, declaring them unreliable and unwieldy. They have been trained in boxing and kickboxing in particular, alongside many lesser-known forms of martial arts, and even the weakest man among them is extremely dangerous. They wear only light armor (with the exception of Kerra, who does not mind the handicap and could probably use the extra protection) and do not operate as a typical army would, preferring to engage enemy troops individually rather than fight as a squadron.

Kerra is the strongest fighter rising against Domrius, and not in terms of skill, size of force, or size. No, Kerra somehow manages to fit an inhuman amount of force into her whip-coil muscles, throwing earth-shattering punches that seem incongruous with the petite powerhouse's small size. Her traveling pack clocks in at almost eight hundred pounds, and she once punched an enemy soldier so hard in the arm that she broke his other arm, too. Rumors regarding her physical prowess make the rounds in every force's camp weekly, but few are substantiated. A few of the more unbelievable ones are spread by Kerra herself...and those ones are true.

Name: Jonah Brzerzin
Age: 19
Affiliation: Kulak Kingdom

Appearance: Short, barely 5'3", with dark red hair. His features are very similar to his older sister's, though he still has a youthful and naive aura that he works hard to dispel. Easily the least physically imposing man in Kerra's army, despite being one of her top agents, his body bears the family curse that both siblings have come to resent so strongly, and the moderate bulk that he has managed to attain through constant training is still dwarfed by nearly every other soldier.

Skills and Abilities: Jonah, unlike Kerra, knows a little magic. As far as Kerra is concerned, mind, there's nothing special going on with Jonah despite the family gift of physical strength and speed, but he's got some pretty clever tricks up his sleeve and his light armor has scribblings all over the inside, wards of protection of his own design. He really doesn't like the idea of keeping secrets from his commander, much less his sister, but if she ever found out, she'd probably, I don't know, kick him out of the army or something. Better that she doesn't know. So far, he's been able to set things ablaze, launch short-range fireballs, and enchant his armor to incinerate incoming projectiles with spurts of flame. He's particularly proud of his burning punches, setting his leather gloves alight for the purposes of adding a nasty surprise to his already punishing blows. While he does not have the legendary strength his sister possesses, he seems to be catching up very quickly and may even surpass her someday.

Jonah has prepared a set of new curses specifically for the upcoming battle, and field tests have proved them to work well. But again, PLEASE don't tell Kerra he's doing this, because he does NOT think that she would take very kindly to the idea of a mage among her ranks. You're a good friend, right? You won't tell...right?

Hope you enjoy. These guys are fun to write and this is gonna be a blast.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/22/2014 3:50:25)

Hey, good to see you again, Starstruck! I'm absolutely the same with deadlines - it's a good thing I got in beforehand!

I'm already having fun imagining the burning dislike which Kerra and her troops will have for my guys. It's always good to have opposing ideologies on a battlefield, to liven things up a bit XD

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/22/2014 18:13:16)

Starstruck, things look alright, but before I make official approval, I would like to have you add some information about Kulak. The other commanders are going to need to know a bit about the kingdom.

Starstruck -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/22/2014 23:39:07)

I added a nice little blurb under "Command." :)

Zeph, Kerra doesn't hate magic users! She just thinks they're dumb that's all. Get in a circle and sing songs for five minutes? Ok bruh, but we'll be over here, y'know, PUNCHING BAD GUYS. Good luck with your death ray. Try not to incinerate us...because you probably have terrible aim...

(Yep. Unlike TJByrum's typical characters, Kerra doesn't see magic as unnatural or wrong...she sees it as nonsense with little practical use.)

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/23/2014 19:46:35)

Name: Trevor Arcturus (Bastion) Minx

Age: 40

Affiliation: Kingdom of Thanisgard

Appearance: Trevor (or Bastion as some refer to him as) stands at 6’3, Wearing a custom made armor fitting. (think in regards to the Roman empire). He carries a sword and shield on his person. He rides a horse outfitted with armor itself (think in terms of warhorses). His tanned face holds ruby-red eyes and personable smile (usually).

History: The Kingdom of Thanisgard comes from the North, so rainstorms are semi-plentiful. Thanisgard is Neutral in regards to like/dislike of the other kingdoms and is founded on the principle beliefs of battle. They’ve seen many battles in their day and had been besieged before, causing the people to rise up and attack with a ferocity that is seldom seen. Though they have lost their fair share of battles too.

History of Trevor: Trevor as a commander is extremely loved by his people for his many efforts through his employment for coming to their aid first and assisting them in dangerous times. He knows a fair number of strategies, though some have proven to fail. He fights first and asks questions later. He has earned his position through heavy work and determination. But he would like to have something more someday.
Trevor prefers to be in the middle during a battle. So he can get an idea of the way things are progressing. He isn’t afraid however to support the troops at the frontlines with his own skills. If he see’s the danger is progressing too fiercely, He may order a temporary halt of combat, pull back and then return to battle after making a quick change-up of the battle plan.

With the score of 300 men, He has 3 primary officers he confides in. These like-minded men are quite similar to him in nature so they get along splendidly. These officers are usually towards the middle and the back of the action. Though one does go up frontline to inform troops there. These Officers are known as “Thomas Samuels, Harry Donover, and Cory “Tony” Dimeter.”

Extra Information: Trevor knows how to read magical languages, and he understands at least 5 other dialects of foreign language from his excursions overseas to other lands for trade. Trevor is also good with other types of weapons besides the sword and shield. This includes Bows and arrows, spears, broadswords, hooked/curved weapons, daggers, etc.

History of Thomas: Thomas (aged 38) has fought alongside Trevor in at least 3 wars. Each man covering a battalion of 100 men. One of the three wars they battled in together, they lost. Thomas is a proud man, but like Trevor he wants something more. Something more than battle and pride. He has proven himself a hero to his men and has a badge of respect to prove it. He wears military armor and prefers to be near the middle/front section so he can support the frontline troops. He stands at 5’8, has hazelnut hair, a tan complexion and like Trevor carries a sword/shield on his person. He’s been known in the past to mistake allied kingdoms with the enemy quite by accident.

History of Harry: Harry (aged 29) has been in 2 wars with Trevor. Both of which they won. These wars were outrageous battles of frontline mercs versus a bunch of townspeople and the two commanders. Harry helped lead the people to victory with careful analyzation of the enemy information. Harry wants something. Though it is unclear what, unless you talk to Trevor. Harry has confided in Trevor what he wants and Trevor has since kept that a secret. Telling no one else on the respect of their friendship. Harry is loyal to his commander and will willingly give his life to save the other if necessary. Harry has an excellent ability to speak foreign tongues (provided he knows the tongue).

History of Cory: Cory (aged 32) is rather intelligent and is able to figure out how well a battle is going. Much like Trevor, he prefers the middle to back lines. Often rallying and giving instructions to those at the back of the action. He knows how to read foreign languages and he stands at 6’0 with wavy blonde hair and dark green eyes. He has known Harry and Thomas for six years and has fought alongside in 2 wars with them before. He wears (much like the other two) military grade armor and provides support feedback to the troops.

History of 300: The 300 men accompanying the 4 commanders are from the Kingdom’s own personal battalion. They are extremely trained and most were given a horse before they left the kingdom. there are at least 100 archer’s involved in the ranks, but those archers were trained in other combats and carry swords.
These 300 men are loyal to the commanders and love Trevor. They’ve seen success and loss. That matters not to them. They all wear military (again think roman empire) armor. And all of the horses they have are war-trained.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/23/2014 21:48:15)


I find this post a little funny actually. I was just thinking about giving the people of Je their own language and dialect when I came by to check up on any updates to the OOC. Your post must be telling me something...

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/24/2014 9:09:58)

Name: Garin Fellwalker
Title: Viscount of Gilrade, Sword of the Voiceless.
Age: 47
Affiliation: Kingdom of Gilrade

Appearance : A tall, withered man, Garin stands at an impressive 6'2 and despite his age, sports considerable body mass at 175 pounds, competing with many of the younger men and women under his command. His straight, jet black hair tied into a ponytail, framing his face, that of a Caucasian skin tone complimented by a burly thick beard, although his hair isn't without its fair share of grey strands showing. When it comes to battle attire, a white piece of well kept plate armor covers the chest, the crest of Gilrade adorning the very center of the piece, complimented by matching greaves and boots, underneath lies a blue regalia, the same shed of blue as his deep set eyes.

History: Garin had all the makings of a brilliant, shrewd member of the political court of Gilrade. He was born into noble blood, his descendants being traced to some of the first inhabitants of the kingdom, making him second only to the royal family, he was a skilled diplomat and tough as nail, to boot. Only problem was, he wasn't shrewd and he actually cared for the people he had power over, which often lead to him clashing heads with the rest of the court, and even Viscount Bregnor himself. So naturally, when the war broke out, he was in a compromised position.

Gilrade was in a state of war with some of its southern neighbors. Many of the campaigns ended in failure, usual reason being cited is everyone's lack of willingness to support and participate in the battle, and those few successes in obtaining land proved futile, since the loses were too large to keep engaging in combat, abandoning potential expansion, peace treaties were made in a desperate attempt to stop the fighting, but they weren't without their own economic tax. And thus the court started squeezing its denizens a bit. Some new, light taxes were introduced, but they kept growing and growing...
First it was civil outcry, then small protests and angry mobs, but the true match that ignited the land was when under the king's authority, entire lands were confiscated. That's when his subjects raised the sword.

It was chaos. Men were killing the very same people they were sworn to protect, families were torn apart and the kingdom was weakened heavily. Garin was naturally torn. On one hand, he had his reservations on the government's methods, on the other, his allegiance yet lay with his king. It was only when he witnessed the sheer monstrosities first hand, did he realize where his allegiance really was.

He was tasked by the king himself to eliminate all threats and burn a warehouse to the ground, located towards the northern regions. Supposedly a warehouse with military supplies taken by the rebels, he and a group of the king's personal guard were sent. It took 2-3 day of travelling, eventually reaching their destination upon the war torn land that they found the location suspiciously empty. A few guards were spotted on the inside, and thus they committed to their mission, storming the mansion, killing the armed denizens inside and setting it alight. The elite company walked out, paying no attention to the mess, that is until they heard the screams of anguish. A women burst through the wooden doors, flesh burned alive as she fell to the ground, and soon many followed her. Men, women, elderly, children, their blood on his hand. He was in disbelief. Those were innocent people, all dead due to his unquestioning loyalty to his king.

And the rest is history. He soon joined the rebel forces, becoming their commander of operations. Many others soon rebelled and joined, and together they struck down the court one by one, until they stormed the palace and had the king at sword's edge.
Garin didn't even hesitate to impale the sword through his heart, and the minute he fell, all 300 men who participated in the raid fell to their knees. Garin Fellwalker became the new Viscount of Gilrade.

And thus begun an age of prosperity, it took several years for the recovery of the Kingdom, some argue it hasn't even quite recovered yet for the toll the civil war took was very high, but the with new diplomatic links established, a stronger economic presence and an army who truly believe in their leader, things were looking bright.
But now they prepare for war once again, as they rally against the forces of Domrius....

Gilrade: A kingdom located to the south, Gilrade had a very militaristic system before Garin's rule. Military training was pretty much mandatory when coming to 18 years of age, but it was an unsustainable model and many argue its what lead to the kingdom's downfall under the previous Viscount's rule. However, Fellwalker started reforms, becoming more about diplomacy and commerce. Not entirely helpless however, it has its army and their competent enough, but its about more than just the clashing of swords now.

Command: Fellwalker is accompanied by a company of 150 men. 30 cavalry, leading the front lines on their armored mounts, 3 of the king's very own personal guard, almost as competent as their own commander, 17 scouts and infiltrators, 30 archers for long range support and taking out long range priority target, and the rest are infantrymen, the bulk of the army.

Gilrade's army and its fighting style is all about waiting for an opening and going for a critical hit, similar to their high king, focusing on sheer offense with little defense. Their preferred weapons of choice are a sword in each hand, allowing them to engage and deal double the damage they would naturally do with a single blade in hand.
However, this means a slight miscalculation could end in absolute disaster, with no way of salvaging a tactical failure.

Any inconsistencies/anything that's missing or needs to be addressed, do let me know. Haven't RPed in a while now, but I quite like this character, breath of fresh air from my typical characters.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/24/2014 14:03:20)

Man blackknight, when I think of how your writing was when you first appeared, and what you're capable of now, I'm simply amazed. You are by far the most improved member of the RP forums. It's really awesome how you stuck with it, and learned from the criticism people gave you - and now you're writing with the best of them!

You rock, dude!

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/24/2014 15:21:54)

I want to second that Zephyrial, because I too remember how BK was back then. I have to agree that he has certainly improved over the years. Great job BK, you're one of more 'preferred' roleplayers I like to interact with on these boards.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/24/2014 19:29:22)

Reviewed and edited notes into the first post.

As noted, we'll be starting 10/27. I feel it best to let you all know that it may be late 10/27 due to commitments on my end, but it should be 10/27. I'll let you know if that changes.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/25/2014 13:38:38)

@Draycos777, Who knows, maybe it is :) I figured there had to be some kind of foreign dialects going on what with all the kingdoms being separate and different, also including into mind, trade venues and such.

TJByrum -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/25/2014 14:10:24)

Kell, I'm going to try and change up a bit this go around. Working 7 days a week and then being busy after I get off makes it hard to post, but I want to try and write my posts but revise them the next day and try to make them as best as I can. As a result, I might not be able to post as often as I normally do.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Rise of Domrius - OOC (10/27/2014 19:57:58)

Was the position for traitor finalized yet? Or is it in processing?

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